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The Annual 1923 

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|S a class of nurses, we are about to step over the threshold of our 
careers. Behind us lie the patience and kindness of our school, the 
insjiiring records of those who have preceded us, and our ever humble 
and untiring efforts to succeed. 

It is, then, with gratitude, pride, and confidence that we look forward to 
the future. We can only hope and believe that these instruments, which have 
made it possible for us to achieve the first accomplishment, will continue with 
us in memory and in fact to lighten our liurdens and urge us on to new 

The responsil)ility of our task confronts us as we leave our school to take 
up practical work in fields where our Science is sorely needed. We can not 
helj) counting our purpose a high one, and the opportunities which lie before 
us boundless in their extent. 

To all those who have given their time and effort to make this book suc- 
cessful, we give our sincere thanks, and we feel that it is greatly through their 
efforts that we are able to present to our classmates this volume which, we 
hope, will be not only a pleasant reminder of busy days together, but a S3mbol 
of the ties which bind us to this institution, and of the important w^ork for 
which it stands. 

There is left for us, then, to bid farewell to our faculty, to our classmates 
"au revoir," and to our purpose to say — 

"Ad astra per aspera." 

Marth.v Patton, 192,?. 

& ^ iS 

- 1923 - 


I* Aon, 



Colonel James; B. #lennan 

^tubenW of tije tla&i of 1923 

^fje ^rmp ^cfjool of ^ur£iins 

IBttmtt W\)ii P00& 

©0 Colonel (glcnnan, our tommanbing 
officer, tne offer tf)tB bolume to txptesi, in 
part, tfje appreciation toe so feeenlp feel. 



Surgeon General, U. S. Army 




Mtvxittt Wthtv Srelanb 

jERRITTE \\'. IRELAND, Sursjeoii General, U. S. Army, was 1)orn at 
Columbia, Indiana, ?^Iay 31st. 1867. He received the M. D. Degree 
from Detroit College of Medicine in 1890. and from Jefiferson Medical 
College in 1891. In that year he was appointed Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, 
with the rank of T'irst Lieutenant, r^roni that time he saw service as Captain, 
Major, Lieutenant Colonel. Colonel, and I'.rigadier (.ieneral, and finally was 
ajjpointed to the grade of Major General in August, 1918. In Octol>er of 1918 
General Ireland was a])pointed Surgeon General of the Army. 

In his Army career General Ireland had service at various Western stations, 
in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. in the Philijjpines twice, once during 
the Philippine Insurrection, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and with the Ameri- 
can E.xpeditionary Forces where he was Assistant to the Chief Surgeon of those 
forces until May, l')18, when he was appointed Chief Surgeon, a position he held 
until his return to the I'niled States to become Surgeon General in ( >ctober, 1918. 

General Ireland has received the Distinguished Service Medal, the French 
Medaille des Epideniies, the French decoration, Commandeur, Legion d'Honnetir ; 
the British decoration. Companion. Order of the Bath ; and the Red Cross .Silver 
]\Iedal from the Serbian Government. 

He holds the degrees of LL. I), from Jefferson ^Medical College and Get- 
t}-sburg College: A. AI. from the I'niversity of Michigan: is a Fellow, Royal 
College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, .Scotland, and a F'ellow, .American College of 

General Ireland is also a member of many scientific, educational, and philan- 
throjiic organizations. 

e^ © 




^ 1923 

I 5] 

I- ae>n. 

Commanding Officer, Walter Reed U. S. A. General Hospital 




Colonel James; IB. #lennan 

OLONEL JAMES D. GLEXXAN, Medical Corps, United States Army, 
was liorn at I'iochester, Xew ^'ork. on March 2, 1862, and in early 
infancy moved with his parents to the District of Columbia, so that 
he is truly a W'ashingtonian. He completed his medical sttidies at Columbian 
University, now known as Georgfe Washington University, Washing-ton, 1). C. 

In 1888 he was commissioned in the Medical Corps and served several 
years at ])osts on the western frontier and with Indians, and was on duty 
with the Seventh Cavalry in the Sioux Indian Campaign in 1890. In 1898, as 
a Major and Brigade Surgeon, he saw active service in the Spanish-American 
War and in the Philipjjine Insurrection, and was Chief Surgeon with the 
Mexican I'unitive Expedition in 1916. 

At the beginning of the World War Colonel (ilennan was assigned to duty 
in the office of the Surgeon General as officer in charge of hospitalization for 
domestic service. Early in 1918 he was sent overseas as Chief of Hospitali- 
zation and Evacuation Division of the Chief Surgeon's f^ffice. American Ex- 
peditionary Forces, and while on that duty was promoted to the grade of 
Urigadier General. 

( ^n returning to the United States Colonel Glennan was assigned to Wal- 
ter Reed General Hosi)ital, his jtresent station, as commanding officer. During 
his long .'\rmy career Colonel Glennan has also been conmianding officer of 
the Division Hospital. Manila. 1'. I.; The Letterman General Hosi)ital. San 
Francisco. Calif. : and the .Sokliers' Home Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Sf .^ 




I - 1 


Superintendent Army Nurse Corps; Dean, Army School of Nursing 


t 8] 


ittajor Julia C. ^timson 

I'LIA C. STIMSOX was liorii in Worcester. .Massachusetts, and re- 
ceived her preliminary education at the Brearley School, New York 
City. She was y;raduated from \"assar College in 1901 and received 
the A. B. degree. She later took post-j^raduate work at Columbia University, 
New York Cit\-. and at ^^'ashing■t()n University. St. Louis. Missouri, and re- 
ceived the A. M. degree from that institution in 1017. In 1921 she received 
the honorarv degree .Sc. D. from .Mount I loKoke College. 

In 1''08 Miss .Stimson was graduated from the New York Hospital Train- 
ing .School for Nurses. I'^ollowing her graduation she was for three years 
superintendent of nurses at Harlem Hospital, New York City. In IS'll she 
toi'k charge of social service at ^Yashington University Medical School, St. 
Louis, and later liecame superintendent o\ the training .school for nurses at 
the ISarnes Hosjiital and the St. Louis Children's Hospital, in addition to 
l)eing administrator of social service. 

]\liss Stimson liecame a member of the .\rmy Nurse Cor])s and sailed for 
Euro]ie in ^lay. 1917. as Chief Nurse of liase Hospital No. 21. the St. Louis 
Unit. This hospital served with the I'ritish I'.xpeditionary Forces in France, 
and Miss Stimson remained there until .\])ril. 1'>1S. when she was assigned to 
duty with the American Red Cross in Paris. There she was made Chief 
Nurse ot the Red Cross Nursing .Service in France. In November of that 
year she was ajjpointed Director of Nursing Service. .\. F. F.. where she had 
the supervision of over 10.000 members of the Arm\- Nurse Cor])s. 

U])on her return from Euroiie in July. 1919, Miss Stimson was appointed 
Acting Superintendent, .Vrmy Nurse Cori)s, and Dean, Armv School of Nurs- 
ing, and on December ?>0. V>\9. she was ai)])ointed Su])erintendent of the Army 
Nurse Corps. When, by the act of Congress dated June 4. 1920. the members 
of the .\rmy Nurse Cor])s were given relative rank, Miss Stimson became 
Major Stimson. 

Alajor Stimson has received the Distinguished Service Medal, the British 
Royal Red Cross, first class, and the F'rench award, Medaille de la Recon- 
naissance Francaise. as well as a citation from I'leld Marshal .Sir Douglas Haig. 

She is the author of "'Nurse's Handbook of Drugs and Solutions" and 
"iMnding Themselves." and has written many rejiorts and articles. 


t'j 1 



First Dean, Army School of Nursing 


10 J 


^nnie W. #oobrit() 

|1SS AXXIE W. GOODRICH was born of American parents in New- 
Brunswick, New Jersey. She received her j^reliininar}- education in 
the ])rivate schools of Connecticut. England, and France. In 1892 she 
was graduated from the New York Hospital Training- School for Nurses, and 
for the eight years following her graduation she served as Superintendent of 
Nurses at the New York Post-Graduate Hospital, New York City. During 
the next ten years she held similar positions at St. Luke's Hospital. New York 
City, the New ^'ork Hospital, New York City, and Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, 
New York Cit\-. From 1910 to 1914 she was Inspector of Nurse Training Schools, 
New York State Education Department. 

Miss Goodrich became Director of Nurses, Henry Street Settlement, New 
York City, in 1917, and left this ]X)sition to act as Dean of the Army School 
of Nursing from early in 1918 to August of 1919. As its first Dean, she or- 
ganized the Army School of Nursing and effected the enrollment of 1,800 
selected young women as students. She left the Army School to resume her 
duties as Director of Nurses at Henry Street Settlement, where she has been 
ever since that time. In addition to her duties at Henry Street, she is Assistant 
Professor in the Dejiartnient of Nursing and Health, Teachers' College, Co- 
lumbia University, New York City. She has been affiliated with Teachers' 
College for many years, as she was lecturer there from 1904 to 191,^, and 
Assistant Professor from 1914 to the present time, with the exce]3tion of the 
time spent in Washington in connection with the Army .School. 

In the autumn of 1921 Wiss Goodrich was granted the honorary degree 
of Doctor of Science by Mount Holyoke College. In March, 192.^, the War 
Department awarded the Distinguished Service ^ledal to Miss Goodrich in 
recognition of her exce]:)tionally meritorious and distinguished services as 
organizer and first Dean of the Army School of Nursing, 

Miss Goodrich has written many articles on the subject of nursing and 
has been closely connected with various nursing organizations. She has held 
the offices of President. Anierican Nurses' Association ; President. American 
Federation of Nurses : and Vice-President, International Council of Nurses. 

In A])ril. 192,3, Miss Goodrich was appointed Dean of the first university 
undergraduate school of nursing in the L'inted States, which has been established 
at '^"ale Universitv, New Haven, Connecticut. 


1 11 1 


From left to riuht -First row. Maj. Norman '!'. Kirk. Maj. S. Jny Tiirnlnill. Maj. Don C Moore, Ma.i. .Inhii W. Sherwocul. Maj. Adam K. 
Si-hlanser, Maj. Guy L. t^nalls. 

Second row: Ma.i. Raymonil E. Seott, Maj. Raymond W. Uliss, Lieut. Col. William L. Ktllar (chief surEeonI, Col. James D. Glennan (com- 
mandinu ofticcrl. I,ieut. Col. I'aul S. Holloran, Lieut. Col. Lloyd L. Smith (medical chiefi. Maj. Mickey, Capt. Francis M. Tench. Cant. 
I'hillip Cook. 

Third row: Maj. Eoherl E. I'arrish. Maj. Lucius L. llopwood. Maj. John Dilible. Maj. James H. MontKomery. Miij. Edmund H. Spaeth, Maj Philander 
C. Riley, Maj. Henry K. li. HulTord. 

Fourth row; Capt. Patrick S. .Madij.ran, (.'apt. Ceor^e IJ. Terry. Maj. George H. Newell. Maj. Roy T. Morris. Maj. lirown S. McClintic. Maj. 

Hertel Makel, C'a()t. Arthur H. Nylen. Capt. Albert I'. Kinherjrer, Maj. Henry C. Hradford. Maj. James I'. Crawford, Capt. Harris T. Doust. 
Fifth row: Tiieut. James L. Alverson, Maj. James E. Philli[is. Maj, Henry C. Coburn, Maj. Albert W. Kenner, Capt. Nolan N. Canter, Capt. 

John F. Lieberman. Capt. Francis K. Weatherby, Cajit. Carlttm C Starkes, Capt. Chauncey Dovell, Capt. Earle F. Greene. 
Sixth row: Cai)t. James N. Lothrof), Cal)t. James H. Mann, Capt. William J. Freebourn, Maj, James G. MorninKstar, Capt. Hayes, Capt. Clarence 

C. Olsen, Maj. Edirar F. }Inincs. Maj. Charles M. Walson, Maj. James A. Dethea. Capt. William E. Sankey, ('apt. Joseph R. Darnell, Capt. 

l)e Forest liallou. l.icul. L. V:in Ness InKvam, ('a()t. William li, Foster, J r. 

!• (R).©n 

Jf acultp of ^bminifiitration 

Maj. Gen. Merritte W. Ireland, 

Surgeon General, U. S. Army, 

Washington, D. C. 

Maj. Ji:i.iA C. Stimson, 

Superintendent. Army Nurse Corps, 

Dean. Army School of Nxir.sing, 

Wa.shington, D. C. 

Walter Reed General Hospital, 
Washington, D. C. 

Col. Jamks D. fiLEWA.N. Commanding. 

Lt. Col. W'lu.iAM L. Keller, 
Chief of Surgical Service. 

Lt. Col. L. L. Smith. 

Chief of Medical Service, 

Advisor. Army School of Nursing. 

Capt. Elizabeth D. Reid. 
.Assistant Superintendent, Army Nurse Corps. 

First Lieut. Elizaiseth Melbv. 
Chief Nurse, Army Nurse Corps, 

5ui)ervisor of Instruction. Army School of 



Letterman General Hospital, 
San Francisco, Calif. 

Col. Albert E. Trubv, Commanding. 

Capt. DoR.\ E. Thompso.n', 
Assistant Superintendent, Army Nurse Corps. 

First Lieut. Ruth I. Taylor, 
Chief Nurse, Army Nurse Corps, 

Supervisor of Instruction, Army School of 


t 13 ] 


Chief Nurse, Walter Reed General Hospital — April, 1922-February, 1923 


When we arrived at Walter Reed on October 1, l'J20, we were jri'eeted by Miss Anne Williamson, who 
watched over U3 and helped us during those trying days of probation and shared with us our joy when 
we received our caps. Regretfully we said good-bye to her when we left for Philadelphia, because we 
knew that when we were to return a new chief nurse would be presiding. 

After eight months' affiliation, on Easter Sunday, 1922, we were welcomed to the Post by Miss 
Elizabeth Reid. We found her to be a friend who had our interests close at heart. When Miss Reid left 
for New York to take up work at Columbia University we were pleased to learn that she would be 
succeeded by Mrs. Julia Flikke, whom we had already learned to love. 

For three years these chief nurses have been our guardians, giving us freely their counsel and help 
and, greatest of all, an inspiration to better work and higher ideals. 


1 14 ] 

I" p).Q.a 

0tUtevi of 3ns!truction 

Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. 

(.ol. Sfibcrt D. lioak, D. C. 
Chief of Dental Section. 
Lecturer in dental diseases. 

I.t. Col. Lloyd L. Smith, M. C, 
Chief of Medical Section. 

Advisor. Army School of Nursing. 

Maj. J, W". Bethea, M. C. 
Chief of Urology Section, 

Lecturer in venereal and urology. 

Maj. James P. Crawford. M. C, 
Lecturer in chemistry. 

Maj. John S. Gaul, M. C. 

Lecturer in septic surgery. 

Afaj. Henry K. B. Hufiford, M. C, 
Lecturer in orthopedic surgery. 

Maj. Norman T. Kirk, M. C. 

Lecturer in orthojjedic surgery. 

.\Iuj. James B. Montgomery. M. C. 
Lecturer in physio therapy. 

Maj. Alexander D. Parce. M. C. 

Lecturer in principles of surgery. 

Maj. Robert E. Parrish. M. C. 

Lecturer in otology, rhinolngy. and 

Maj. Philander C. Riley. M. C. 

Lecturer in general medical 

Maj. William L. Sheep, M. C, 

Lecturer in abnormal psychology. 

Maj. Raymond E. Scott. M. C. 

Lecturer in microbology and pathology, 

Maj. John W. Sherwood. M. C. 
Lecturer m occupational therapy. 

Maj. Edmund B. Spaeth. M. C, 
Lecturer in ophthalmology. 

Maj. Charles M. Walson. M, C. 
l^ecturer in public sanitation. 

Capt. Noland M. Canter. M. C, 
Lecturer in Rontgenology. 

Capt. Philip L. Cook, M. C, 

Lecturer in peripheral nerve surgery. 

Capt. Joseph R. Darnall. M. C. 
I^ecturer in materia medica. 

Capt. Herbert N. Dean, M. A. C. 
Officer in charge of military drill. 

Capt. Chauncey E. Dowell, M. C, 
Lecturer in empyema surgery. 

Capt. Beverley M. E|)es, D. C, 
Lecturer in dental diseases. 

Capt. William B. Foster, M. C 

Lecturer in anatomy and physiology. 

Capt. James B. Mann, D. C. 
Lecturer in dental diseases. 

Capt. Elizabeth D. Reid, A. N. C, 

Assistant Superintendent, Army Nurse 

Capt. William E. Sankey, D. C, 
Lecturer in dental diseases. 

Capt. Carlton C. Starkcs, M. C, 
Lecturer in anesthesia. 

l-"irst Lieut. Jessie M. Braden, A. N. C, 
Cliarge nurse, laboratory. 

First Lieut. Lucy W. Holden, A. X. C, 

Instructor in operating-room technique. 

First Lieut. Elizabeth Melby. A. N. C. 
Charge instruction. Army School of 

First Lieut. Mary W. Tobin, A. N. C, 
Instructor in practical nursing. 

.Second Lieut. Lillian M. Smith, A. N. C, 
Instructing supervisor. 

Miss Genevieve Field, head dietitian. 

Instructor in dietetics and diet in disease. 

Miss Alberta Montgomery. 

Supervisor of occupational therapy. 

Miss Emma E. Vogel, 

Supervisor of physio therapy. 

Miss Bertha B. York, 

Head physio therapy aide. 

Letterman General Hospital, 
San Francisco, Calif. 

Lieut. Col. Julien R. Bernlieim. D. C, 
Lecturer in dental diseases. 

Maj. Charles K. Berle, M. C, 
Lecturer in physio therapy. 

Maj. George D. Chunn, M. C, 

Lecturer in constitutional diseases. 

Maj. Haskett L. Conner. M. C. 

Lecturer in anatomy and physiology. 

Maj. Harry Louis Dale, M. C. 

Lecturer in diseases of the ear. nose, and 


[ 15 1 



Mrs. Julia O. Flikke 

- 1923 


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Maj. Roland A. Davison, M. C, 

Lecturer in diseases of urinary tract. 

Maj. William G. Guthrie. M. C, 

Lecturer in diseases of liver and pancreas. 

Maj. Edward G. Huber, M. C.. 
Lecturer in public sanitation. 

Maj. Augustus B. Jones. M. C. 

J^ecturer in communicable diseases. 

Maj. Max R. Stockton. M. C. 

Lecturer in diseases of the eye. 

Maj. Ward S. Wells, M. C, 

Lecturer in diseases of circulatory sys- 

Maj. Thomas D. Woodson. M. C, 
Lecturer in mental diseases. 

Capt. James W. Duckworth, M. C. 
Lecturer in surgery. 

ra])t. Kenneth G. Kincaid. M. A. C. 
Lecturer in applied chemistry. 

Cain. Kdward J. Strickler, M. C. 

Lecturer in elements of p.sycliology. 

e'apt. Elmer S. Tenney, M. C, 
Lecturer in bacteriology. (? 

Capt. Leonard W. Weaver, M. C, 

Lecturer in skin and venereal diseases. 

First Lieut. Margaret E. Thompson, A. N. C, 
Instructor in ethics and hospital house- 

First Lieut. Ruth L Taylor, A. N. C, 

Instructor in nursing principles and 

.Second Lieut. Frances D. Troutman. A. N. C., 
Instructor in operating-room technique. 

Miss Evaline M. Kerr, head dietitian. 
Instructor in nutrition. 

Miss Perle Dubois, 

Supervisor of occupational therapy. 





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I IH 1 

^ Aan 

iHajor Salter Eeeli, JSI. ®. 

irihii nature has 'worh to be dour site ereiifes a (leiiitis to do it." — Emekson. 

ALTER REED was liorn in Gloucester County, Virginia, September 13, 

1851. His parents were descendants of our English Colonial pioneers 

iM^fc^ and he inherited from them the perseverance, self-control, and force 

of character which marks so significantly those early struggles in the Colonies, 

When the boy was six years old he began his education at a private school 
in Farmville, Prince Edward County. His keen desire for knowledge was 
manifested in his untiring efforts and his rapid advancement. At the age of 
16, Walter Reed entered the University of Virginia and two years later, in 
1867, was graduated, receiving his degree of Doctor of Medicine. A few 
months after graduation he matriculated as a medical student at the Bellevue 
Hospital Medical College, receiving his M. D. a year later. 

The next few vears were spent by the young doctor in various New York 
hospitals and as a district physician to one of the poorest districts in the city. 
The work afforded him a varied field of experience hut permitted little time 
for studv and so, after serious reflection. Dr. Reed decided to give up his 
civilian life and applied for entrance into the ^Medical Corps of the Army. 

In 1875 he l)rilliantly passed his entrance examination, received his com- 
mission of First Lieutenant, and his appointment at Willets Point. New York 
Harbor. The following year he was transferred to Camp Lowell, Arizona, 
but before he left was married to Miss Emilie Lawrence, of Murfreesboro. 
North Carolina, who shared with him the hardships of that western frontier life. 
There followed for the Reed family eighteen years of garrison life, including 
fifteen changes of station — years of training in constant daily, unselfish de- 
votion to the needs of others, often amid most uncongenial surroundings — a 
iDroad training which prepared Lieutenant Reed quite unconsciously for the 
great work in store for him. While stationed in Baltimore, in 1881, Captahi 
Reed, he had recently been promoted, pursued his studies at Johns Hopkins 
Universitv. His work there included courses in pathology, bacteriology, and 
research work, as well as general medicine and surgery. In 1893, when ordered 
to duty in the Surgeon General's Office, he was promoted to the rank of Major 
and appointed Curator of the Army Medical Museum and Professor of Bac- 
teriology and Clinical Microscopy in the United States Army Medical School. 
Major Reed's years of service in Washington, which were notable because of 
contributions to the scientific world, not only in the capacity of an instructor 
but also as a pioneer in new fields of research work, finally culminated; in 
that momentous expedition to Cuba in 1900, Yellow fever had broken out 



[ 19 I 

=^^ Ban 

among the .Vmerican troops stationed at Havana. The mortality rate was 
extremely high, as no available means of controlling the disease was at that 
time known. A committee headed by Major Walter Reed, whose assistants 
were Dr. James Carol. Dr. Jesse W. Lazear, and Dr. jVristides .Agramonte. was 
sent to Havana to investigate the condition there. The record of that investi- 
gation is a story of unflinching duty, of self-sacrifice and self-efifacement, a 
story of men who unhesitatingly volunteered to offer themselves as subjects 
for tests whose outcome might be and sometimes were fatal. The unfaltering 
work of these men and their wonderful, inspiring lovalty to their cause made 
the commission successful. 

After carefully observing a great many cases and aided by bacterial and 
niicroscojMcal study. Dr. Reed discovered that the mosquito C. fasciatus serves 
as the intermediate host for the parasite of yellow fever. Thus by protecting 
])atients from the carriers and eradication of the mosquitoes, a definite method 
of control was made possible, although the specific organism which causes 
yellow fever was unknown. E.\])eriments were conducted to discover the 
exact length of time necessar\- for incubation. It was at this time that Dr. 
Lazaer was bitten by one of the dread carriers. He developed yellow fever 
in its most virulent form and died a few days later. The hardshijis and sac- 
rifices of that little band of workers in Cuba brought direct results. Not a 
single case of yellow fever occurred in Havana and as far as is known in 
Cuba in 1002. The world was thus freed of a dread disease. 

Upon his return to \\'ashington, Alajor Keed resumed his work at the 
.■\rmy IMedical School and as Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in 
Co!uml)ian University. In 1902 Harvard University bestowed upon him the 
honorary degree of M. A., and shortly after the degreed of LL. D. was con- 
ferred on him by the University of Alichigan. 

At the zenith of his career, with great work done but such far-reaching 
possibilities before him. the great man w\as obliged to leave the field to other 
daring searchers. At the Army Hospital P.arracks. on November 22, 1902, 
Major Reed was operated u])on for appendicitis. Due to his weakened con- 
dition and lowered vitality, he was unable to cope with the complications that 
followed and he died the sixth day after the operation. He rests with the 
world's heroes at Arlington. On a knoll overlooking the City of \\'ashington 
stands the beautiful marble monument which his wife and two children have 
erected to his memory. 

Dr. Reed was a skilled surgeon : he was a world-famed bacteriologist ; but 
the lesson of his life is : "that the secret of happiness and usefulness 
lies rather in giving what we can to life than in getting what we can from it." 


[21 1 

!• p).Q.a 

l^i^toxv of Walttt i^eeb (General ^o^pital 

lALTEK REED tiEXERAL liOSITlAE is maintained for tlu- care 
of the sick and woimded in the Army, as well as those discharged or 
disal)led during the war. The late Major \\'alter Reed, of the Army 
Medical Corps, a famous surg-eon, sanitarian, and bacteriologist, whose investi- 
gations and researches in typhoid fever, cholera, and yellow fever are especially 
noteworthy, is the man in honor this institution was named. The 
history of the Walter Reed General }Tos])ital is one of rapid development. 

l"he hospital is situated in Takoma Park on a tract of land comjjrising 
109 acres. The ground on which the hospital stands has a militarv history 
of its own. It is on the site of the of Fort Stevens, which was the 
engagement between the Union forces under General McCook and the Con- 
federate troops led hy General Earlv. 

As early as 1862, it had been recommended l)y the Surgeon General that 
a permanent hospital be established in Washington in connection with the 
Army Medical School, but it was not until 1905 that Congress authorized the 
purchase of the land which was designated as the site of the new militarv 
hospital to be given the name of Walter Reed General Hospital. The Admin- 
istration Building was com])leted in 190S. As the Hosjtital expanded, additional 
buildings were erected and at the ])resent time, besides the numerous temporary 
buildings, there are eight permanent buildings, the prevailing type of architecture 
being Maryland Colonial. 

- 1923 

22 ] 


The Hospital was formally opened on April 14, 190S), there being on duty 
at that time five officers, sixty-two enlisted men. and three civilian employees. 
The patients in the hos])ital at the end of May included five officers, eleven 
enlisted men, and one civilian. On June 21, 1911, one chief nurse and three 
nurses joined the personnel, a fifth nurse arriving three days later. The 
enormous expansion which became necessary may be better understood when 
we learn that the bed ca])acity increased from 930 beds at the end of 1917 to 
2,500 beds at the end of 1918. Though the construction of temporary build- 
ings had been begun in 1917. additional land was acquired a year later and 
more temporarv buildings were constructed to meet this need. The first real 
contingent of overseas wounded arrived in July. 1918, and thereafter until the 
end of the year averaged about 300 monthly. .\t the close of the year there 
were 865 orthopedic cases, 620 being amjjutations. 

With the increase in the numbers of patients followed a Cdrresjionding 
increase in the personnel and all the hospital facilities. All indications that 
the hospital is building for the future, when it will undoubtedly be the Army 
medical center of Eastern United States, is manifested by the complete and 
thorough equipment of its various dei)artments. The Laboratory, X-Kay De- 
partment. Hydro and Electro Therapy De])artments. ( )ccu])ational Therapy 



^ a©.n. 

Department, the E. N. T., Eve and Dental Clinics are all supplied with the 
most approved and modern ajiparatus and appliances. 

The Army ]\Iedical School Building- is now in the course of erection. 
Plans are also made for a building to contain the Surgeon General's Library, 
the largest collection of medical literature in the world, and the Army Medical 
Museum. In addition to the htispital. the training activities conducted at 
Walter Reed include the Army Medical School, the Army Dental School, and 
the Armv School of Nursing ; also training courses in dietetics, physio-therapy, 
and laboratory technique. Thus liesides being the largest military hospital 
in the country, it is an important training- center for the personnel of the vari- 
ous branches of the Medical Department of the Ami}-. When all the plans 
for its future exj^ansion are realized, it is ])robable that the name of the hospital 
will be changed to the Walter Reed Medical Center, the hospital proper com- 
prising one deiJartment and the various training activities another. 

Walter Reed is a hospital, and it is a paradise of natural beauty — gardens 
Ijetween the wards, gardens everywhere, and trees and shrubbery and lawns. 
This beautiful hospital, which has restored to health and usefulness so many 
men from across the seas, is a glorious memorial to the brave American surgeon 
who gave his life to rid the world of a great scourge. 

I ^ 

^IJRGEOM ^■l N: rAL IJ, [. A 

1 !r(ucj !9:a^ 



[2,'; ] 

t aan 




, OF THt S 


AND enListed m: 

■;/ WORLD ^^^R i 




I 26 ] 


^isitorp of (Occupational ^i^tvapy 

IXCE the vear of 17''1 there has lieeii mention of occupational therajiy 
hv various doctors, thou{,4i the ])ractice of supplementing medical treat- 
ment with curative and diversional occupations was not known hv that 
name until December 28, 1914, when Edward Barton, at a conference of hos- 
pital workers called by the Massachusetts State Board of Insanity at Boston, 
used that term. 

From a slow, strugjjling^ existence, occupational therapy was suddenly 
swept into the current of necessity which the war had created and. to meet 
the emergency, schools of occupational thera])y were estaljlished where short 
courses of intensive training were given to ycmng women, most of whom had 
alreadv had experience in teaching, design, craft work, library work, com- 
mercial and academic work, etc. 

The first reconstruction aides in occupational therai)y were apV)ointed by 
the War Department early in 1918. 

Three enthusiastic, determined women, Mrs. Helen T. Smith and the 
Misses Julia and Alice Brice. began the work at Walter Reed General Hosi)ital 
in Wards A and B. now 18 and 19. They faced many obstacles and discour- 
agements. Thev made the diet kitchen of Ward 18 their headquarters, cloak 
room, office, and supply room. They soon discovered that the refrigerator 
on the porch made an excellent storeroom for their reed and raffia, until one 
day it was discovered by the inspector. This was the first of a long .series 
of adjustments to unfamiliar regulations, but they cheerfully continued to do 
their work and to learn the ways of the Army. 

At the end of the first month there were thirty ])atients working. They 
made ba.skets with odds and ends of reed and bead chains from bits of bead 
trimmings sent in by \\'ashington ladies. Each day at 12 o'clock the nurses 
came for instruction in basketry and mop-making, at that time considered a 
suitable and worth-while occupation. 

April 23. 1918. a Director of Occupaticjnal Therapy was a])])ointed. \\'ith 
this added dignity, the department was moved into the old Lay Mansion, a 
two-storv. weather-stained building which stood on the ground back of the 
nurses' mess hall where the two tennis courts now are. The Supervi.sor's 
office, the su]^i)lies for the craft work, the weaving shop, and the academic 
and commercial dejiartments occupied the rooms upstairs, while the ortho- 
pedic shoji and other offices occupied the lower floor. The woodworking, 
drafting, and jewelrv were crowded into tem])orary quarters in the power house. 

During September and October of 1918. the number of aides rapidly in- 
creased. Talented women left important ixisitions and professions to lend 
their services to occupational thera])y. 

In November. 1918. the de])artment was moved to the new building in 


[27 J 

!• aen 

the ninety section which had just been comjileted, and where the department 
now continnes its work. That was an important epoch in the histor}' of 
occupational therapy at Waher Reed General Hospital. At last there was an 
opportunit\' to develoj) new ideas and to fornnilate better plans to broaden 
the scope of the work. 

Many aides were apjjointed and sent to this hospital for a short course of 
work prei)aratory to ajipointment for overseas service, as well as for work 
in the many Army hosj)itals then bein^ established in this country. With 
this in mind, a series f)f lectures and demonstrations were arranged and given. 
There were lectures on jisychologfy, 7\rmy discipline, and customs oi the 
service, and the importance of coo])eration with doctors and nurses. There 
were denifjiistrations of yari(nis crafts that could he done with very little 
equipment or extra planning^; there were others analyzing the various move- 
ments of joints and muscles as they were brought into play in using different 
tools, devices, and machinery. This was the outgrowth of tests made in 
metrotherapy, a subject dealing with the measurement of im])rovement in 
the range of movement in joints and strength of muscle as applied to ortho- 
pedic cases, and many j)atients of this type were assigned to definite shop 
work in order to develop and strengthen the injured members. Aides were 
continually coming and going: some were sent overseas; others were sent 
to the Army hospitals in this country. With the signing of the armistice more 
definite plans were made and conditions became more settled in the spring 
of 1919. 


Occupational Therapy, Walter Reed General Hospital 


L2!l J 

Nurses' Quarters Number One, Walter Reed General Hospital 


]\Ianv classes were oro^anized, iiickidinp work in various academic and 
commercial sulijects. instruction for civil service, the use of office ajipliances 
of various tvpes, printing, photography and motion-picture work, art work, 
drafting, weaving, electrical work, wood work, jewelry and metal work, oxy- 
acetvlene welding, auto mechanics and machine-sho]) work, vulcanizing, and 
various tvjies of work in agriculture, including greenhouse, dairy, and poultry 

As the department grew and new work was estahlished, reorganization 
and new systematizing was necessary. ISesides furnishing diversion to occujiy 
a patient's mind and thus hasten his recovery by keei)ing him in a contented 
attitude, and being a thera])eutic measure for those assigned to a definite cura- 
tive work, the shops and classrooms furnished a large exploratory field to 
prepare patients for vocational training after their discharge from the hospital. 
For others it has sui)plied an avocation that they are carrying into their 
homes. For still others it has been the means of developing an a])preciation 
for better quality in many of the little things that contribute to their environ- 

In the spring of 1921 "The Coiue-Back." an official Army ])ublication, 
was discontinued as such, but the name was allowed to be ap])lied to the little 
])a])er since then ])ublished by this 1ios]iital under the direction of the occupa- 
tional therapy dejiartment. 

\Mien the need for aides was at its height a one-year course in occu])a- 
tional thera])y was established, but as the war emergency passed and other 
schools supplied the demand, this was discontinued. .Also, shftrt courses in 
the work have been arranged and given to the student nurses of this hos])ital. 

For the interest and education of the public, and the disposal of extra 
Ijroducts made 1iy the patients, an exhibition and salesroom was established 
in Building 95. where visitors ma\- see or ])urchase the work of the patients. 

In the summer of 1919 the Aides' Club came into being. A large remod- 
eled farmhouse, located a cou])le of blocks away from the hos])ital grounds, 
was secured for headquarters. This, with the aid of si.xteen Armv tents and 
one mess tent, furnished living acconmutdations and manv unforgetable ex])e- 
riences to the aides. 

During the war emergency the Medical .Social Service I)e]>artment of the 
.\rmy had a large personnel and functioned most coojjeratively as an inde- 
])endent organization. Later, however, they were reduced in numbers, their 
work l)eing largely comjileted or absorbed by other organizations. The re- 
maining personnel are now a ])art of the occupational thera])y department, 
though they still conduct a sort of clearing house for the social need of the 
patients as discovered not only by themselves, but by other occupational 
therajiy aides, all of whom do some social service work ; also by ward sur- 
geons,, other agencies, and individuals. They are especiallv active in 
disseminating information regarding the school and shops. 


- 1923 - 

I 31 1 


I- R.Q.a 

The school cares for all the ])atients desirinij- academic or coniniercial 
work. Instructors are sent to the individual i)atients confined in bed or 
wards until they are able to jjo to the classrooms or shoi^s. where they may 
avail themselves of complete courses nUnig academic or commercial lines. 
From time to time, as they lit in with other work, educational trips to the 
Capitol, Library of Consjress, liureau of I'rintinef and Ivngraving. and other 
iniblic buildings are planned for the jiatients. 

Craft work, which has always been one of the most po]udar forms of 
occupational thera])y. both for its stimulating interest and therapeutic value, 
is provided for the patients in the wards, while the shops offer work in various 
arts, crafts, and technical subjects. To tit the urgent needs of the department 
many of the shojjs have been moved, remodeled, or enlarged. 

Cooperation for social affairs and ])ageantry in connection with lulv the 
Fourth celebrations. C"hristmas activities, etc., has alwavs received s])ecial atten- 
tion from the entire dejiartment. 

F'rom time to time instructive lectures b\ doctors and other per.sonnel of 
the as well as experts in various crafts and suiijects of interest have fur- 
nished in.spiration for the high standard of work maiiuained hv the department. 

Occupational Therapy, Walter Reed General Hospital 


t33 J 

I" aaa 


Jlisitorp of 3^i)PS!io nTfterapp at l^altcr Eeeb 
General J|ospital 

HE Phvsio Therapy Department as we kimw it to-day at \\'alter Reed 
General Hospital was one of the early dei)annients of the institution. 
Previous to the arri\al of i)hysio therapy aides, corpsnien. especially 
trained, administered treatments in hydro :uk1 electro therajiv in two rooms in 
the hasement of the Administration P.uildinj;. In Fehriiary, 1918, when the first 
aides re]>orted for duty. ])hysio thcrai)y activities were transferred to Wards 18 
and ]'>, where the first patients were treated. As the number of overseas ])atients 
increased, the scene of i)hysio therapy action was shifted to the building on (Georgia 
Avenue, now nccuijied by the physio therapy aides. Here the sun parlor 
served as a treatment room for massag^e, the ward kitchen as an (jffice, and 
the linen room was conA-erted inln a hydro ronni. In a few months the 
department was moved again, this time to \\'ard 5f). where the whole ward 
was given over to treatments in massage, the electro and hydro therapy de- 
partments still being located in the Administration lUiilding. 

It was not until April. P'P*. that all the branches were consolidated in the 
elaborate new phvsio therapy home, known to all "Walter Reedites" as Ward 
76. The department consists of a hirge room, containing thirty i)linths for 
treatments in massage and eleclnj therajiy, two rooms for cabinet baths and 
tonic hvdro treatments, a well equipped gymnasium, and several private treat- 
ment rooms. Plere the real work of e.^iiansion began. The latest hydro and 
electro ajijiaratus was installed. The number of trained aides increased very 
rajjidlv, until todav the physio therapy department at Walter Reed is one 
of the largest and best e(juipped in the whole country. 

\\'e can not pass by these early days without an expression of appreciation 
for the ])ioneers in this work — ^Sliss ^larguerite Sanderson. Miss Mary McMil- 
lan, and Major l->ank 1!. Granger. Their faith in the value of physio therapy 
and their determination to establish and maintain high .standards helped lay 
the foundations of a department then very nuich of an adventure in Army 
hospitals, but which has long since ])roved its value as an adjunct in the 
treatment of patients. 

In July, 1919, the swinuning ])ool, a gift from Walter Reed's fairy god- 
mother. Airs. Henrv Rea. was dedicated. Its popularity brought many people 
to Ward 76. though the administration of the pool was under the direction 
of the recreational officer. It was not until late in 1921 that the management 
of the pool was transferred to the ]ihysio therajyv department. 


1 34 ] 


Ph\-sio therapy, being an innovation in Army hospitals, met with a great 
(leal of opposition. Its progress was slow. It was not mitil 1920. under 
the direction of Major James P>. ]\Iontgomery, that the dejiartment was ])lac'ed 
on a safe and sound working basis. Since that time there has Ijeen an in- 
creasing confidence in the value of physio therapy, and consequently the co- 
o])eration of the other services has grown jiroportionatelv. 

In October, 1922. due to a lack of trained aides to fill the vacancies in 
Arnn- hosjiitals. the .Surgeon General authorized a course in phvsio therapy 
to be given at Walter Reed. This hospital was chosen as the training center 
because of its unusual facilities. In conjunction with the .\rmv School of 
Nursing, an intensive course of four months was given to this class, consisting 
of fourteen graduates of jihysical educational schools. Of these, eleven re- 
ceived certificates of jiroficiency. ten of whom accepted a]ipointments as iihysio 
therajjy aides in Army hos])itals. 




[ 3.^. 



Durinp the war the Red Cross assumed the task of safeguarding- the 
welfare and the homes of our fighting men and aided in maintaining the morale 
of the forces in the held. Thev took upon themselves the responsibility of 
assisting ex-service men to become reestablished or made self-sup])Drting 
through the i)roper use of governmental ])rovisions. The activities at Walter 
Reed General Hospital are directed by a field director and her assistants, 
aided by the devoted and untiring "Grey Ladies." Their work includes home 
service, entertainment, ward visiting, and distribution of suj)plies. They aim 
to keep the morale of the men to the highest possible standard. 

.\t Walter Reed General Hospital there is a large Red Cross convalescent 
home where in winter time moving ])ictures are shown four times a week. 
There are musicales on Sunday afternoon in which local, as well as artists of 
national and international fame take iiart and where the music given is of 
the verv highest character. Every two weeks there is a dance, and twice a 
month there is a social evening at home at which games are arranged with 
])rizes and refreshments. Although the hospital is of easy access to the city, 
whenever an entertainment is staged at the Red Cross House the attendance 
is alwavs verv large, and at the weekly ])erfonTiance of vaudeville, which is 
given bv the performers of the Keith Circuit, the house is filled to capacity. 

For the wards where there are great numbers of bed jiatients entertainment 
is likewise jirovided for those men who are unable to take part in the festivi- 
ties at the Red Cross House. Aside from the entertainment mentioned, outdoor 
athletic sports are arranged. To enumerate the entertainments arranged in 
the city by local organizations or i>rovided In- local theaters would he almost 
impossible in this lirief narrative. 

The activities of the American Red Cross are not only confined to the 
patient body of the hospital, but at all times a ready hand and a hearty welcome 
is extended to the entire personnel of the hos])ital. 



[ 3fi ] 


'J'he work of the Knig-hts of Columlsus at Walter Reed General Hospital 
had its inception with the ceremonies of the dedication of the local hut by 
His Eminence, the late Cardinal Gilibons, on November 24, 1918. 

During the period that followed and down to the i)resent day the activi- 
ties of the Knig-hts of Columbus have been many and varied, and anything 
and everything that would contribute to the greater comfort of the veterans 
of the World War and the ])ersonnel who administer unto them has been con- 
sidered within the scope of the task undertaken by that organization when 
officiallv designated for welfare work among our troops at home and overseas. 

The Knights of Columbus will continue to function at Walter Reed 
General Hospital until their full duty to the sick and wounded veterans of 
the World War has been discharged in accordance with the contract they 
assumed in the earh' davs of the war. 

Electric Score Board, World Series 



I" a©.a 

'I'he Pcist Library is maintained fur the use of the entire personnel of the 
ixjst. The lil)rar>- is one of the regulation temporary buildings and was at 
one time a ward. It is centrally located and is a cheerful and comfortable 
place in which to read or write letters. There are over 10.000 volumes on 
its shelves, rejjresentative newsiiapers from all sections of the United .States, 
an<l the best magazines are always to lie found in the reading room. 

The service to the patients in bed is the essential difiference from that ren- 
dered by a public library to its jiatrons. At least once a week every bed- 
patient is visited by a librarian with a book-cart containing fifty books and 
as many magazines from which to make a selection. If there is nothing on 
the l)ook-cart that appeals to the jiatient a note is made of his preferences, 
which are later sent to him. 

The library is open from 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. daily. .Sunday included. It is 
under the jurisdiction of the Surgeon Generar.s office and is supjiorted largely 
from local funds. 


The ^ . M. C. A. was one of the welfare organizations earlv on the post, 
occupying during the summer of 1917 part of the basement of the Alain Build- 
ing and later a room in the Red Cross House, the present "Y" building being 
dedicated on Christmas Eve, 1918. 

Since that date the "Y" program has included dances, movie shows, picnics, 
lectures, vaudeville entertainments, religious meetings, sightseeing tri]«, and 
all kinds of athletics, with tennis and basketball propably the outstanding. 
While ward work was relinquished in December. 1919, the building continued 
to attract many patients, detachment men, nurses, and aides, there being a well- 
stocked librarw game room. ]iool tables, social room, writing room, and gvm- 
nasium — trulv a place where visitors may spend their leisure hours profitalily. 


I 3.' 

w^ Aan, 



Medical Director, Army of the Potomac 



L 3fl 1 


jUajor Jonathan letterman, Jil. B. 

< )X \'J"}1AX I^I"l"rj",kMA.\" was born in Canon.shurg. Pennsylvania, on 
l)eceinl)er 11, 1824. His father, an eminent surjjeon and physician in 
tlic western part of that State, larefuily educatefl his son for his own 
_)rotession. tlis studies were directed hy a private tutor until he entered 
Jefferson Collef.;e in his native county in 1(>42, from which he was i^raduated 
three years later. Letternian continued his medical studies at Jefferson Medical 
C'oliefj-e, Philadel])hia, graduatinj^ from tliat institution in March. 1849, In the 
same \-ear he successfully ])assed the examination g-iven hy the Armv Medical 
I'.oard ill New N'ork City and was a])])ointe(l an Assistant .Surgeon in the 

Tiie youn<^ Surjjfeon's first .service was in i-'lorida in the campaigns against 
tlie Seminole Indians. When stationed at h'ort Rijiley. Minnesota, he marched 
with tr(i()])s lo New .Mexico and continued there on frontier dut\ for four 
\ears. In IS.'*' he was on dnt\ at Fort .Monroe. \'irginia : 1860 found him 
in California, where he was engaged in an ex])editioii against the Pah Cte 
Indians; in .Vovemher. 1861. he acconi])anied troops from California to Xew 
^"ork Citv. 

In June. 186J, Cai>tain l.etterman was a])])ointed .Medical Director of the 
.\rmv ot the Potomac, witii instructions to proceed to Harrison's Landing, 
where the troojjs weie then stationed, 'i'o his care had liecn connnitted the 
health, the comfort, and the lives of thousands of soldiers, ^\"ith a sincere 
delennin.-ition ti> faith full v <lischarge his duty. l.etterman first directed his 
attention tn the removal from the Peninsula of the great number of sick, 
wounded, and liroken-<iowii men; secondK , he strove to institute sanitar\- 
measures for im])roving and i)reserving the health of the troo|)s, and lastlv 
to i)rovi(le sufficient medical su])plies that the work might be well done. 'I'he 
great need of an ambulance corps had long Iteen felt, and Dr. Letterman drew 
U]) the plans which organized an efficient and ra|)id means of transjxirting 
wounderl soldiers. The details of the organization were jierfected and em- 
bodied in the act passed by Congress in 1864. .Medical sui)])lies for use 
in the care of the wounded were woefully insufficient. P.\- careful selection 
the amount of su])])lies was reduced and ade(|uate means of trans]iorting them 
made availalile. In 186J Dr. l.etterman published an important circular estab- 
lishing field hospitals and jirovidinjj for all the details necessarv for the 
l)rom])t and efficient care of the wounded. The .\mbulance Coqis. the method 
of supply, and the I'ield Hosjiital system were carefully designed to work 
as a whole and the success of the organization was demonstrated b\- the excel- 



I- PyQ.n. 

lent care which was g;iven to the wounded in the hattle that followed. Amid 
the labors required to accomplish these results he did not lose sight of the 
imj)ortance of proper record keeping, and his reports were clear and compre- 
hensive, kept with a degree of accuracy' and care which could have been secured 
only in a well organized and thoroughly disci])lined Medical I)e])artment. 

In October, 1863, Dr. Letterman was married to Miss Mar\- Lee, of 
Maryland. A few months later he recjuested the War l)e])artnient to release 
him from his duties. It seems he must have felt that other hands could now 
be trusted with the guidance of the instrument which he had so laboriouslv 
designed and perfected. In 1864, on being relieved from Armv dutv. Dr. 
Letterman accepted a position as su])erintendent of a commercial com])an\- in 
Southern California, and while thus engaged ])ub]ished his work entitled 
"Medical Recollections of the .Army of the Potomac." It is filled with ])rac- 
tical observations and is a valuable contribution to the science and art of 
military administration. While serving as coroner of the citv and countv 
of San Francisco in 1867. a great affliction fell ujjon him in the sudden death 
of his devoted wife. After finishing his duties as a public official Dr. Letter- 
man retired to private life, and though the years that followed were bus\' 
and filled with marked success, he never recovered from the sorrow caused bv 
his wife's death. His health was alrea<I\ seriously impaired bv chronic disease 
of the intestines, and after a serious illness of a few weeks he died on March 5. 
1872. lie is buried at Lone Mountain Cemeterv. near .San Francisco. 

"Dr. Letterman's character was fif such simplicity that no extended ])hrases 
are required to do it honor. His directness of speech and manner expressed 
the frankness and sincerity of his nature. A true friend to all who gained 
his confidence, he was unswerving in his devotion to the right, and it niav 
be truly said that he was an honest man in thought and deed. To him is 
justly due the praise of originating a swsteni of medical administration which 
alleviated the suffering and ])reserved the lives of thousands of his country- 
men, added to the vigor and effective fighting strength of the i>rinci])al Armv 
of the Republic, and materia!l\- aided in ])erfecting and maintaining its dis- 

"For having done these things, he has a just claim to the grateful remem- 
brance of his ])rofessional brethren, of his militarv associates, and of his 




I -ii 1 

!• R.Q.a 

^\)t iletterman (General J|osipital 

v. Lx'ttennan (ieneral Hosjiita!. beautifully located only a short distance 
from the city of San Francisco, was organized and founded in 1898 and 
then known as the L'nited States Army General Hos])ital. Presidio of 
San Francisco. The need of a hospital had arisen when the Eij^jhth Armv 
Corps assembled at this western cit}' for orufanization. .Service for the troops 
was ])erfornied under canvas at Cam]) Merritt. Inil the climate provingf unfa- 
vorable for this method of accommodation, the new barracks at Presidio were 
assigned for the purjiose ])endinsj the suitable construction of a hos])ital. The 
location selected seemed most desirable because of its jjroxiniitv to the citv 
and hos])ital care coidd easilv be afforded to troops ijoinq; or comins; from 
the Phili])])ines and Hawaii, .\nother feature considered was the bracint;- and 
invii^oratinsj climate, which is never ver\- hot and never verv cold, and is 
therefore particularly line for a general hospital. Tt ha.s since been demon- 
strated that ])atients retiu'iiing from the tropics recuperate there verv rajiidly — 
vitality is restored probably much sooner than in anv other section of this 

The new li(is])ital accommod.-ited only ,^80 ])atients and in I'XJl it was found 
necessary to use six of the wooden barracks as wards. On Jime 10 of the 
same year the northeastern |)art of the hos])ital was destroved hv fire. It 
required much work and time to repair the damaged prfi]-)ertv. but nevertheless 
improvements were continued — a chapel and librarv being built (luring that 
year. In the years that followed fewer patients were admitted to the hospital, 
due to a decrease in the number of troo])s in the Phili]i]5ines. but the work 


( 42! 

^1- A.e.n, 

in the various departments was expanded and perfected. By an order of 
the War Department on November 23, 1911. the old name of the hospital was 
changed to the Letterman General Hospital, in honor of Jonathan Letterman, 
Medical Director, Army of the Potomac. The hospital, at that time the 
largest Army hospital of the United States, was used as a base hosj^ital for 
the Philippines and Hawaii, post hospital for the Presidio, San Francisco, 
Fort Winfield Scott and several smaller posts in the harbor of San Francisco, 
and a general hosjjital for the western part of the country. 

When the casualty cases of the World War jKnired into Letterman during 
the years 1919-1920, the hospital was ready to assume the great task of ad- 
ministering the best of care to these woimded soldiers. In addition to attending 
to the surgical and medical needs of the men, reconstruction work was instituted, 
educational activities were develo])ed, and facilities for recreation were im- 
proved. Every feasible opportunity for rehabilitation was placed within the 
grasp of these patients that they might be able to return to civilian life ready 
to meet its trying demands. .\t the present time the Letterman General Hos- 
pital consists of an Administration Building, operating room, laboratory, twenty- 
two i^ermanent wards and many temporary field wards for emergencies, the 
class room for the Nurses' Training School, and the Nurses' Quarters. The 
capacitv as fixed by the Surgeon General is 750 beds. 

The Letterman General Hosi)ital occupies as ]^retty a spot as the mind can 
])irture. On every side rise the time-scarred Sierra Nevadas and it overlooks 
the beautiful San Francisco Ba\. .Vmidst such golden tranquillity and serene 
grandeur, liroken bodies are healed, weary souls are strengthened, and the 
l)atients leaving, carry with them a remembrance of kindness. hel]ifulness. and 
l)eaul\ — an msjJiration to "carry on'' once more. 

Letterman General Hospital, San Francisco, California 

- 1923 - 

[43 ] 




Miss Ida Bjorkquist, 
Inin Ki\'er, Mich. 

Miss Edna Daulton, 

Mclvina. Wis. 

Miss Ruth Freshour 

Kiiifist'iii. Ohio. 

Miss Anna Gudelsky, 

rullcrtnn, Md. 

Miss Elizabeth Joubert, 


Miss Gertrude Marshe, 
Pr.iffitt. \a. 

Miss Margaret MacBryde, 

Wa.shingtoii, I). (.'. 

Miss Katherine McCurdy, 

Fcirt W'ayiU', Iiul. 

Miss Juanita McElroy, 

' K-rniantciwii. Pa. 

Miss Margaret Meredith, 

Stauntim, \ a. 

Miss Marguerite Miller, 

t'diiiKTSvillc. liid. 

Miss Villa Mohler, 

SpokaiK', Wash. 

Miss Martha Patton, 

Si.'wicklf> . Pa. 

Miss Edna Ritenour, 

Fairfa.v. \a. 

Miss Beulah Weidman, 

.'^trattiin. XL'l)r. 


[44 ] 




|. ft©.n. 


-i^ Mei.vina WlslOXSIX 

Aftiliatioiis : 

Obstetrics — .W'W York Lv iim lii. New 
^ork. X. ^^ 

(iviK'Cii](>gv — .\f\\ N<iik l-xiiig In, New 
'York, N. Y. 

Pudiatrii's — I'hikidflpliia CjciktuI Hosjii- 
tal. I'hilaik-lpliia, i'a. 

I'ublic Health— Henry Street Settk-ment. 
New York, N. \'. 

Psvchiatrv — St. Klizalietlis, W'asliinglon. 
I), C. 

Military Statimis: 

Walter Reed Hosiiital, Washington, D. T. 

".Ill iircal tluuiis (irtiic iinisrlrxsly." 




luox Kl\KI< MlCHIG.\N 

Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia (General Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia, Pa. 

(iynecolo}!y — Philadelphia Cleneral Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia, Pa. 

Ped.atrics — Pliiladelphia General Hospital, 
I'hiladelphia, Pa. 

Public Health— Henry Street Settlement. 

New ^ork. N. ^■. 
Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabeth's. Washington. 

]'). C. 
Military Stations: 
\\ alter Keed Jlospital, Washington, D. C, 

"Tlii-rc is no hdpf^iiicss in havinii nr iii-ltin;/. 
hill i>nl\ in (/i:'inti." 



I. pi.Q.n. 





Aftiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia General Hospital, 
Philadelphia, Pa, 

Gynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital. I'hiladelphia. Pa, 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia. Pa. 

I'uhlic Health— Henry Street Settlement, 
New York, X. V. 

Psvchiatr\- — St. Elizabeth's. \\ ashini^ton. 
i). C, 

Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hospital. Washini;ton, D. C. 
Cam]) .Sherman, Ohio. 

"There is ii certain siinpiirity tluif iiiiil^'cs 
rverynne her friend. I'lit it is emnbined 
•willi (I sul'lle attribute of rcser~'e." 



Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia. Pa. 

Gynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia. Pa. 

Public Health.— Henry Street Settlement. 
New York, N. Y. 

Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabeth's, Washinutun, 
U, C. 

Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hos])ital. \\'ashington. D. G. 

"She lias a laudable afjeetion for conz'ersii- 


I IT ] 

^ Aon 


IvMMi I.A\\ 


Artiliations : 

Obstetrics — Pliila(k-li)hia (lencral Hospital. 
I'liiladelphia, Pa. 

(jvnccology — Philadel|)h;a General Hos- 
pital. I'hiladolpliia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Phdadcl])hia General Hosjiital. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Public Health— Henrv Street Settlement, 
.\e\v York, N. V. 

l'svchiatr\- — St. Elizabeth's, Washinffton, 

b. C. 
Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hosiiital. W'asliing-ton. U. C. 

"'I' lull iih-iiii-: inilhiiiii III inc." 


W-\sHiNGTox District ok Coi.i'.\iiii.\ 

Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia General Hosjiital, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

(jynecology — Philadelphia (ieneral Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia, Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadel))hia (jeneral Hospital, 
Philadelphia. Pa, 

Public Health— Henrv Street Settlement, 
New York, N. Y. 

Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabeth's. \\'ashinf>ton. 
b. C. 

Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hospital. Washin,aton. D. C. 

"Slic is liuili-ii'.iiuicd and librriil." 


[ 48 ] 

^ aan 



Affiliations : 

Obstetrics- -Philadelphia General Hospital, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

( >ynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hospital, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Public Health — Henry .Street Settlement. 
New York, N. V. 

Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabetli's. Washington. 
D. C. 

.Militarx- Stations: 

Walter Reed Hosiiital. Washington. D. C. 

"Slw has a iniisutil, rcinihir and haniiomons 
tiisf^asitioii." J 





Affiliations : 

Obstetrics— Philadelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Gynecology — Bellcvue, New York. N. ^V 

I'ediatrics — Bellevne. New York. N. Y. 

Military Stations : 

Camp Custer, Mich. 

Camp Sherman. Ohio. 

Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

"Bri-r::y, imlcpctidciU. and luiili-apiritrd. 
Katlu'iinc is iioii' a I'lihlii llcaltli nurse 
in Illinois." 


[ 49] 

!• p).e>n. 


Gkrman'towx Pennsylvania 

Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia General Hospital. 
I'hiladelphia, Pa. 

(iynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
l)ital. Philadelphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia. Pa. 

Public Health— Henry Street Settlement. 
i\'ew \mV. N. Y. 

Psvcliiatrv — St. IClizabeth's. Washington. 

b. C. 

Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

"Her /lii/ltts of iimij/ination urr just enough 
to (/k'c us for oiw instant an additional 
peep of tlwt smile which beams, and plays, 
and t-cinhles and hovers over her ivholc 


Hoi'KWKU. \'lI«:lMA 

Affiliations : 

Ob.stetrics — Philadelptiia C.eneral Hospital. 
I'hiladclpliia. i'a. 

Gynecology — Philadelphia (ieneral Hos- 
pital. I'liiladclphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hos|)ital. 
Philadelphia. I'a. 

I'ublic Health— Henry Street Settlement. 
New York, N. ^ . 

Psychiatry — St. I''.lizabeth's. Washington. 

b. c. 

Military Stations : 
Walter Reed Hospital, Washington. D. (,". 

"She is philosofliieal but for tlie uiost pari 
keeps her thoui/lits la herself." 


.10 1 

f" B.©.n 




Si'OKAKE Wash i ncton 

Affiliations ; 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia GuntTal Hospital. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Gynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital, Philadelphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia (ieiieral Hospital. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Public Health^Henrv Street Settlement. 

New York. N. Y. 
Psychiatry — St. Elizabeth's. Washington. 

D. C. 

Military Stations: 
Walter Reed Hospital. Washinffton. D. C. 

"The East has her adtniralioii, Iml the ll'r.\i 
her I.ovc." 



Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Philadelphia General Hospital, 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Gynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital. Philadelphia, Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia General Hospital, 
Philadelphia. Pa. 

Public Health— Henry Street Settlement, 

New York, N. Y. 
Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabeth's. Washington, 

D. C. 

Military Stations : 

Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

"Slie ii'd.v found gacmi/ imth dreaming eyes 
into the distance." 


I Si 1 






Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Niw ^'i>rk l.\iii}; In. 

( '.ynecology — C'olumliia Hospital. D. I'. 

Pediatrics — I'hiladclpliia (icncral Hosjiital. 
Philadelphia, I'a. 

f'lihlic Health— I. \'. \. A.. \\ashini;ton. 
D. C. 

I'sychiatry — Hlooniinfjdale. Xew \'(irl<. 

Military Stations : 

Walter Keed Hosiiital. Washington. H- l. ■ 

"She nijoxs Ihiskliiji ill the sun. iiiuility traii- 

(fuU. ill nil absniiitr -.'acutiiiii oj 

nil thoiifilil." 


.Si;\\ K i<i.K\" I'l: XNSvi.x ani.\ 

Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — I'biladelphia General Hospital. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

(iynecology — Philadelphia General Hos- 
pital. Philadelphia. Pa. 

Pediatrics — Philadelphia (ieneral Hosjiital. 
Philadelphia. }'a. 

Public Health— Henr\' .Street Settlement. 
New Vorlc, K. V. 

Psvchiatrv — St. Elizabeth's. Washinj;ton. 

b. C. 

Military .Stations : 

Walter Keed Hos|)ital. \\ashington. I). C. 

"She litis nil eager desire fur the kiunvledne 
nf all real e.visleiiee." 




^ pi.Qn. 


Stkattok Nkbhaska 

Affiliations : 

Obstetrics — Stanford University Hospital. 

Gynecology — Stanford University Hospi- 
tal. California. 

Pediatrics— Children's Hospital. Washing- 
ton. D. C. 

Military Stations : 

Letterman General Hospital. California. ^ 
Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 
Camp Greene. North Carolina. 

"Silence is zcoinan's oriiiiiiu'iil." • 


President Margaret Meredith 

Vice-President Villa Mohler 

Secretary Martha Patton 

Treasurer Anna Gudelsky 


I 63] 


Probation Days — Class of 1923 

Co tlje ^rmp ^cljool 

Briglit spirit of tlie Arm}- School. 

To j-ou wo sliall remain 
Loyal, steadfast, and ever true; 

You have not called in vain. 
Bright beacon .shinins through the gloom. 

You've led us through the fray. 
And now. with tender, grateful hearts 

We sing your praise todav. 

Bright Spirit of our Training School. 

The lessons you have taught 
Of duty, sacrifice, and love. 

Are graven on each heart. 
You've fitted us to face the world 

^^'ith souls deep, strong, and true. 

All honor to the Spirit of 

The Red and White and Blue! 

Gehtkuok Marshe, '23, 





I- ft6.a 

W\)at Bocs! tt)E ^rmp ^ctjool of i^ursing iilean to Wii 1 

Timidly, expectantly, and hopefidly we arrived at the Walter Reed llt)spital 
on October 1st, 1920. The first question seemed to l)e: "Why have you en- 
tered training?" In unison we replied: "We want to be nurses." 

Within the next few days we had our course of study before us, and we 
wondered with awe at the amount of studies listed thereon. In our minds we 
added these requisites to the course: Self-control, order, ])romi)tness, neatness, 
obedience, consideration for others, and self-knowledge. 

As time went on, ni\ster\- after mystery in the medical line unraveled 
itself and we learned to lo\e and resj^ect our A. S. X. more and mo^■c every da\'. 
History teaches us of the ])ast — we are not the lirst on the road of experience. 
Alillions have lived, learned, and mastered new ideas. Hence we should profit 
from their ex])eriences. 

Time has taught us so much that, as we are about ready to graduate, we 
can not help exjjressing our dee])est regrets in leaving om- .A. .S. N. to go out 
into the world which now seems st) vast and wide. 

^^'e came to the .\rm\ School of Nursing to learn ;i jirofession. Here 
we fiiund nur life's work, and we lound ourselves. 

I ii:R TRUDi-: M.\Rsiii:. '2?i. 

Graduation Days — Class of 1923 

- 1923 

[ 55 ] 



Commencement Cxercisies; 

Lacking tlic spectacular, but losing none of the significance connected with the graduation 
of the first class, fourteen members of the Class of 1923 received their diplomas on June 1. 
The exercises were held in the lecture room of the Army School of Nursing and were 
attended by all the Army graduates on duty at Walter Reed Hospital, the entire student 
body, and many of the officers and friends. 

The procession to the scene of the ceremonies started from the Recreation Hut with 
Miss Lillian Smith and Miss Mary Tob:u, sujicrvisors of student nurses, leading the escort 
of Army graduates, followed by the Classes of 1924, 1925. and 1926 of the Army School of 
Nursing, and last in line the graduates of 192,5. The measured tread of all evidenced 
the value of the military drill as part of the curriculum. 

The graduating class occupied .scats on the iilatform, together with General M. W. Ireland. 
Surgeon (ieneral of the Army; Colonel J. D. Glennan, commanding officer of Walter Reed 
General Hospital ; and Major Julia C. Stimson. superintendent of the A. N. C. and dean 
of the A. S. N. Miss Stimson gave the address to the graduates. In this there was a de- 
parture from the usual theme conventional for such occasions, and the ideals held up for 
the students about to enter the nursing profession were those of real, living, human beings, 
women who had done and were doing all that an ideal nurse might attain within the span 
of life. Miss Stimson cited Miss Annie W. Goodrich, the founder and first Dean of the 
Army School, as one model. Miss Goodrich is known to all, and her achievements in the 
nursing world make her a model after whom all would gladly pattern themselves. Miss 
Stimson also spoke at length concerning Mile. Jeanne de Joannis. a native of France and 
one of the most active in the task of amplifying the sphere of activities of the professional 
nurse throughout the French Republic. Mile, de Joannis has accomplished much, and, for 
her, the innumerable obstacles were only things to be surmounted. No one in America will 
ever have to face the difficulties encountered by Mile, de Joannis in her endeavors to elevate 
and broaden the held of professional nursing in France, but the indomitable courage of that 
wonderful woman is a shining example for all. 

Miss Stim.son stressed very strongly several points characteristic of the career of the 
models who .served as the main theme for her remarks, and the new graduates were urged 
to adojit those principles now at the very threshold of their careers and make a practical 
application of them throughout their lives. The suggestions recommended were that all con- 
tinue towards the exaltation of duty ; acciuire thorough professional education and an all-round 
experience ; develop a deep spiritual conviction : initiate a consecration of purpose and maintain 
a broad general interest. 

General Ireland in a few words congratulated the graduates upon the successful com- 
pletion of their studies and handed the diplomas to each in turn. 

At the conclusion of the exercises, graduates, students, and guests gathered at the Recre- 
ation Hut where tea and light refreshments were served. 

A delightful program rendered by the Army Band in the Formal Gardens concluded the 
fe.stivities for the afternoon. — The Coiiic-Buik. June 8, 1923. 


[ 56 1 

^ Aan 

planting of tfje 3tij> 

The Class Day exercises as part of the commencement program were held on Saturday. 
June 2. at 2 o'clock. The students gathered at the Recreation Hall and, headed hy the 
Seniors, marched in a body to the Formal Gardens. The ceremonies began with the singing 
of the school song, and Miss Edna Daulton then read the history of the Class of 1923. The 
Class Will furnished Miss Juanita McElroy an opportunity to dcmon.strate her ability with 
legal terms, and Miss Ida Bjorkquist went adrift into the realms of the future and revealed 
to the chosen ones present the events that are to come in the lives of the girls of 1923. Miss 
.\nna Gudelsky voiced the sentiments of appreciation for the w^onderful help and insi)iratioii 
furnished by the Class of 1921, and Miss Corder '26 paid tribute to the Seniors in a clever 

The rite of planting the ivy next followed in order, and a sprig from Mount X'ernon 
was planted at the base of the steps leading from the east side of the Formal Gardens. Miss 
Meredith accompanied the act of planting with the following speech : 

"In keeping with the custom established by the Class of 1921 — the first class to graduate 
from the Army School of Nursing — and adding our link to the chain of tradition which will 
in time be the heritage of each succeeding class, we. the graduates of the Class of 1923, gather 
here this day to plant this s]irig of ivy. May it grow apace with our beloved Alma Mater, 
and symbolize the memory ever green in our thought.s — of the days we ])assed within these 
plca.sant precincts. 

"The trowel used on this occasi<in of ceremony is thedonation of Ralph Grimm, a former 
patient of Walter Reed Hosiiital. It is of his own design and workmanship. We pass it 
on to the care and custody of the new Seniors, the renewing to the donor the sentiments 
of appreciation expressed by our predeces.sor.s — the former graduates of the Army School 
of Nursing." 

Miss Arlyn Carlson, for the Class of 19^4, accepted the trowel and rejjlied to Miss 
Meredith : 

"Worthy President and our dear Senior Class : In accepting the silver trowel, may I. on 
behalf of the Class of 1924, pledge my faith in the endeavor to carry on the work which you 
have so faithfully done in our beloved Army School of Nursing. To do less than the best 
we can is failure ; and with this in mind, and the example you have set, may we .strive to be 
conscientious, earnest women working together to save life in a world where millions die for 
want of care. 

"And. in turn, we shall plant the ivy a.s a symbol of the endurance and beauty of our 
])rofes3ion and our school, and try to live up to the ideals entrusted to our care. To follow 
the advice of Omar, 'To gather something from everyone thou passes! on the highway, and 
froin every experience Fate sends thee, and out of the wide experience thus gained of human 
weaknesses and human needs, to distil in thine own heart the precious oil of Sympathy. And 
no man fills his vase with it until he has first been pricked by the world's disajipointments 
and bowed by its tasks.' 

"The Class of 1924 wishes you happiness and success in the field of nursing where our 
Florence Nightingale Lamp will light the way." — Conic-Back, June 8. 1923. 


[57 ] 



Class; Witt 

To tlic Administrative Officers of our school, through wliose efforts and patience we have 
finally reached the long anticipated goal, we pledge our best— our undying loyalty to this our 
Alma' Mater, to keep alive, bv living, the ideals on which this institution has its mighty founda- 
tion. We, tile Class of 192J, will to you the jiast three years, filled with our earnest desires 
and many' shortcomings ; our disappointments and rich compensations ; our failures and our 
A'ictories'; to you, in whose hands this unshapeii clay of experience shall t)C molded into 
stepping stone's for the classes yet to come, made firm liy the all-pervading spirit of our 
motto, "To the stars through difticulties." 

To the Probationers, just entering the field, this field in which surely the harvest is more 
than ready and the harvesters as yet few, we will to you, first, as a foundation, "Nutting and 
Dock, Hi'storv of Nursing." Read it if you wish— ( for he who runs may read) but do 
not tarry too long in the stiitiy of history of nursing— /mi/^r it! For only then can you 
appreciate it. We know I 

Next, we pass on to you the Service Club. Make hay while the sun shines. Prohies, for 
soon you shall rise early and work late. Enjoy your 8 a. m. breakfast while you may. 

We will to vou our "Manual." bound with the fiber of our hearts, and written with 
our vcrv blood, "the product of bitter experience. This little book which will help you to 
do and to .sav the right thinu at the right time. It is. however, but the first volume, for wc 
have manv more before us. Then some day you shall go aftiliating, and we will to you these 
tickets with Pullman. One for dear old Blockley, one for St. Elizabeth's, and one for Henry 
Street; and for all of these adventures a guard to set before your lips, that you may sec 
and hear and think, and never .say, "That isn't the way we do it at Walter Reed," And lastly, 
Probies, our sincere and .sympathetic interest, and a hand ready to hel]) you at any time, as 
the dear old Senior.? of '21 heliied us when we were "Probes." 

To the Juniors who have accpiired their first few installments of confidence and an 
extra layer of epidermis, who face the world with less timidity, who can discuss the profession 
with an'astounding outlay of technical words, accomplishing the desired effect on their lower 
classmen— to you we will this E:mcrgency Brake, for "pride cometh before a fall." (We 
of 1923 might add here that no one was kind enough to will us such a brake, hence our 
many scars ! ) 

To the Class of 1924, close following in our footsteps, and in whose brilliancy of existence 
we even now shine as lesser lights (as electric bulbs after much use) to this fresher (aye, 
fresher), newer company of young womanhood, eager in anticipation of great Service— eager 
to decorate the professional horkon with superior deeds— oh, to you we will everything ! All 
that we can not longer use, for ourselves— reveille, taps, our various shades and styles of 
uniforms (including the new Butterick pattern), the uncovered busses for transportation to 
baccalaureate sermons— with many tears we will to you the Formal Gardens, in which to 
cool your heated brows and to become once more uplifted, though we shall hold its memory 
in our hearts and the perfume of its flowers shall fill our souls when we are far from here. 

And then we will to you the Operating Room; the thrill of thrills, all kinds, with that 
part of Kipling's "If" which .so appropriately states "If you can keep your head when all 
about you arc losing theirs and—" well, you know the rest. And most of all we will you 
our wonderful little graduate nurses up here, who haven't forgotten their student days and 
who make it all worth while, even when in an emergenc\- we attempt to thread a tiny needle, 
our No. 6 hands gaily clad in No. 8 gloves. 

There are man)- things wc would will to you. but time is limited and so we have mentioned 
those things which have been closest to our hearts. 

And now to quote the Clas.s of 1921, we will to you our boys. As the .seniors before 
us gave them into our keeping, we. in turn, give them into yours— these wonderful boys who 
gave their best for us and the flag which today waves unblemished and under which we are 
privileged to serve. 



^ pi.Q.a 

Co tt)E ^tubent Mmm of '23 

Here's to a good little worker, in a good 

\\'ith her tape and bandage, cotton and gauze. 
Working long hours without complaint. 
With the cheer and patience of a saint. 

With her little white cap, and uniform blue. 
She's the symbol of Service, faithful and true. 
She tenderly and cheerfully eases your pain. 
And gives you a new grip on life again. 

Some have bad eyes, some the flu, 

But the illness is lightened by the Angel 

in Blue, 
W^ho aids us all our afflictions to bear 
By her capable work and her tender care. 

And men of every nation, color, and creed 
Who arc in the hosi)ital of W'alter Reed 
Are thankful and grateful as they can be 
To the Student Nurses of '23. 

Private Fk,\nk Gombeut, Ward 34. 


I've decided life's worth living — 
The reason for this verse — 

And my private panacea is 
The Army Student Nurse. 

'Twas somewhere in the Argonne 

An h. e. landed square. 
And when the smoke had cleared away 

I wasn't quite all there. 

Then followed many weary months 

Upon a bed of pain, 
With all the joy gone out of life — 

I'd never play again. 

I'm glad I was mistaken. 
And I feel that you'll be. too. 

If you've come to know as I have 
Those gentle .souls in blue. 

There's nothing that I ask of them 
Which they'll not do for mc. 

I've found the door to Happiness — 
An A. S. N. the key. 

I'll let you have the secret, 
If the "blues" come now and then. 

Seek concentrated sunshine 
In any A. S. N. 




€ber Jf eel ^W Wap ? 

It may be a mansion. 
It may be a dump. 
It may be a farm — 
With an old broken ]nimp : 
It may be a palace — 
It may be a flat. 
It may Ix- a room 
Where you hang up your hat ; 
It may be a 
\\ ith a hole in the floor. 
Or a marble hotel 
With a coon at the door ; 
It may be exclusive 
Or simple or swell. 
A wee bit of heaven — 
Or one little — well. 
Just kindly remember 
Wherever you roam. 
That Shakespeare was ri^lit. 





-Cl.^ss of 1923. 


[61 ] 

^ fton 

A wwasc-s MicwTrtAwe 


[ 62 I 





{Witli apolojiics to Kipling.) 

If you can rise at 6 a. m. cacli morning. 

And wash, tlrtss. and pass insiKXtion riglit. 
And reach your ward and start tlic "morning toilets," 

And in an hour clean everytliing in sight : 
If you can give a hundred medications. 

Translating individual M. D. scroll, 
And leave the patients just the way you found them. 

And never poison off a single soul ; 
If you can take the T. P. R,s. and chart them. 

And stop to answer (|uestions on the 'phone; 
If you can quickly tell of Smith's admission, 

His temperature, and if he came alone; 
If you can say just when Brown had his lione-graft. 

And why the night re|>ort got in so late. 
And, hanging up, explain to someone higher 

Just why the ward's in such an awful state; 
If you are gifted with the brain of Solomon, 

And serve out diets, every one the same. 
And. missing count, you serve an extra bean out. 

And manfully can shoulder all the blame ; 
If you can make your beds with nice s(|uarr corners. 

If you can set U]i trays exactly right. 
If you can bow and smile when all is over. 

And clean the mess, and leave the tools all bright: 
If you can make your patients just adore you. 

And carry out your "orders" all the same; 
If you can answer every ijatient sweetly 

\\hen underneath you almost hate your name ; 
If, when the day is past and really over. 

And one more hour would put an end to you. 
You drag yourself to keep the great engagement. 

And find your foot too swollen for your shoe; 
If, when you'd like to "hit" the old bed early. 

And yet you're glad you're going out with "Steve." 
The office calls and says "Report for duty. 

We're .sorry, hut you're needed to relieve" ; 
If, when affiliations all are over. 

You can return with honor to your name. 
And learn your rules and regulations over. 

And take "State Boards," and come out just the sanii : 
If. when the three long years are really over. 

You can come through a victor in the test ; 
If ynn can feel you gave the best that's in you. 

If you can feel your services were blest; 
If when 30U and look in retrospection 

Hack where the smut and beauty of life meet; 
If you have met and solved each problem wisely; 

If \ou have mixed the bitter with the sweet; 
If you have seen the worst that life can offer, 

■\'et, imflinchingl\ . witli courage faced the fight ; 
If you can know your .soul is still uncalloused ; 

If your ideals still can prove their might; 
If you can feel that you have placed a standard; 

If by your work you have relieved some curse; 
Yours is the World — and yours Life's best diploma. 
And, what i- uKpre, you'll be at last — a nurse. 





I 83 1 

'^ ftao. 


Jligtorp of t!)e Clas!£^ of 1923 

X WKJ'i'lXCi a history, whether of social events, or of the progress of 
l)eoi)les. so main- authors Iiave introduced their sul)ject with — "liack in 
the Dark Ages." With niv most pleasant topic, and one which has 
iK-en li\ely and gav. as it should have been. I can not so liegin. Much more 
ap])ro])riate would he, "j-iack in our Golden Ages" — then to continue. 

The arrival of each of us seemed a social event in itself: such extended 
welcomes, and usherings about, and so many nice little things done. .\11 these 
were greath' apjireciated and for each of us constituted our first social affair 
at Walter Keed. However, we would consider this "much ado 'bout nothing," 
because still bigger events have occurred which have concerned us collectively. 

The first of these was indeed a surprise to us all from the imique invita- 
tions, the ladies-made men, and tiie verv ]ileasant evening that followed. F<ir. 
\-ou see. sixteen charming .Senior girls dressed as men presented themselves, 
after receiving ackncnvledgments of invitations, at our service as noble cavaliers. 
Their man\ little attentions, so charming and ])leasing to ladies' eyes, were 
everv whit "right there" — neither were there any wall flowers. There will be 
"thorns among roses." The Chief Xurse severely- rejjrimanded the authores.s 
and restricted her to (|uartcrs (an order|uently withdrawn), just 
she was with a corps-man. l.o, her charming escort had borrowed a detachment 
man's whites I .\nd Colonel Cdennan was there I 

The next social function in this ctu'rent of events was a lively "kids' i)arty." 
^■es, the\ were all there, and all dressed U]i as yotmgsters, incltiding Miss Wil- 
liamson and Miss 'J'aylor. How wonderful it was to be back in the spirit of 
childhood davs — to ])lay all the old .games, to smile and laugh and be merry, 
if only for one night ! 

AH too soon it Iiecame necessary for us to leave our hajipy home when 
we received orders for our eight months of Philadelphia aftiliations. 

Here, for social events, we occasionall\- enjoyed the regular W'e<lnesday 
and .Saturdav evening dances, S to 10 o'clock, when the internes, a coujile of 
them carrying the \'ictrola. and others hel])ing with the records, came to the 
Xurses' Home, where they made pleasant those two short evenings. 

( )ne dav. upon coming oft' duty, we found tiny, neat folders, like invita- 
tions, adorning our dressers, W'e read them hastily, then re-read them to 
assure ourselves we were not dreaming, for we were to have a ])art}-. a real 
one, with watermelons and everything, and we did. too. N es. we were invited 
out to the ])orch to devour them. Then we \ied in singing a few class songs, 
after which we none too <|uietly hastened to the parlor "to tri]) the light 
fantastic toe" and to jilay games. 



I 64 J 



One thing leads to another. So it was "we came to with a jolt" and 
declared and made known our sincere intentions of giving the Blockley nurses 
a party. It was, indeed, past the anniversary date of Washington's birthday, 
but nevertheless near enough to afford us the privilege of presenting a colonial 
party. We each secured a colonial costume and, to the surprise and delight 
of all, especially the Blockley nurses, secured Miss Clayton, Chief Nurse of 
the Blockley Training School, to dance with us in a dainty minuet. 

Again it was time for us "to pack up our troubles," and, eight long, hard 
months having successfully passed, we returned again to Walter Reed. l>ut 
not for long — in fact, just long enough to partake of the "goodies" afforded 
during Alumni Week ])arties, dances, and picnics. 

With these delightfully fresh in our minds, we again turned from Walter 
Reed, and this time hastened to St. Elizabeth's for a two months' riffiliation 
in psychiatry. 

Occasionally, and yet rather regularly, too. on Wednesday evenings some 
of the class enjoyed the patients' dances at their Red Cross. Again thew and 
sometimes others, frequented dances held in the various wards. 

After our last move, we returned again to Walter Reed liefore we shall go 
to New York, where four of our members now are. 

Christmas, with the usual cheer and good will which accompanies that 
joyful festive time, brought us a big dance, a children's party, and an exclu- 
sively Nurses' party. 

Broken hearts were matched and mended as puzzles were put together 
in our St. Valentine's enjoyment. How very gracious and full of the sweet 
old sincere friendship spirit everyone was ! 

There is a "first time" for everything, and the initial declaration of success 
by the Walter Reed Orchestra rang true at a "Nurses only" dance. 

Many more happy social hours shall we spend together here l^efore we 
leave to take those new, individual paths in Life which Fate has mapped for 
us. And may we often return to our dear school-home, there to be with one 
another again in happy reunion. 

Elizabeth Jourert, '2?>. 


[ e.") ] 

I- pi.Q.n. 

Entrance to Quarters in Cherry Blossom Time 

^en ©tarsi ]^tntt — M ^ropijecp 

Sl. Peter said, -1 will Idok 

L'liun the (k'ftl.-. in my Record Hook, 

And tind in the records of 'J.i 

\\ hicli iH(i]iU- ha\ f iu-l]R(l hi]nianit\." 

And. ojieninK his Ixiok, he began to read 
Of the student nurses of Walter Reed. 
.'Xnd he cried. "1 shall have to see 
What became of the Class of '2.\" 

.'Knd he C|Uotcd. "Of Justice U|i in Hea\en. 
\\ here it be deserved shall it he given." 
And, reading there with gaze iirofound. 
These are the that he found. 

Miss Ida l'>jorki|uist sallied forth 

Into the fields of the frozen North. 

.She spreads liealth and cheer where'er sl 

.'\mong the tribes of the Eskimos. 

.Miss h'dna Daulton there we see 

In a northern Michigan dispensary. 

.She is doing the best she can 

To guard the health of her fellow-man. 

.\liss Ruth l-reshour. after trouble and trials. 
( )vercoming her obstacles with courage and 

Has relieved the suffering of the desert band 
Of .^rabs who travel the trackless sand. 

.Miss .A-una tiudelsky has risen, we see. 

To the head of the de]iartnient of f)ral 

In a place where wise fathers send their hoys 
(ailed the University of Illinois. 

Miss IClizabeth Joubert. a competent nurse. 
Whose name is known o'er the universe. 
Has gathered faine and also wealth 
r>y her wonderful lectures on Public Health. 

Miss fiertrude Marshe, the Blue Ridge nurse. 
Who brightens her jiatients with cheery verse. 
Loved by her people the country wide. 
Is known as the little "Blue Ridge Pride." 

Miss Margaret MacBryde. the cheery and 

\\ ith a smile on her face morning and night. 
( iocs tripiiing along with a song so gay. 
Scattering sunshine on her way. 


r 66 ] 

I" aan 

Miss Katherinc McCurdy, the fiery one. 
Who has hcen to all countries under the sun. 
Was given hy the press a great ovation 
For the aid she has rendered to every nation. 

Miss Juanita McElroy is in Mexico. 
\\here the sun shines hot and soft winds blow. 
Giving tlie people more than wcaltli. — 
An education in sanitation and liealth. 

Miss Margaret Mereditli. wild will never 

Is reaping the rewards of honest work ; 
And a high-ranking nurse she is, indeed. 
On the nurse's staff at Walter Keed. 

Miss Marguerite Miller also .sends 
Her best regards to all her friends. 
She is a society lady, sweet and nice. 
Wlio can always offer good advice. 

Miss \'iola Mohler. how our eyes do feast 
On the wonderful record she made in the Ivast. 
Known alike to the and low- 
As the "Little Samaritan" of Idaho. 

Miss Martha Patton, who is a good soul, 
Has sa\ed many orphans from crime's clutch- 
ing toll. 
Giving each one a good education. 
She makes them an asset to civilization. 

Miss Edna Ritenour. modest and shy. 

Has produced achievements before the world's 

With patience and toil that never cease. 
Her deeds and fame will ever 

Miss P.eulah ^\'eidman, but not least. 
Is doing settlement work in the hast. 
Rich and ]ioor honor her name. 
.■\nd all New "i'ork resounds to her fame. 

And St. Peter said. "Be there Justice in 

To these nurses may it be given ; 
.-Xnd. when tlieir work is done on eartii. 
Ma\ each one win a heavenly berth." 

Thus readeth our jirophecy. 

If it is fulfilled, in time we'll see 

Tliese names shall be honored o'er land and 

As the famous Class of '2.v 

lii.\ H loRKijeisT. 'Z^. 

& ^ 



[6- ] 



iLet a mttlt ^unsifjine M 

The veterans of the Crimean War were enjoying a reunion. 'Jlie ranks 
were growing pitifull}- thin. Forms were lient, cheeks furrowed, locks whitened. 

A grouj) was gathered around the camp fire recalhng reminiscences of camp 
and field and ho.spital. P'inally one hattle-scarred veteran said : "Boys" — they're 
always "boys," you know, even though the eye may be dimmed, the ear dulled, 
the step shortened — "boys, let's take a vote and see who gets the most. Who 
was the most j)opular one connected with the campaign?" 

It took. Scraps of paper and stubs of pencils were soon produced and the 
balloting began — a secret ballot. Then the counting of votes began. Each name 
was to be placed in a separate i)lace, and then the piles counted. "Piles," did I 
say ? No ; there was l)ut one pile. It grew and grew ; for all unknown to the 
others, every one of these old veterans had written ujjon his slip of paper the 
same name. 

And it wasn't the name of the commander-in-chief. It wasn't the name, 
even, of the hero who led the Charge of the Light Brigade. 

No ; every man had written upon his slip one name — Florence Nightingale. 
Florence Nightingale, that angel of mercy who had braved the dangers of the 
battlefield ; who had endured the hardships of the army camp ; who ministered 
so tenderly, so lovingly, to the sick and the suffering in the hospital wards ; who 
had taken the last messages of the dying, and closed the eyes of the dead. 

Florence Nightingale ! Would that there were more with her courage, her 
hope, her cheerfulness, her love, as well as her trained ability today. And why 
not? Why not be an angel of love? Why not be a star in some one's sky? 
There's enough of darkness in this old world. Throw open the shutters — the 
shutters of the soul — lift the sash and let the blessed sunshine in. Absorb so 
much of it that you can't keep it all on the inside, so it just naturally bursts 
through and radiates to di.s]iel the clouds in others" lives. 

And if, perchance, a cloud some day should settle down over you, be sure 
to wear it wrong side out. for then the silver lining will be on the outside and 
the other fellow won't know a thing about it. 

There ought to be a well-beaten track between the heart and the lips. Strew 
your flowers along life's pathway, adding joy and sunshine to the lives of others. 
But you must have it before you can give. So — 

"Clear the darkened windows, 
Open wide the door, 
Let a little sunshine in." 

Ivy L. Thomasson, Ward 2.3. 



^^ A.e.a 

Jfaretoell to f ou of '23 

Dear little girls in blue, 
We bid farewell to you, 
Farewell to you as girls in blue, 
But not as nurses kind and true. 

For. where you girls do go 
In dresses white as snow, 
The Blue you wore for loyalty 
Becomes your badge of royalty. 

And now, dear girls of '23. 
Soon members of the A. N. C, 
The A. S. N. congratulates each. 
And wishes you luck a-plenty. 



[ 69 ] 

I- ae>.n. 


[ 70] 

^ aen. 

Class of 1924 

" 1923 - 


1 VI ] 

!• A6.0, 


Class of 1924 


f 72] 


Class of 1924 

|N OCTOBER 5, 1921, thirty-three young women entered the third class 
of the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed General Hospital. Due 
to ])h\sical inal)ility and transfer, we are now twenty-two of the original 
group. During Septemlier. 1922. were added the nurses from the Public 
Health School of Nursing. Fort AIcHenry. These, with Mrs. Dorian of the 
"first Armv Training School class." have made the class of '24 thirty-six in 

Miss Minnegerode and memliers of the Public Health Service Staff be- 
lieved that the public should be trained to appreciate and maintain sanitary 
conditions. Through her influence a school of nursing was established to 
function as a part of the Public Health Service. The hospital selected for 
the school was the Fort McHenry Flospital, Baltimore, Maryland. Miss Emma 
Nichols became chief nurse, and Miss Mary W. Tobin supervisor. 

About December first the students who had been accepted for the first 
class of the school received their orders to report on January third at Fort 
McHenrv. During the first si.\ weeks there was only class work, and at the end 
of this period, four hours daily on the ward, in addition to classes. 

On the firgt day of May every one was greatly excited, for "the new 
class was coming." Also, on this day Fort ^IcHenry was officially turned over 
to the \'eterans' Bureau. Though this meant little at the time, it jiroved to 
be of imjjortance a few niontlis later. The school advanced rapidly imtil the 
middle of August. At this time the Veterans" Bureau lacked facilities to 
maintain the school. The students asked for transfer to the Army School 
of Nursing at Walter Reed. Here they were acce])ted with full credit and 
were incorporated in the class of 1924. The 1)right. pretty, pink uniforms 
of these girls added a new cheerfulness to all the hosi)itaI, but we loved them 
even more when thev were dved to the "bluebird" color. 

Efjcir ^rribal at Walttv ^Rtcb 

The "Pinkies" from Fort ]McHenry arrive on the wards at Walter Reed. 

"Yes. Major, McCartev was drunk last night. I am positive of it." 

"Confine him to the ward." 

"Lord. ^Major, have a heart I What \ou talking about? As sure as Vm 
settin' here, 1 was ne\-er drunk in my life; 1 swear I wasn't! What're you treatin' 
nie this wav lor? And McCartev strode indignantl} away from his bed to the 

"I guess you'd better kee]) me to the ward." came McCartey's faltering voice. 
"I'm drunk this time, sure. Here comes them 'blue-birds,' l)Ut toda\- my eyes sees 
them all ']>ink ladies.' " 


[ -3 ] 

I. aen. 

Poofe of ^rmj) ^cfjool of i^ursfing 

— Pagf 1924. 



Placi-: Walter Reed General Ho.spital. Xurse.s' 
Quarters Seven, 

Time: Fall of 1921 

Have you heard of our of thirty-two 
Who were entered a.s "proljes" a month ago? 
We're a wonderful grou]). let me tell you, 
So full of vim and, too. 
That one hardly know.-i what next to do. 

And at exactly .six-forty-five. 

Quarter.s Seven is much alive. 

Then it quite re.sembles a busy beehive, 

For every one in it does earnestly strive 

With hair under nets and aprons held dear 

Inspection to pass, and all answer "Here." 

.A.nd then to our wards we wend our way. 
To make up our beds without dela\'. 
To fold in slijis and blankets lay. — 
According to specific rules are they. 
When the tw-o brief hours of dut\' lia\e Hetl, 
Back to the school room we iirobationers sped. 
There to delve in books galore. 
Then write, write, write, till our arms are 

Then back to our rooms tn cram 
Steps in nursing from A to Z. 
Naming the bones in Anatomy, 
Learning symbols in Chemistry, 
.\m\ Military Drill does finally 
Finish our work (|uite creditably. 

and store 

Then does come our own recess. 

Upon which we put considerable stress. 

Down to Takoma or Washington 

To eat ice cream and have some fun, 

Or, out for a walk, to Rock Creek Park. 

Lunches with us, our steps we mark — 

"Weenies" to roast, marshmallows to toast. 

Stories to tell, that is our boast. 

When dusk around us closes in. 

Back to the Post we march with vim. 

A score and a half, plus two, I .said. 

In Quarters Seven are housed again. 

Feeling refreshed from our outing and s])read. 

\\\- undress, take our baths, and iiarade to bed. 




Scene 2. 
Time: Four munths later. 

Oh. the cliattcr, chatter, chatter. 
And the clatter, clatter, clatter, 
KnA the patter, patter, patter. 
Up and down our "Quarters" hall. 

Folks, my story is a sad one, 
Tho' I'd rather tell a glad one; 
For we're told our rooms we must vacate. 
Now our class has been a glad one. 
But just now it is a sad one. 
For from Quarters Seven we mo\e at speedy 

First our trunks, and then our baggage. 
Then our books, then pick up rubbish. 
And our moving task is half complete. 
r3ut the part that we miss most 
Is the sleeping" porch, where ghosts 
Played havoc with our sleep on frosty nights. 

Scene .1 

Tinir: August. 1^22. 

Place : Quarters Three. 

.A.nd now at last, the half have passed 
Those awful days of packing, 
In which the lid was oft undid 
For things they noted lacking. 

Thus on again the time jiassed. when 
Our separation days begin. 
With many a sigh and fond good-li\e. 
Our call of "Come Back" followed them. 

Now. as you know, best wishes go 
To those who've gone aw'ay. 
Oh. did you .say. "They've gone awa\ "'" 
Why, yes. to Pliiladelphia. 



[ 75 ] 


f unior Mmita (©ibe Plapletg 

Three one-act plays were presented by the student 
nurses, class of 1925, of this hospital at the Red 
Cross Friday eveninp, before an audienc-e of 
over 40(( appreciative persons. The plays were driven 
for the benefit of "The Annua!," a maKazine pul)- 
lished each year by the student nurses. Jerry 
Isaacs staged and directed the production in an 
able manner, and music was furnished by the Post 
Orchestra. The program follows: 


r5y Stuart Walkcr 

Billy Clevcs Miss Francos Mitchell 

Louise C'lcvcs Miss Priscilla ^'illccllt 

Burplar Miss Licchcn Kueliu 


By Oliphant Downs 

Pierrette Miss Isabella Williams 

(Mary Ellen Howe) 

Pierrot Miss Merniel Wonser 

Manufa m M- M ' ^i i l 



1 Act, 2 Scenes 

By Susan Glaspell 

Henrietta Brewster. Miss Dorothy Mouversly 

Stephen Brewster Miss Dorothy Conde 

Mabel Miss Ella Reed 

Tht' part of Pierrette in the "Maker of Dreams" 
was taken by Miss Mary Howe. wlio. owini; to the 
illness of Miss Isabella Williams, perfected the part 
on two days' notice. 

The "New Juniors" deserve much credit for the 
masterly way in which they produced these plays. 
"Suppressed Desires" received but one week of 
rehearsal, owinfr tti the fact that the "Twelve- 
Pound Look" was ready for production when the 
liermission of the playwright was withheld. So, in 
one week's time, "Suppressed Desires" was sub- 

To praise individually is impossible here, but it 
must be said that the work of Miss I'riscilla Vin- 
cent, as Louise Cleves in "Nevertheless" : the very 
charminsT portrayal of the Manufacturer in the 
"Maker of Dreams" by Miss Mary Stetcher, and the 
creatiy-enjoyed characterization of Stephen Brew- 
ster in "Suppressed Desires," as portrayed by Miss 
Dorothy Conde. were the outstanding features. 

16, 1<)23. 



■« •■ 


J '. 


tt -.1. 



-•ii": kk" *<'ii"^<ii** iT iv^ li *v 4< ^ K. 


Class of 1925 

-■ ». 

'imifi- tS 

!• aQH. 

f uniors;, 1925 


IN February tweiity-eig-hth, from early niarn 'till evening thirteen girls 
Ircini many parts of the country gathered at the ofifice of the Chief Nurse 
at ^^^alter Reed Hospital. Our probationary days began on ]\Iarch the 

first, nineteen twenty-two. and with them so nineh new routine for us. "Oh. 

how we hate to get up in the morning!" 

After our very strenuous i)robati()n iieriod. the fifteenth of June was for 
us the ste])])ing stone to responsihilit\ . Miss Ciooflrich presente<l us with otu' 
reward of \-erv daint\' cajis made 1)\ the juniors. ^\ e considered these gifts a 
great honor l)estowed upon us. The o'dx difticuhv was that, since our four 
months ended on July first, we had to be on duty until then without cajjs. I'er- 
haps the mirrors were not in use most of the time off duty when we were 
trying to decide which way the caps were most becoming! \Mien it came time 
to adorn ourselves with them permanently, we many times arrived at the ward 

After an enjox'able summer of swimming, tennis .and hiking — to sav the 
least of vacations — as in former school <lavs, we flocked back to our beloved 
studies. The first real break in our number was made the tenth of July when 
Madame Mouroux from Paris de])arted to tour Africa, and then to return to 
her home. I^ater Miss lierens. whose home was formerly in Luxemlmrg, re- 
turned to us after an extended leave of three months. 

On the fifteenth of Se])tember three memliers were admitted from Fort 
McHenry — the Misses Portia Pearce. .Sadie Adkins. and .Mabel Kennedy. This 
increased our number to seventeen. 

.At a Hallowe'en Party we had the pleasure of willingly dedicating our places 
to the new Probationers. 

On Christmas morning, with the other students, we renewed Christmas cheer 
by assembling and singing carols at the various wards. 

The third of Fehruar_\' at (Juarters C )ne, in the space of a very short time, 
we made twenty-three crisp new caps and then presented them to our new class- 
mates, "the new Juniors," at the Red Cross House, where they had been im- 
patiently waiting like so many little "bltiebirds" watching for the much treasured 

Thus ends the record of our first }ear at Walter Reed, and we are now 
as a class of forty on the threshold of our careers, intermediate students of the 
Army School of Nursing. 



[78 ] 

I- aan 


0UY Jf irsit tKujo iWontfjg m tKraining 

Class of 1925 

More than two niontlis have passed since we came to the .Army Sclioul o) 
Nursing at Letterman General Hosjiital, San Francisco. Before we arrived we 
were impressed with the fine spirit existing in the school as demonstrated hy tlie 
letters each of us received from junior students. They were very cortlial, jjave 
helpful hints ahout our uniforms, and the writers offered to meet us at the Ferry 
P>uildinji u])on our arrival. These letters made each of us feel that we were 
welcome, and linked the distance between home and Fctterman. 

Some f)f the students were met hv aml)u]ances at the dock, and others, who 
came in advance, were guests at the hospital until the opening day of the VnW Class. 
The first day was not unlike a freshman's matriculation at college. \\'e met oiu' 
fellow classmates who came from all points of the compass — \\'ashington, Illinois. 
Georgia. New ^'ork. North Carolina. Texas. California, and .San Salva<lor. I'^v-ery 
hit of hosijitalitv was shown us. and so much kindness liestowed upon us that 
homesickness through loneliness was forgotten. This dav we met our Chief Nurse, 
had the required physical examination, took the ( )ath of Allegiance, and received 
a schedule of our classes. In the afternoon we attended an informal tea which 
was held for us, the preliminar\- students, where we met some of the Stanford 
University students who were interested in hosi)ital work and who had come out to 
Letterman on an inspection tour. 

During the first two months no ward duty was assigned, and we attended 
classes only, from 8 a. m. to 5 ]). m. These classes were in the following sulijects : 
History of Nursing, Fthics, Personal Hygiene, Setting-up Exercises, Anatoiriy, 
Physiology, Bacteriology, Bandaging, Practical Nursing, Hospital Housekeeping 
and Cooking. The quiet hour for study is spent in the quarters or Reference 
Library between 7.30 p. m, and 10 ]). m., and is always cheered by slip])ing out 
one by one to the bread and milk stand. Oh, it is so good ! 

fXtr ])ractical nursing consisted of demon.strations and practice in hed-niaking 
of all types, admission of patients, care of i^atients, discharging of patients, and 
hospital housekee])ing. Before starting on the ward duty, poise and self-assurance 
were acquired by four hours of dailv practice in nursing arts in the class room. 
One certainly does not go blindly into unknown work and methods when the 
foundation has been thoroughly laid. 

During the first two months we learned hospital housekeeping to the last 
degree. Inspection tours were made of all departments in the ho.spital, the 
medical supply, laundry, wards, kitchens and power house. In fact, nothing was 
missed. After each tour, each .student wrote a pai)er giving description, plan of 
operation or su[)ervision. and offered any criticisms or suggestions which .she 
considered would aid in liettering that de|)artment. 





I- aao. 

Every Saturday morning' ins])ei-ti()n of the entire hospital is made liy the Q)m- 
manding ( )ffiier and the Chief Xiirse. On one particular Saturday mornin|( we 
accom|)anied them. ]t was a momentous occasion, the Colonel having in attendance 
the Chief Xurse. an aide, the sanitary officer and an orderly. The latter was the 
instigator of much discussion among us. whether the word was "Attention" or 
"Iiis]>ection" with which lie heralded the jirocession, as all we could get was 
"Shun." \'ou can well imagine how important we felt, mere hlue-uniformed 
I)re]iminary students, accompanying such i)eoi)le of importance on insjiection. In 
fact, we inspected and afterwards handed in a rejiort to the Colonel and Chief 
Xurse. This inspection took two hours — two hours of criticizing the order and 
cleanliness of the wards, diet kitchens, linen rooms, utility and hath room.s — at the 
end of which time we were all in a state of collajise due to dignity fatigue. 

As to .something of our life outside of classes — our first Sunda\- was a free 
day tor all students. The juniors had i)Ianned a picnic across San Francisco liav. 
We started ahout 9 a. m. with ample i)rovisions, crossed the bay in a ( lovernment 
boat and were met by an Army truck which took us two or three miles over hills 
and through tunnels until we reached the ocean. It was a glorious (lav. After we 
had rambled around for an hour or two, the cho]i])ed bacon and scrainljled eggs 
with coffee and Imns tasted the best ever. After a rest, and when the picnic 
housekeeping was completed, a few of us walked to the great lighthouse that helps 
to guard beautiful Golden Gate. At 4 p. m., the truck called for us and gailv we 
returned to the hospital, each declaring it a jierfect day. 

The Xurses* Clu])house has been the site of many a joyous party. It is a 
splendid recreation building where we may have music, dances, play pool or cards, 
and read. There is a good-sized library, to which all have access, supplied with 
good books, the popular magazines. The American Journal of Xursing. The Public 
Health Xurse. and the Modern Hosjjital. Every morning from ',' to 10.30 we 
may have coiTee and toast here, and afternoon tea frf>m 2.30 to 4.30. In our 
own dining room, which is separate from that of the graduates, we may have guests 
at any titne for meals. \\'e have two very good tennis courts, many delightful 
walks along the beach to the old Spanish fort and to other points of interest, and 
there is a fine swimming tank at the Y. W. C. A. We had opportunities to avail 
ourselves of all of the above recreation during our two months as well as at 
the present time, and we surely took advantage of them. 

Regardless of necessary strict criticisms from our instructors, and conscien- 
tious and concentrated application to study and work, no one pined away in flesh 
or thought. All hope for the realization of a preliminary student's dream — HER 

(By Grace P. Knowlton and Dorothy J- Livingston. Letterman General Hos- 
pital. Class of 1925. Reprinted from American Journal of X'ursing.) 


[80 1 




A Day With the Class of 1926 


I SI ] 

^ aan 

Salter Eeeb llanbfaoob for preliminary ^tubentfi- 

\iiitt Cbition 


Kead thesi- dirwlions and ])i)inter> liastilv and tollnw them ;'arelessh . They 
will get you into iileiity (it trouble without your hothcring to read them at all. 
Don't ever consider makiny; out apiilication blanks in advance and don't waste an_\ 
time makinj;' your uniforms the correct length. The .'supervisors will do that 
for you. 

When you arrive in W ashingt<in take any street car you see and kee]> trans- 
ferring until vou see a I'orest (lien or Takoma Park car. Get on it. Lnder no 
circumstances ask a policeiuan wliere Walter l\eed is. lie doesn't know any more 
about it than you do. Now grab a stra]), elevate \ourself above the common rabble 
and dangle there serenely lor a half an hour or so. If the conductor emits an\ 
hideous screeches, don't be alarmed. He is either renaming the streets along that 
line or haling some of his friends as they ])ass in their cars. When your right arm 
becomes numb, descend cautiously from the strap, escape from the car through 
the rear exit. If the conductor extends his hand toward you, it is a sign that he 
likes \(iur looks and is inclined to friendliness. Shake his han<l vigorously and 
run. The running is to start the circulation and remove the numbness from 
\-our arm. 

Xovv in<|uire tlie wa\ to the "( Ireasx Spoon." .Alter finding this structure, 
face s(|uarely about and ])eer intently down the street. If the da}' is not too foggy 
vou will see two tall smoke stacks ])iercing the horizon. Now. go o\er there. "Sou 
will now perceive there is a red brick building attached to a firm foundation just 

This building is not the one you want. Xow. look to yotu' right and walk 
back Z.M7 ])aces until you come to a similar yet smaller red brick structiu'e. Call 
one of the flitting creatures dressed all in white and give him your traveling bags 
and parctTs. lie sure and load them down pro])erl\- — that's what the orderlies are 
for. Powder \<)ur nose and enter with fear and trembling via the front door. 
He sure and put on plenty of rouge. Xow ask for the Chief .Xurse. .'^he is a 
jieculiar individual who lik-s to become well acquainted with all the "Probies" on 
the start -so just walk right in at the front of the line — if there is one. reach 
\dur paw over the desk and say. "llello. there, old girl." 'i'hat's just what she 
likes, and from that time Ivnce \'ou will receive everv coiu'tesy. 

(Signed) PKfi>i;-\cK .\.\ni;KSo.\. 

J".S-|I|KK R.\.\SO.M, 


I >*2 

I- Baa 


"(Jur ]^>unch" has been here long enough now to collect two pay checks, to 
know that breakfast is not served after 7 -JO a. m., to know quarters five from 
every angle, to know that your room is inspected every Saturday morning whether 
you want to sleep or not, and, last hut not least, to know what a remarkable institu- 
tion we have chosen to come to. 

^^ e realize as we stud\' and look and learn, how broadening this training will 
lie to us. ^^'e expected this, of course, but to such an extent, never! 

Our instructors are "real" ])eople. and we want to let them know how much 
we a])])reciate the many things they have done and are continually doing for us. 

We thank you, our U])per classmates, for making us feel as if we were wanted. 
We have lived with the girls in quarters seven, and to them i)articularly do we 1)0w. 
We also want to let the junior girls know how much we enjoyed those three little 
playlets given at the time of our arrival. 

\\ e know of nothing we can sav to express our manv thfiughts of appreciation 
toward vou all. 

"( )ur 1 lospital," we salute you ! 


I 83 ] 

^^1- (^.©.O. 

tKtie Class of 1926 


XE SUNX^' moriiin^r in March, the would-be "preHms" made tlieir ap- 
])carance at the door of the Xiirses' Quarters at Letternian and timidly 
ranj( the hell. A trim nurse greeted them cordiallv and took them into 
a cozy rec-e])tif)n room. This was reassuring; hut still they waited with fear and 
tremhling for the Head Xurse. They expected a kind of They found a 
human being, very kind and under.standing. The worst was OA'er. 

After the formalities of signing man\ pa])ers. the\' were assigned rooms in 
the .students' quarters and met .some of their new clas.smates. One of the friendly 
sophomores took them over to the Administration Office, where they took their 
oath of alleg'iance. After this they felt quite ])roud and che.sty, except when they 
met graduate nurses. Then they went back to quarters to unpack, and talked and 
talked and talked. The "big sister.s" of the u])per class were very kind to these 
lonesome, hungry, little "prelims," and .saw that they were shown to their seats 
at freshman table. The excellent food and service helped to cheer and strengthen 
the strangers. Altogether, they felt that they were among friends. 

Next morning they were rudely awakened at. what they thought, the ungodl}- 
hour of six. After a wild struggle into the new uniforms, a mad dash for break- 
fast, it was six fifty-five. Time for roll call. l>efore making their appearance at 
the class room, tiiey all rushed to quarters t<i ])owder. and ])rim]j. and fluff out 
their hair. And then — O, the come-down they had! All bobbed heads under nets. 
No more flying curls. And "pale faces" were the style. 

Next came assignment oi lessons, physical exammations, leisure. They s])ent 
the afternoon ])oking about the lalioratory and acquainting themselves with the 
hospital routine. 

In the evening, they noticed the nurses and students flocking to the Recrea- 
tion Hut : so they straggled in and stood awkwardly at the side. They watched 
the fun imtil an invitation came to join, an invitation eagerly accepted. They sat 
around the large fireplace and listened to the talk of tennis games and horseback 
riding, inwardly making u]i their minds to make a try at the sports. And now they 
learned that tea was served here every afternoon, and that after sleeping late on 
Sunday morning they could have breakfast in the I)reakfast room of the hut. 

It was a tired, Imt joyful and enthusiastic, bunch that turned in that night, 
and they all dreamed of the wonderful careers which were to he theirs. 

I'y Frances Rii:i)er and Helen Ted Mount. of 1926. 


[84 ] 

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0m jFlas 

In the Flag we see all the splendid pageant of our History, the outline of every dominant 
figure in new life since signatures were put to the Declaration of Independence, the toil and 
triumph of our wars, the progress recorded in every moment of peace. We see this, and 
more. \Ve see the principles which our great men defended, for which we fought our wars, 
by which our peace has been made orderly, substantial, prosperous. 

Tliese principles are greater than men, greater than the triumphs of war. and the Flag 
is their epitome. — American Lcijion IVcrkly. 

- 1923 

[ 85 ] 

I" Pi.Q.n. 


[ 86 i 

^•^I- PyQn.j^^r 

plocfelep l^eminisicences 


Don't you rememl)er — one (lav. August 15, 1922 — when a little f^n'oup of 
Army l)luehirds alighted from the train in West Philadelphia Station? 

It comes very vividly to my mind how, with sundry overflow from well 
])acked trunks, we turned our steps toward 'Jliirty-fourth and Spruce Streets, 
where we exjiected to spend eight months acquiring wisdom. I recall how, a 
little homesick and very tired, we were confronted with a high stone wall — a 
relic, with many otliers slil! remaining, of the old I'llockley Almshouse, as this 
hospital was still known as late as the eighties. W'c followed this wall until 
we came to the arched iron gateway guarded by the man in the gatehouse 
lieside it. 

It was through this gateway that Evangeline entered at the end of her long. 
wear\' search for (iahriel. Longfellow describes this hospital as the almshouse 
on the hanks of the heautiful Schu\lkill. 

A more modern legend of this old clinic gate is that it is the lieginning and 
end of all Fdockley romance. (){ course, owing to the shortness of our stay 
there, you nor 1 could vouch for the truth of that, hut as my mind wanders about 
among old memories it may be true. 

Well, enough of this dreaming 

Don't vou remember how our feet dragged as we entered the "( )ld Home" 
which was to be our home for several months? Oh. by the way, did you exer 
hear that up to the liuilding of this nurses' home in 1895, the student nurses 
were housed in a windowless dormitory in the hospital itself? .Since the "Old 
Home" was laiilt, another one known as the "New Jlome" has been erected; 
besides this, a spacious annex is being com])leted which will make it jiossible to 
accommodate comfortalih' 350 nurses. These facts are interesting, but we are 
wandering away from our old memories. 

Wasn't it wonderful how amicably we adjusted ourselves as to roommates 
and rooms ? Few groujis of girls of the present day are as congenial as we were. 
I wonder if the old name of "Army .Alley" still clings to the corridors occupied 
by the Army girls? 

Did ever a dinner taste better than that first one eaten ni the beautiful dining 
room which was situated in the "New Home"? This dining room and the service 
and food were (|uite a feature in our eyes, you remember. 

Oh, say! Will you ever forget that first day on the wards? What a shock! 
But Army girls, as well as men, have a way of adjusting themselves to new 
situations, and we were soon demonstrating our efficiencv most capabh. tlianks 
to our home school's good training. 


[87 ] 


Entrance to Blockley 

Well, how we did trudfie on I One service after another foni])leted. ()cca- 
.sionall\- one would fall out of the ranks for a time and sojourn in the Nurses' 
Infirmary, Init like a good soldier she, as soon as possihle. picked up her pack 
and traveled on. 

CJh. 1 almost forj;ot to mention that 600 Blockley j^^raduates did active service 
in the World War and that a hase hosiiital was located here during the war. 

At first we wondered wh\- some things at Blockley were as they were, but 
as we grew better ac(|uainted with the conditions Blockley had to meet we under- 
stood and grew more contented and ada])table to surroundings. 

J'hiladelphia Cieneral Hospital is growing in all directions. It is reaching 
thou.sands who would in no other way secure skilled medical attention by means 
of its dispensary and clinic work. It is broadening itself l)v the sjilendid training 
it is giving its nurses and internes. 

llow tenderly 1 remember the kindness of Miss Cla\lon. Miss Dieson, and 
their able assistants and the courtesy and interest e.xtended to us by Dr. Doane 
and others. 

I.MOGENE AliUEV, '24. 



^ aen 

Ploominsbale, WUtt f lainsi, i8, i. 

After having been welcomed so\- into the beauty and peace of 
Bloomingdale's outer court, what wonder we were i)artly disoriented? The 
time was not out of harmonw for it was a perfect August evening in the year 
of our Lord nineteen hundred and twentv-two. However, place and atmosphere 
were very much confused. Had we not attained Heaven, after coming, as we 
did, from the noise, the dirt, and the grind of Manhattan's East Side? Were 
we not week-end guests at some country estate? Could it be possible those ivy- 
covered halls sheltered souls in torment and spirits in prison? We were incredu- 
lous, and fell asleej) to the chirping of crickets, wakening in the morning to the 
song of birds and the glorious sunshine. Wakened, yes, and with the cold realiza- 
tion that an hour ago we should have breakfasted and reported for duty. 

Early in the day we were summoned to the class room to receive our first 
lesson in orientation. Again we were reminded that we were ntu'ses — that we 
had come to this institution for knowledge and training in the care of the most 
sick of the sick; that the field was large and that we at best could hope for onl_\' 
a glimpse into the world of mental illness and chaos and the process of restoring 
order. But that glimpse alone would be sufficient to give us an intelligent as 
well as sympathetic attitude toward those whom we had come to helj). and from 
whom we were to learn the rudiments of mental nursing. 

The most impressive feature of this first class was girding about our waists 
ropes to which were attached several keys, to tlie doors of the inner courts, this 
ceremony completel}- restoring our identity. 

Needless to .say. our ex]jeriences were many and varied, the lessons we learned 
invaluable, and our sojourn in Bloomingdale happy and profitable. The classes, 
lectures, and clinics were hours anticipated with pleasure and eagerness, and the 
time much too short in which to crowd our endless questions. 

We learned the art of occupational therapy, the therapeutic value of baths, 
and the unlimited value of the element of play in the normal mental experience. 
We had opportunity to prove the latter when, for one week, our duty was to 
partici])ate in sports with the patients. We were satiated with tennis and golf. 
It was .strange that seven da}'s of play should become a long week of most 
laborious work, and we filled it with all of life possible to crowd into 1,440 minutes. 

Time under such conditions passes rajiidl}-. and soon we were counting the 
davs when we .should return to Walter Reed. Finally came the hour when we 
returned our ke}s. which were to us symbolic of the ultimate laying down of 
our burdens. 

Edxa Ritenour. '23. 

- 1923 


!• Pi.Qn. 

Hvm^inlS^o^pital i?eto fork, M, S. 

Dn May 2, 1921, two junior students arrived in New York with six "Seniors," 
all hoinid for the Lvinf^-in-l hjsjiital, where we were to receive three months of 
training in obstetrical nursing. 

r)ur first day of dut_\- began with a demonstration by our instructor, who 
showed us the exact way that mothers and babies must be treated and cared for. 
.Afterwards we were taken to the wards, which ])resented to us a strange contrast 
with the cozy, home-like ones we had left at A\'alter Reed. 

P.v the aid of kindlv supervisors and coo])erative doctors, we soon became 
familiar with the hospital routine, learned from the mothers a bit of Yiddish, 
Italian, and (German, became accustomed to the din of 40 crying babies, acquired 
skill in guiding the loaded baby cart down the shining corridors to the anxiously 
waiting mothers, and, profiting bv Miss Mullalv's explicit directions, we could 
pack bags for the doctors on the outdoor service and be confident that their equip- 
ment was com])lete. 

Ten hours of duty seemed a long day during those hot summer months. 
However, it was wonderful, when work was over, to climb uj) on the b'ifth 
Avenue bus and ride along Kiverside Drive just after sunset as twilight was 
deepening and watch the twinkling lights upon the Hudson and feel the cool 
river breezes on our faces. 

Since this was our first trip to the great metropolis, we visited all jioints 
of interest. We viewed the city from the W'oolworth Tower, we stood in awe 
before the Statute of Liberty, we raml)led through the winding paths of Central 
Park to our hearts' content; nor did we forget Chinatown, Cone\- Island nor 
the East Side (ihetto with its .scores of push carts. 

The three months passed (juicklv. Final "e.xams" were over. Regretfulh" 
we said "Goodl)ye" to oiu- foreign-born mothers and to the noisy nurser)-. We 
left Lying-in behind, but carried away with us deep gratitude to those who had 
given us such splendid, practical instructions, and who had in.stilled in our hearts 
their ideals of service. 

Ed.nw Daultox. '23. 



[90 ] 

In the s])ring of ]<)22 it was decided that some time (luring the following 
summer the class of 1923 should affiliate with St. Elizaheth's Hosjiital, Washing- 
ton. 1). ("., for our ])sychiatric training. 

It was with mingled feelings that we hoarded the Army truck which was to 
take us to our new field of work. As the truck hore us swiftly away from Walter 
Reed, we felt our hearts contract with that weary feeling called "homesicktiess." 
After traveling for ahout 30 minutes we were told hy our driver that our desti- 
nation was very near. Suddenly rounding a turn, our eager gaze was intercepted 
hv tall iron fences and high stone walls. How our hearts throhljed as we swe])t 
through itnmense iron gates into — what ? Fairyland ! Ah. we did not dream 
it could he as heautiful as this. Everywhere one ha])]iened to look heautiful flow- 
ers, long stretches of grassv lawn, wonderful shruhliery. and tall shade trees met 
the eve. How eagerly we scanned the heautiful huiklings as we drove along, 
wondering which one might he the Nurses' Home. At last, after many in(|uiries 

Nurses' Home, St. Elizabeth's Hospital 


I ill 1 

t A6.a 

and mucli delay, we were greeted 1)_\' Miss Edith Haydon, assistant chief nurse, 
former student and grackiate of \\'alter Reed, who assigned us to our rooms. 

Our ])sychiatric training had always been a fearful subject of discussion 
amongst us, and after our first night at St. Elizabeth's, made wakeful bv shrieks, 
strange cries, and weird noises, our fears were increased tenfold. 

It was with mingled emotions that we fastened our huge brass keys to long 
chains which we made secure around our waists. None can imagine the feeling 
that as.sailed us as, for the first time, we each unlocked the heavy doors that 
admitted us to respective wards assigned. 

C)ur work on the wards was very light, as we were there mostly to observe. 
We went on duty at 8 ;30 a. m. and came off at 5 p. m. After a few days on 
the wards we found that there was nothing really to fear, and with fear eliminated. 
we began to be ver}- much interested. So, altogether, our da_\s ])assed very 
Ijlea.santly. Those patients who were confined to wards were kept occupied daily 
through the eiTorts of the reconstruction aides, who patientl}- taught basketry, 
weaving, to_\' making, etc. These ])atients also had their treatments daily in the 
h3-dro therapy department. Those who were fortunate enough to have ground 
I)arole had access to the Red Cross House, where entertainments and dances were 
given. These dances were a source of never-ending interest to us and the Army 
School was always well represented. Each week a liand was engaged to entertain 
the ])atients, and it was always a great pleasure for us to take as manv as ])0ssible 
out on the lawn for the ]iurpose of being near and hearing the music. 

Each day we were given an hour's lecture on psychiatry ]i\- men who have 
made the subject a life-long study. It was a great jileasure, as well as a privilege, 
to be able to hear these men discourse on a subject that is Ijecoming more and 
more interesting as time advances. 

We .spent two months at St. Elizabeth's, two months in which we were given 
the wonderful opportunity of trying to determine the "why" of Humanity; two 
months which taught us more fully how to understand and sympathize with human 

So it was with regret we said good-bye and gathered up our goods and 
chatties and boarded the old Army truck which was to liring us back to Walter 
Reed and real work once more. 

Gertrudp; M.vksiie, "2,^. 





tKJjE Cfjilliren's hospital, Waiitin&on, ©. C. 

Facing W Street Northwest, lietweeu Twelfth and Thirteenth, stands a large, 
oblong, three-story brick structure, above the entrance to which you may read 
these words. "The Children's Hospital. Incorporated 1870." 

To the back and at either end of this building and connected with it bv "The 
Esplanade" are two other three-story bricks, which make up the remainder of 
the hospital. 

Unlike most city hospitals, this one basks in the light and air provided by 
the "whole block." 

The hos])itaI accommodates 130 j)atients. and there is usually to be found 
among "those present" an illustration of every known disease under the sun. 
There are aljout ,S5 student nurses, in addition to the half dozen or more afi[iliates 
constantly- in attendance. Graduate .si)ecial and su]) 

Some of the outstanding features to an Army Nurse within the gates are 
the following : 

The amazing amount of respcjiisibility given to vounger students and the 
equally amazing fact of their abilit\- to shoulder said responsibility. The strange- 
ness of going on duty at the monstrously lazy hour of 8 a. m., after having 
"prayers" at 7 '30. The distressing and complete omission of that bit of heaven 
known as a "p. m." The absence of Saturday morning inspection. The e.xpert- 
ness with which one learns to single out the voice of the needy ])atient from 
among the half dozen or more simultaneousl\- calling "Nurse." The unbelievable 
volume of sound ])roduced li\' a dozen infants just jirevious to "feeding time." 

Last. l)ut by no means least, must lie mentioned the personality of that little 
white-haired lady who has the nursing destinies of us all in her hands. Cultured, 
interested, alive, human, she stands e\er ready to encourage, criticize, explain, 
as the need demands. 

Beul.mi Weidm.\n, '23. 



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^ pi.Q.n. 




Lane and Stanford University Hosi)itals, where 12 of our Army students 
are at ])resent affiliatin^^ consist of an old and a new part. Clinic ])atients are 
cared for in the older part. The combined hospitals have a capacity of 300 
beds and j)ro\-ide work for about 150 students. 

A new nurses' home, the Stanford School of Xursiny;. was coni])leted last 
year and is a beautiful liuilding, modern in every detail. Here the first six 
of our students were assigned rooms; the last six are living in the old Lane Home, 
known as the Nurses' Anne.x. It is a huge old-fashioned place, a veritable man- 
sion in its day. Had \ou seen the rooms u]ion our arrival, bare of everything 
excejJt necessary furniture, and no fires in the grates, you would have thought, 
"What a ])lace for students to live!" ISut should you join us some evening 
now — see our reading lamps ca.sting a .soft glow over the room, a red blotter 
on the lilirary table giving a touch of color, candlestick, pictures of our brothers, 
incense burners, and odd pieces of liric-a-hrac adorning the mantle, and con- 
genial companions grouped around a table in front of the fireplace where, after 
settling the great issues of the day, we gaze at the embers and dream dreams — 
if you could join us now you would say, "What a delightful, home-like place!" 

Kesting there after an arduous day, our tlioughts fly back to San Francisco. 
That city has an European a.s])ect. Even the "caterpillar cars" lend a fa.scination. 
We wonder anew wherein lies the charm of San Francisco. Is it that we catch 
a glimpse of the hay at almost every angle? Is it the jmrple hills? Or does 
it lie in the weather, full of sunshine? I'.ven though we can not answer the 
question, we feel the fascination and shall always associate it with our recollec- 
tions of student days. 

lust as a person who travels to foreign lands enjoNs each new ex])erience, 
and tinallv turns homeward with a ha])p\ heart, so we, after making the most 
of our affiliation, shall ajipreciate l.etterman all the more ttixin our return. 

A Lkttermanite Ahro.m). 


& ^ & 



[ 94] 

I" A6.a 

public gealti) J^entp Street Settlement, JletD 

fork Citp, J9. S. 

February 4th, 1923, saw four of the C'las.s of 1923 a thing apart from Ami}- 
Student Nurses, for the\' were actual travelers arriving in the Pennsvlvania 
Station, New York. 

While waiting here for Miss Emilie Robson. educational director, we marveled 
how transformed all seemed in this little city in itself. A continuous muttering 
roar like distant thunder, -or like the sound of rolling surf heard near the shore 
at night, fills this echoing terminus. Here was the material for modern life — all 
sorts, all conditions, all incidents that indicate particular situations arising out of 
universal conditions. All the important crises of life are present which take these 
I)eo]ile on brief or lengthv journevs. How infinite! v varied are the dim jihiloso- 
phies that mix invisibly in this station — how ])athetic the inner sorrows and yearn- 
ings ! 

And it is this i>rolilem for which we have come to stud\". experience, and 
give what little aid we can within our four months. 

We could s])end endless time watching the people eddying downstairs and 
upstairs, and the kaleidosco])e of color constantly shifting. However, we were 
en route for Henry .Street, where our work would be more s])ecific. 

Henr\- Street, to all outward ai)])earances, is like any other down-town street. 
But we find there is only one Henry .Street House. It extended us the hos])itable 
welcome which it gives to all strangers. We were charmed with the antique 
furniture, beautiful [jolished brass-ware, and choice ])ictures. If only each article 
could narrate its individual, interwoven tale, we would have heard mati\- about 
.Spain, Italy, Egy])t, and Russia. 

We longed for a ])eep at .Miss Lillian ]). W'ald, whom we had met wa\ back 
in probation days as author of the "House on Henry Street" and jjioneer organizer 
of the Public Health \'isiting Nurse Association in New York. W^ho could have 
foretold our probable meeting? Although there were ])rominent men and women 
residents at dinner. Miss W'ald was not there. 

The event of meeting Miss W'ald has left an indelible impression. She 
greeted us in her easy, well-])oised manner, immediately introducing her warm, 
contagious smile. Through her we feel like "E Pluribus Unum" residents. 

Since it is tvj)ical of New ^'ork to be in a hurry, we as.sumed the role early 

in the game. Going to Teachers' College, Columbia University, we fell in with 

the throng and, to a ]iasser-by. seemed — 

Going nowhere in particular. 
Hurrying, just the .same. 
Nickel-slotted perpendic'lar, 
Whirligigged we came. 
Right malapert upon the platform 
Of tlie suhwav station l)ornc. 


( H6 1 

^ a.6.a 

At Colles,'e wt- rej,nstered in the following three .sul)iert.s, majoring in I'lihlic 
I lealtii Nursing : 

^"''i'^^ct Hours Points Instructor 

Social Science 2 2 Miss Tox\nsend 

^"""""K 2 2 Miss Grant 

"yf?'^''"^ 2 2 Prof. Broadhurst 

In a \ery short time we realized the ])lans made for our sta\- here were 
shattered. State J-ioard studying hecame subordinate t(j our much re(|uired study- 
ing and extensive reading in our courses. 

Before we had our demon.stration on Henr\- .Street technique, we went out 
on the district to observe with the staff nurses. Within a few davs, armed with 
our red guide book and district bag, arrayed in outdoor regulation uniform, we 
braved our tasks alone. 

Now we met Life anew. 

The i)ushcarts with their assortment of food, clothes of every description, 
gay colors, and personal vanities stand out in our minds as newcomers. One 
hears some very keen bargaining and, although it is only a small bit .saved, it 
seems a victory to the ^•ictor. 

The children, .s])ringing from hopeless surroundings, are small replicas of 
their untidy and ignorant mothers. NcA-ertheless, these children seem sufhcientlv 
clothed to withstand this lasting cold weather. 

Americanizing the mothers is the Pul)lic Health nurse's special task. Each 
time .she succeeds in implanting in the mother's mnid a lesson in health or hvgiene 
she has imjirinted the seed of Americanism in its truest sense. For, from the 
mothers emanate the standards of home life and ideals for the whole famih-. The 
Children in their schools are introduced to the standards of the new world and 
are taught personal hygiene and health precautions. The nurse not onlv alleviates 
bodily pain by fighting death and disease and by giving actual nursing care, but, 
in case of necessity, she relieves the situation materially. The Henrv Street nurse 
is in coo])eration with all other medical and social associations, performing active 
and effective services. 

The rudiments of .Americanism can be taught more easilv than any other 
branch of Public Health nursing to maternity patients. It is amazing to find 
how much one has really taught the mother. For one week after a post partum 
case is discharged from acti\e nursing care the nurse makes a return visit to 
a.scertain the degree of Henry Street knowledge the mother has gained. During 
one month the nurse ])ays weekly visits here without charge. The case is then 
referred to a baby-welfare clinic. 

Students in the ])receding class, who were so fortunate as to ha\e had this 
affiliation, portrayed conditions existing just as we found them. However, at the 
time we thought them exaggerated. 

Now that we have facts in realit}-, we enj(i\ everv minute of our work and 


[ ne ] 


play. So much so that we thoroughly delight m being on duty in the Settlement 
House on our respective appointed evenings. One of our class is taking active 
part as leader of a girls' club, ages ranging between 18 and 20 years. Another 
is hostess in the lobby on Saturday night, when there is a large assemblage of 
young folk coming in for clubs, basketball games, dances, and to meet frends 
socially or for games. 

This Settlement House is a thing apart from the Visiting Nurse Association, 
but does give us a keener insight into the social life of the younger folk. This 
in turn afifords a finer understanding between the Home and Henry Street de- 

We find there is a between theory and practice and at this time we 
call upon our reserve information of improvisations (which we have stored away 
since probation). 

From actual life and not from books, we learn great lessons of psychology— 
that there is good and bad in everyone, that they are often intermingled, and that 
very often we find wonderful qualities under a seemingly coarse, unpretentious 
surface. We learn not to regard traits as racial characteristics, but to attribute 
them to a bad environment and lack of education. 

Anna Gudelsky, "23. 


I 97] 





[98 ] 




My most memorable moment. The moment in which I uttered for the first 
time in pubhc that tender word "iMama." Shall 1 ever forget the occasion? 
Gran'dad had just presented me with a small silver spoon inscribed "Bal)y" in 
hoTior of my four-months-old liirthday, and I looked uj) into his side-whiskered 
face, chuckled with pent-up glee, and said "Mama." At the same time. I stretched 
out my childish arms pathetically. Now. I intended this for a subtle joke, this 
mistaken identity, but no one but Gran'ma seemed to appreciate my little jest. 
At least I judged she did, for I watched her out of the corner of mv eye and 
saw a sly smile steal over her face and her eyes fill up with tears. And it was 
just the day before that I had heard the expression "laugh 'till the tears come." 
No doubt it was no other than this strange phenomena that was bothering Gran'ma. 

Now. 1 must explain my situation a bit. It seems that I was the first child. 
And what a fuss and fume my parents did make over me. I had no idea it 
would be so bad. I didn't mind Mama. Init Daddy was so awkward and clumsy 
with me. When I had attained the tender age of three weeks, my sterner parent 
once attempted to pick me up from my crib. I tried to tell him by making queer 
sounds that I wasn't quite ready for that sort of thing. But I was unsuccessful 
in making myself understood. The result was that I barely escaped a perilous 
six-foot dive from Daddy's shoulder to the tiled floor. What one suffers and 
endures in one's childhood ! 

And another day — a week or so later — Aunt Aggie and Uncle Benjamin 
came down from the country to look me over, as it were. With them came their 
eight children, including twins of six months. I must confess I was a bit angered 
by this action, as up to now I had been the center of attraction in my respective 
household. I felt myself unduly eclipsed by these two squalling brats from 
Peasdale. \'ermont. At least, I can say for myself that I had the good sense 
to refrain from bawling when on public inspection. I tried to be a model baby. 
In vain I googled to Ike and Alike — they were Aunt Aggie's twins — to be quiet 
and stop kicking when the folks were around ; and to drink their milk with a 
soothing noise and permitting not more than half the bottle to go trickling down 
their bibs. But they were very slow to catch on to my little tricks, so I gave 
up after the fifth week. 

It was about this time that I began i)racticing, in my own wav, many little 
monosyllables. Always, of course, in secret. By the end of this week I liad 
perfected "an," "can," "])an." "tan," and a few more of this tone. I found 
them fairly easy to i)ronounce. with the exception of the "p." Here I must 
mention the narrowness of an escape that I experienced on Wednesday of this 
week. The nurse was in the laundry washing my blue shirt on which I had 




purposely spilled milk — that she would leave me in peace a few moments. Mama 
was at the telephone, so I sought to improve the time by practicing the word 
"man." I had some difficulty at first and in my excitement entirely forgot to 
look at the clock, I knew that my regular feeding time came at quarter of the 
hour and that it was then sixteen minutes of, but I didn't sense the situation very 
keenly. I had just found the key to an effective "m" — puckering of the lips — 
when suddenly I heard O'Sullivan-heeled footsteps and agonized voices directly 
outside my door. Deftly and quickly I changed my tone to a hoarse and dull 
brawl, rubbed my eyes to puff and redden them, and was apparently laboring 
with a troublesome safety pin on my blanket when the door flew open and Mama 
and nurse entered. This, perhaps, was my first really dangerous moment. Had 
I been a little less quick, my secret would have been revealed. And that spelled 

The next week two things of importance happened. The first was the advent 
of Gran'dad — my mother's father — and the second was the departure of Aunt 
Aggie and her troupe on Thursday. This, of course, was a great relief. I de- 
veloped myself physically this week by breaking in three teeth; intellectually by 
learning a few household words, such as "dog" "cat," "pin," "damn," "stove," 
etc. ; and morally by refusing a bite of pink candy that my stupid nurse offered 
me to "shut up," as she vulgarly expressed herself. How little did she suspect 
that I understood her perfectly, and even returned the feeling at times. 

The tenth week I had begun on the duosyllables. Always, you understand, 
in secret. And by the fourteenth week I had even organized a few words into 
simple sentences — "Go to hell" — I had heard that from one of Aunt Aggie's hope- 
fuls. I thought it exceptionally brilliant and it proved one of my favorite remarks. 
I used to practice it, under my breath, when the doctor put his clumsy finger into 
my mouth, feeling for a "toof" as it were. How I hated that silly baby-talk. The 
other sentence was "Where's my hat?" This I had picked up from Daddy. I 
saved it, however, for a coup d'etat which I planned to effect some day when my 
bonnet would fall off — knocked so verj- innocently by my own little fingers. 

So it was the sixteenth week, or the fourth month, that I decided to take the 
fatal plunge and make my first public announcement. I knew Gran'dad was to 
present me with a spoon as I had overheard him telling Mama. I planned a noble 
and fitting setting for my first word — the nursery. Now, you must realize that 
my first thought was to say "Gran'dad" as I looked up at him. But, about noon 
of that day, I was seized with a brilliant idea, I would say "Mama" instead — 
making a subtle jest and at the same time observe the convention of calling one's 
mother with one's first noise. And so it all happened. 

Now, I ask you, kind reader : Sense or nonsense ? 

EvALYN H. Taylor. 


[ 100 ] 


[ 101 ] 


^leasJant MtmovitH JBrnim ^n ftour 0ii Butj> 

This is drawn entirely from memory — memories, I should say — and such 
pleasant ones, too. The time that has ])assed since I left Panama has been just 
enough to leave onl} the most pleasant of memories. 

On the twentieth of October, 1920, we sailed from New "^'ork on the 
U. S. A. T, Cantigiiy, and on the twenty-seventh of that month we were steaming 
into Colon Harbor, or Limon May. On the starboard there was a hill on which 
were some red-roofed houses, nestling into the vivid green of the tropical foliage 
and arranged as are Army posts. This, we soon learned, was fort Sher- 
man, an artillery fort, guarding one side of the bay and the entrance to the 
Canal. As I looked on, slowly turning from right to left, I saw the jungle- 
covered hill become a mass of solid green, a])])arently uninhabited; I saw, entirely 
unconscious of seeing it. too. the entrance to the far-famed Canal ; on around 
my eyes wandered — over the coaling station seen some di.stance away ; over the 
white and glaring concrete piers; over the town with its beautiful, snow-white 
Washington Hotel a little ajjart, its palm-bordered walks and gardens; on 
farther jjast the hotel to a little brown-stone E^])isco])al church, Christ Church 
by-the-.Sea ; on l)eyond to the distant mountain range that 1 knew to be the 
mountain range which is the backl)one of the Americas — dropping my eyes from 
the distant mountain tops to the left shore of the bay I saw another fort. Fort 
Randol])h, guarding the other side of the ba\' and the naval sul>marine and air 

The landing was dreadful. The \)kr was jammed with peo])le who had 
come to see all the newcomers and to watch lest they have a friend aboard. Then, 
as always, came the customs officials and the usual routine of examining baggage 
was observed. 

As a regiment we were transferred from the transjjort to a troop train and 
were shipped around for an hour or so from siding to siding and finally to our 
destination six miles away, which was a brand new post, and we were the first 
occupants — to be the first occupants of a new Arm\- ]iost certainh is not an 
every-day occurrence in this world. 

There were many lovel}- trips we could take to very many ])laces of interest. 
We could go on the train forty-five miles to Panama City and see the Church 
of San Jose with its altar of gold which has such an interesting history, and 
from there go out to see the ruins of Old I'anama City or to see the Flat Arch, 
which has stood through many a storm and earthquake. We could go from 
Colon either by boat or across the river and go bv horseback or on foot to see 
the ruins of the famous old Fort San Lorenzo, destroved manv \ears ago bv 
the dreaded jiirate, ^lorgan. 

The social life among the .Army and Navy people is literally strenuous, and 
yet the>- love it and keep on. >j C.\theri.\e Picim'kk, '26. 


[ 102 J 


St Ss! tB:o 12.aug|)- 


Where can a man Ijuy a cap for his knee, 

Or a key to the lock of his hair? 
Can his eyes he called an academy 

Because there are pu])ils there? 
In the crown of his head, what jewels are found? 

Who travels the hridge of his nose? 
Can he use. when shingling the roof of his mouth. 

The nails on the ends of his toes? 
Can the crook of his elbow be sent to jail? 

If so. what did it do? 
How did he sharpen his shoulder blade? 

I'll he hanged if I know; do you? 


First Tea-room Hound: "Well, old strawberry, howsa bo_\- ? I just had a 
bowl of ox-tail soup, and feel bully." 

Second Cafeteria Fiend : "Nothing to it. old watermelon. I just had a plate 
of hash, and feel like everything." 

'Tis sweet to love. 

But, oh. how hitter. 
To court a girl 

And then not gitter I 

Ambitious Student ( looking at an Anatomy chart which she has to copy 
look at all the things I have to draw in my trunk!" 

Bright Student: "'S'es. you sure will have a trunk full." 



I 103 ] 

P A©.a 


"Statistics i)n)ve that niarria^re is a jiieventive a^i^aiiist suicide," said Major 

"Yes," exploded Captain Cook, "and statistics also jjrove that suicide is a ])re- 
ventive against marriage." 

Miss AIcBride (at roll-call) : "Aliss ^Mount, are you pigeon-toed?" 
Miss Mount: "No, dear; hut all my family arc, except me, and my heels 
turn out." 

Doctor, to Patient : "Well. 1 am glad to see you coughing easier this morning." 
I^atient : "I ought to; 1 have practiced all night." 

We all wonder what were Miss Sears' intentions toward the hystanders at 
the great fire exhibit the other day. 

Trim, to Student Xurse : "^'ou■re 
sweet enough to eat." 

Student Nurse, sweeti\- : "1 do eat. 

P^.J^z. /f/^e-- - '=''^■'■^' 

Miss R. I. Taylor; "Did you hear about the fight last night?" 

Chorus: "No; where?" 

Miss R. I. Taylor: "Some one licked a lollypo]i." 


( 104 ] 

i' aen. 


He told the shy maid of his love; 

The color left her cheeks; 
But on the shoulder of his coat 

It showed for several weeks. 


Student Nurse (to discharged soldier) : "When you were crossing the Atlantic, 
did you see any sharks ?" 

Discharged Soldier (with a far-away look in his eyes) : '"les; 1 played cards 
with several of them." 

All old farmer was laboriously filling out a claim sheet against a railroad 
company that had killed one of his cows. He came down to the last item, which 
was "Disposition of the carcass?" After puzzling it over for awhile he wrote. 
"Kind and gentle." 

Nurse: "Did vou have trouJjlc with your French when you were in Paris?" 
Patient ; "No, I didn't, Imt the Parisians did." 


■ - 


^ - - 

v.-w/f.rc/...^ -.p,^,.,.^^^ 

\'isitor; "In what course do you expect to graduate?' 
K. C. : "Oh, in the course of time. I suppose." 

Captain Mann: "* * * !" "* * * !" 

Student Dentist: "What ho, my lord! What ho?" 

Captain Mann; "What hoe? What hoe? Gillette! Gillette! Just look at 
mv chin !" 


I lO.'i ] 

i. ft6.n. 

First : "Some superinteiKlents remind me of Irish potatoes. 

Second: "Why?" 

First : "Because thev have eves on all sides." 

Miss Smith (referring to a chart) : 
"What was the disposition of the patient?" 

Aliss Harms: "Excellent." 


/-/.<!</ (P^^/-"^ 


Drill Sergeant to Miss Davis: "Hey, there! The command was 'Left front, 
into line, douhle time!' " 

Miss Davis: "I'm going as fast as 1 can in that direction." 

First Orderl}- : "Say, <lid you know our charge nurse is a magician?" 

Second Orderly: "No; how come?" 

First Orderlv: "She turned me in to the Night Supervisor last night." 

There's a meter for gas and for water. 
There's a meter for love and for hate ; 

liut the meter to me most romantic 
Is to meet her alone at the trate. 

O/tnit. AUit 



s c o tf e ic^ 

Miss Tobin : "Well, how do you feel. Miss Wilson?'' 

]\Iiss \Vilson (after a ])ractice liath l)y one of the students) ; "1 feel like I've 
been through the war/' 

- 1023 

t 106 ] 

I- A6.a 

' ' ' » 

Dr. Riley to J3rown : "I don't like 3'our heart action. You've been having 
some trouble with angina pectoris, haven't you?" 

"^'ou're partly right. Doc, only that ain't her name." 


Nurse: "Why, Major Kirk, what hapjiened to your mustache' 
]Major Kirk: "Oh, I took it otT; it's too warm for furs." 

"Have you ever done an_\- public s])eaking?" 

"T once proposed to a girl over the jjhone in mv home town." 


The world owes ever\one a li\ing, 

It takes a hustler to collect it. 

c '^ 


Nobody says that he's a mutt ; 

He has a mouth, l:)ut he keeps it siuit. 

(■»,»„ ~,r->^^""'"' 


[ 107 ] 


Fire Chief to Probationer: "What steps would you take if fire broke out in 
this school?" 

Probationer: "Long ones, sir." 


Advice wanted ! Why should one think it was a joke for a student nurse to 
be called a plumber, just because the Murphy drip apparatus conveniently sprung 
a leak every time she entered the room? 

F"air student nurse to clerk: "Have you talcum powder?" 

Clerk; "Certainly; do 3'ou want Alennen's?" 

Student nurse: "No; women's." 

Clerk: "Scented?" 

Student nurse: "No, I'll take it with me." 

Teacher: "Now, Kollo, use the word 'ruthless' in a sentence." 

Rollo : "Everv team in the American League except the Yankees is Ruth less." 

It is reported that Surgeon General Ireland 
visited a neighboring hospital, became especially 
interested in their farming projects. 

"Do you have a hennery?" he inquired of the 

"No," said he, "I drive a Dodge." 



[ 108] 

t P>.Qn. 

©oins l^fjeir Pit 

Miss Melissa Smith had not spoken for three minutes, which was quite an 
unusual thing for her — so unusual, in fact, that it caused various whispered and 
raised-eyebrow comments to float gently over the group gathered to make wooly 
socks and "woolier" sweaters, and, oh, so wooly washcloths for the unfortunate 
boys in the service. And, not unnaturally, soon came a lull in all conversation. 
Even old Mrs. Howe observed the occasion and dwindled off in her most exagger- 
ated account of what happened at Mel Jones' tea. For Miss Melissa was to 
Perryville societ\- what salt is to food. Without it, food becomes tasteless, un- 

She was sitting up very straight in her chair, so that at least 2 feet of her 
5 feet 9 inches towered above the top. Her position accentuated her thinness and 
the bones in her very bony neck made one ill at ease — was there any chance of 
them actually po])ping through the dried-up skin ? Dried up, but oh, so well 
greased ! But, alas ! Poor Miss Melissa's neck had reached such years that it 
could not absorb the Melba beautifier applied so religiously at half-past nine every 
night. It was as cream on a pan of milk. 

Her angular jaw was topped by an expansive, thick-lipped mouth. Her 
nose was decidedly pointed and rested somewhat on her lips. Quite a distance 
above this sat two black lashless eyes, placed very much side by side, so close that 
they might gossip and chat amiably, telling one another state secrets, perhaps over- 
looked by one or the other. 

Then the frosting of the cake, what inspired soulful poets have ever spoken of 
as woman's glory — hair, locks, curls. Miss Melissa was devoid of all these beautiful 
sounding words in the general sense, hair — she gave one the impression that the 
good Lord just fashioned a fleecy cap of straw hue, then melted and poured 
Miss Melissa in. She had hardened too soon, before she was quite in place, 
because the cap began a trifle late, leaving a most generous forehead. But, in 
the process, this expanse had been horribly wrinkled. This taking place on a 
Thursday, one can hardly blame the good Lord for not pressing it — He had so 
much to do. 

Yet, Miss Melissa was peculiar looking — the very essence of boniness. She 
acted as one might expect from gazing at her. And nothing pleased her quite 
as much as presiding over the meeting — be it Ladies of the Good Heart or the 
Society of Ye Village. So, what could be the matter with her now? Something 
must happen soon. All the ladies were waiting anxiously. 

In books, thoughts are in the hal)it of exploding. Miss Melissa's didn't. 
She hadn't read enough to know that that is the usual thing to do with one's 
thoughts- — explode them. She most ignorantly let her's leak out. 


[ 109 ] 

!• aQn. 

Ah! Her mouth was (>])cning! 

"Mrs. Howe." The ])re.ssure was reh'eved. 

"Yes, Miss Melissa." The ladies called her that. 

"Mrs. Howe, it grieves me. but 1 must tell you what Sadie's cousin's boy, 
who is in France, wrote home." 

"Yes, Miss Melissa." 

"Mrs. Howe, he jjlainly wrote .Sadie that the doughboys used our knitted 
wash-cloths to shine their shoes with." 

"In view of this disconcerting fact, don't you think you had lietter unravel 
that wash-cloth, Mrs. Howe, and start a sweater? Here." 

And .she handed the poor laflv a large, ungainly ball of white wash-cloth 
yarn! Now, I ask you, was Mrs. Howe to think this was a mistake on ^Miss 
Melissa's part, or had Miss Melissa seen the two .stitches which she had dropped 
.so carelessly a half an hour ago? 

Ev.vLvx H. Taylor. 



[ no ] 

t A^n 



Editor ill Chief Martha M. Patton '23 

Associate Editors .... Edna Daulton '23 

Juanita McElroy '23 

Assistant Editors ....Lucille Rhoades '24 
M. Carolyn Jones '24 
Eleanor Merrill '25 
Esther Ransom '25 

Literary Editors Ida Bjorkquist '23 

Kathcrnie Hall '25 

Social Editor Elizabeth Joubert '23 

Prudence Anderson '25 
Wit and Humor Arlyn Carlson '24 

Art Editors Marguerite Miller '23 

Frances Mitchell '25 

Poetry Gertrude Marshe '23 

P'rances Quinn '24 

Affiliations Ruth Freshour '23 

Alumni Editor Mary Tobin '21 

Executive Committee. Margaret Meredith '23 
Margaret Mac Bryde '23 

Business Manager . . . Anna Gudelsky 'H 

Faculty Representa- 
tive Elizabeth Melby 


[ n\ .] 













Wf)t Vanmavh of an international ^rmp 


jENERAL IRELAND, members of the Medical Staff, friends, and my col- 
leagues : I value more deeply than I can express the privilege and honor 
\ij^^^^^ of addressing you today. The inspiration of this truly great occasion 
is immeasurably deepened for me by the memory of the beautiful exercises of the 
Walter Reed Hospital for the eastern and larger wing of this army of student 
nurses whose course has now come to a successful completion. 

] would that I could bring vividly before those jiresent the episodes of that 
week in Washington — episodes for which the grounds of Walter Reed recentlv 
so beautified, its historic buildings, and the dignity of the military jirocedures and 
accoutrements provided so rich and rare a setting. Class day, commencement, 
and jjrophetic pageant made a colorful chapter in the history of nursing, the 
last scene of which couW not be more fittingly enacted than here at the Presidio, 
looking- out through the Coldcn Gale. ]5nt these moment.'^ are too jjrecious, the 
opportunity of a jjarting message too great to jiermit more than this brief mention 
of the beautiful and to us, jterhaps indeed to our country, who knows, imjiortant 
event of the graduation of the first class of the Army School of Nursing. 

Let us for a moment lift the curtain of the past to gaze upon those davs in 
which this school found its inception. As we do .so, the memories press thick and 
hard. \\'e realize when we try to review its coming into e.xistencc that vears — ncj, 
centuries, ago it was ordained by St. \'incent de Paul, whose pronouncement 
was a vision of the nurse of todav : 

"They .shall have no monasteries but the house of the sick; no cells hut a 
hired room, no cloisters but the streets of the town and the wards of the hosjjital, 
no inclosure but obedience, and for convent bars, onl}- the fear of God; for a 
veil they shall have a holy and ])erf ect modesty ; and while they keep themselves 
from the infection of vice they shall sow the seeds of virtue wherever they turn 
their steps." 

Its corner .stone as a professional school was laid ni the Oimea ; its curriculum 
assembled and tested through application, by the scholarly and devoted pioneers 
of our profession, amongst whose names must ever outstandingly arise — Lsabel 
Hampton Robb, teacher, nurse, mother, who never rested till the doors of the 
university were opened to us; her erudite comrade, j\L Adelaide Nutting, who 
through the university has steadily broadened and enriched our curriculum and 
to whom we owe the highly prepared women who in this country and others, 
even to far-away China, arc steadily raising the standards of nursing, and thereby 

*Address delivered at the graduation of the first class, Army School of Nursing, 



[ 113 ] 



^ aen 

the well-heing of the peojjles ; So])hia Palmer, the first and for main- vears the 
only editor of the Anicricaii Journal of Nursing, to whom we are immeasurably 
indebted for that most powerful organ for rajtid dissemination of information, a 
professionally directed press ; Lillian W'ald, to whom the children of the streets 
of many cities and in the far removed places owe a debt of which they will never 
be aware ; and lastly, Jane Delano, through whose organizing ability as well as 
command of the affection of the members of her profession, brought, when the 
un])recedented call for nurses came in 1917. an enrollment of 8,000 reserves 
through the Red C ross. We wish it were ]K)ssible to dwell upon the service 
rendered by the state inspectors of the schools of nursing beginning with Elizabeth 
Burgess ; and the nursing heads and their assistants of the civil and army hospitals 
to whom Miss Stimson has already ])ai<l trilmte, a long list led by Mary M. Riddle 
and Marie Louis. We realize we can never adequately express our gratitude to 
the staunch su]>porter of the ideals of the nursing profession. Dr. Winford H. 
Smith of Johns Ho|)k'ins, then in the Surgeon General's Office, and above all and 
in an\' measure, of our debt to (ieiieral Robert E. Noble, in whose hands the 
establishment of the school so definitely lay. These are indeed but a few of 
the many that made ])ossii>le the creation of the school, for it must not be for- 
gotten that the interest of the young womanhood of the country was aroused 
and the students called to iioth civil and army schools throughout the machinery 
of the .A.merican Nurses' Association, working in close cooperation with the 
women of the country giving their .service through the Red Cross and the National 
Council of Defense. It would almost seem that the school owes its life and 
the way it was shaped to every grou]) that before and during the war was 
mobilized for constructive service to mankind. How little was this realized in 
those davs when we became a ])art of the great staff gathered together for the 
purpose of evaluating and distributing the manhood and womanhood of the 
country for ra])id and immediate action; millions of our best manhood to be 
projected into a situation that .s]5elled destruction, therefore demanding constant 
replenishment of their kind and the conservation of their .strength and energy 
through material elements as well as the provision of the care of their bodies 
through the science of medicine and nursing. 

Our imagination again brings forcildy before us the e.Ktraordinary mobili- 
zation of these forces, their ra])id projection into another continent, the heroic 
deeds of men, and not less of women "over there," and on this side a hardly 
less extraordinary achievement through the rapid creation of hundreds of munition 
factories, of .shipping facilities not heretofore available in this country, of great 
thousand-bed hospitals with their scientific equipment, and this in the face of a 
tragedy — the epidemic of 1918 — hardly less heartrending and devastating than 
the tragedy being enacted on the other side. No one can ever know what the 
unprecedented and immediate re.sjjonse of the students to the call of the school 
meant to those in hands the resiwnsibility lay. In less than five months 
more than 10,000 applications were received, over 5,800 of which met the admission 


[ 114 ] 


requirements ; but how our heart aches again at the thought of those ardent young 
spirits who came so eagerly and were so immediately torn from us by that terrible 

It is impossible in any space of time which could be allotted to this address 
to attempt to present the briefest picture of the many vivid and dramatic episodes, 
already dimming, of those days. But there is a memory that should always be 
with us, the way in which a great country came together, men, women, and children, 
rich and poor, for a great project— the destruction of a threatening evil, the 
safeguarding of the things we held most dear. This is a memory to be cherished 
for itself and for those concerned; but above all must we retain it because il 
points to a fact of most profound importance to the builders of the future, 
namely, that given existing evils and knowledge concerning methods of destroymg 
them, an intelligent society should not jiermit them to continue, for it has again 
been demonstrated that it is possible to unify minds scattered over a vast territory 
into a great efTective force. 

When the history of those e])ochal years, 1914 to 1920, is written, does 
any one question that towering above all episodes of that extraordinary period 
will l)e that of 1917, the Russian Revolution? Recently I listened to an exposi- 
tion of the situation in Russia by a Russian authority. In .sharp, bold strokes 
he threw, as it were, u])on a canvas the picture of the awakening to a knowledge 
by the masses of their ]50wer if expressed through group action. Ignorance un- 
f loosed, undirected by reasoned knowledge, great nobilities, and appalling beas- 

tialities— a veritable Frankenstein whose only weapon was revolution instead of 
a great constructive force whose tool is evolution. It is my belief, if I ma\- 
venture to have a belief in the matter, that never was there a more effective illus- 
tration of the truth once voiced by John Stuart Mill, writing to a well-known 
teacher of his dav, "I agree with you, sir, that real education is the contact of 
the human living soul with human living sour'— that that cataclysmic moment 
when the great masses of a country, the population of which is 125,000,000, the 
illiteracy of which is unquestionably great, through some dissemination of knowl- 
edge so universal, that for the moment at least these masses spoke as one voice, 
and .speaking overthrew the established laws, systems, and customs of generations 
and of the most autocratic of governments. It is this conviction, this fact, indeed, 
that makes the message my feeble pen can bring to you of hut small moment, but 
the question— What will you do with your unusually rich and varied preparation? 
of the most profound importance. Do I need to rehearse to you the good things 
you have fallen heir to? In the first place. I count of no small importance the 
sound foundations you yourselves have laid through your ])revious educational 
preparation — all of you have had at least four years of secondary work, many of 
you advanced academic and scientific courses ; many had been in the teaching field — 
a splendid .soil in which to sow the knowledge made ])ossible through the gathering 
together in our camp hospitals of the greatest scientists in the field of medicine and 
surgery, of the best thought and experience in nursing, and the most elaborate equip- 



I 115] 

^ Aon. 

ment that hospitals had ever seen ; added to this we have the opening of the doors of 
the leading civil hospitals in the country in order that you should have those expe- 
riences not to be found in the military institutions ; and lastly, we have the Red 
Cross making it possible for you to add to your curriculum a wider experience in 
health matters through the visiting-nurse organizations of various cities. 

Since I failed to put my message to your eastern sisters into the written 
word, in so speaking to you today I am speaking to them again. To me, you 
of the east and of the west, individually so lovely to look upon, your varying 
abilities so fa.scinating to contemplate, are nevertheless integrated into a great 
moving constructive force with no small jiart to play in the march of progress. 
You and your civil hospital sisters are to me a most important branch of the 
great army of womanhood upon whose conception or interpretation in the next 
few years of the aim of life, I venture to assert, depends in no small measure 
the life or death of our tottering civilization. For this reason I desire to l)ring 
before you, briefly but vividly, your part in the dissemination of the scientific 
knowledge now available in our great laboratories, your extraordinary opportunity 
to interpret to the people in simple language and by practical examples the life- 
giving message of the age epitomized b_\- our great statesman, Lowell : "Democracy 
in its best sense is merely the letting in of light and air." 

We need hardly rehearse the world as it is today. From one angle, almost 
too terrible to contemplate, a world-wide, a continent reeking with misery. 
f a little cloud no larger than a man's hand arising in the far east, while in our 

own country physical conditions and educational limitations revealed to us through 
the draft, disquieting indeed to thoughtful minds. Nevertheless, the world looked 
at today from another angle fills us with abundant hope. We have scientific 
knowledge that was never before available. We have thousands where formerly 
there were tens who hold that knowledge in their hands. We live in an age that 
has been called the social age, an age that has a sense, and a growing sense, of 
common responsibility. We have a new message, not only in medicine, although 
perhaps by this science it is more dramatically exemplified than by any other, a 
message not only of the cure of certain existing evils, lait their prevention, their 
comi)lete elimination from the scheme of things. To such a group as this, I need 
hardly rehearse the outstanding examples of this fact ; in the not far past a surgeon 
to save a life had to amputate a liml>; to-day, through asejjtic surgery, it is possible 
to save both life and limb; tuljerculosis, a scourge for centuries before Christ — 
would I assert too much if I said that with the knowledge that we now have, given 
adequate machinery, could be entirely stamped out; insanity, so little understood 
that its victims were formerly, and indeed in some parts of the world .still are, 
treated as criminals, whereas to-day crime itself is Ijeing revealed in many in- 
stances to be due to mental abnormalities curable or preventable if recognized in 
early life. 

The arch enemies of man, it matters not how they ex])ress themselves, 
whether through pestilence, famine, or the sword, are ignorance, poverty, disease. 
and crime — and the greatest of these is ignorance. These evils are inditTerent 


t 116 ] 


to their victims — child, aduh, aged, alike become their prey. It i.s they and not their 
victims that should be overcome. The greatest evil to my mind is that which de- 
prives a little child of the garden of youth and, most pitiful and despicable of all. 
that filches from it its power to laugh. There are literally thousands of children 
today who have never laughed and who will have no memories of the joy of youth 
and, greatest tragedy of all, they are found not alone in the devastated countries 
overseas. The most beautiful, the least provincial, and therefore most cosmo- 
politan, almost statesmanlike attitude that I can think of is that of the child mind, 
the early and only inscription on which has been made by the hand of love. "I 
can do nothing with the child, madam," exclaimed the irate nursemaid of a 
beautiful but, to her mind, too democratically inclined little girl. "She will 
speak to everyone on the street who looks at her. You should have seen the 
horrid old beggar she was just making friends with." "But, Mamma," protested 
the indignant and perplexed child, "that old man shined on me and / shined back on 
him." What will be the effect of a starved, joyless youth on the attitude of the 
man toward the world ? 

Another great evil is that which deprives the aged of the only solace of old 
age, the home. There are thousands today that have no homes. And there is 
a third evil and in a certain sense again the greatest — the evil that deprives the 
country — no, the world, of the creative and constructive power of its normal 
manhood and womanhood. There is an inestimable loss of such power through 
early and preventable death or mental and physical crippling. 

Even as I asked your eastern sisters, so shall I beg you to read three books : 
The first two, "It Might Have Happened to You," by Conningsby Dawson, and 
"The Next War," by Will Irwin, I ask you to read that you may see clearly the 
pitiful today and the tomorrow that might, but must not, be. The third, "Re- 
construction in Philosophy," by our great educator, John Dewey, to me, at least, 
gives promise of the gradual coming of that "great far-off divine event toward 
which the whole creation moves." Contemplative knowledge. Dr. Dewey informs 
us, has been superseded through the demonstrations of science that knowledge is 
power to transform the world by practical knowledge. 

A fact even more succinctly stated, perhaps, by Bernard Shaw in his last 
and not the least extraordinary production, "Back to Methuselah." "I tell you," 
says the Serpent to Eve, "I am very subtle. When you and Adam speak I hear 
you say WHY, always WHY — you see things and you say WHY? But I dream 
things and I say WHY NOT?" Dr. Dewey points out that this new attitude 
toward knowledge arouses an interest and an energy in attacking difficult and 
unpleasant conditions, whereas the former attitude made one turn from the un- 
pleasant. He points to the play of childhood as ceaseless activity, not rest and 
recreation following enforced toil, and through this fact he leads us on until he 
defines art as the union of joyful thought with the control of nature. 

Revivifying indeed is this conception of life, but as we glance over the devel- 
opments in the field of science, thrilled as we must be by the proof of his con- 


[ 117] 


tention, must not our discontent be the greater concerning the things to which 
this science has been ajijilied? Can an}- thinking person contemplate unmoved the 
stujiendous achievements in the ])ast few years — the penetration of the ocean, 
the climbing of the skies, the eHmination of time and space through the wireless ; 
in the field of experimental argriculture the change of texture, contour, color, and 
tyi)e of flower and fruit ; without the insistent question — What changes have been 
wrought in and for Man in any way commensurate to these — for Man the one 
creation through whom these things are brought about? We know toda\- with 
an almost mathematical certainty the conditions found in any given unit of jjopu- 
lation that ought not to he. We are kept informed of the unpleasant facts which 
we repeat with the dreary nionoton\- almost of a machine. To our desk come 
weekly the reports of the infant mortality rate of the United States. We note 
with interest and .some satisfaction that while San Francisco's is onlv 62 per 
thou.sand, New York, that metropolis, has lowered its rate to SS ])er thousand, 
despite its sunless, airless tenements glutted with humanity, in marked contrast to 
some small indu.strial towns that report over 200; but we can not our eves 
to the result of various intensive experiments — for instance, the reduction to 11 
per thou.sand by a model English village. 

There is an old saying that has not yet been disproved, "Where two or three 
are gathered together." We are told that war is the result of secret diplomacy, 
which is indeed the gathering of two or three together, and behold a purification 
by fire and sword with its terrible concomitants — a terrorized and destroyed child- 
hood, a crijipled manhood and womanhood, a distraught old age. In the face of 
a wf)rld po]')ulation you are but a few drojjs in a great ocean of humanitv. vet 
it is my dream, my prayer, and my belief that this grouj), the largest ever graduated 
from any one school, and the most comprehensively prepared, will join hands 
with their professional sisters from other schools and in other lands and this 
time preceding, not ioUo-cciiig, the armies of the world, will inscribe upon the 
unwritten surface of many minds the gosj)el of prevention of human ills. "It 
is man that is sacred, and not autocracies and democracies," said Lowell. To me 
the nurse is the high jiriestess of a religion that proclaims the sacredness of 
humanity. It is her function to conserve for the little child in all its perfection 
its beauty of mind and body and the joy of its youth, to strengthen for the 
world the power of its manhood and womanhood, and to lead tcnderlv the ste])s 
of the old. Hers is an unequalled opportunity, for the doors of all homes are 
oi)en to her; she speaks through her actions, and the result of her actions, a lan- 
guage so univer.sally understood that it needs no interpreter, a veritable Esj)eranto. 
I said there was a little cloud in the far east — shall it be dissipated through an 
army such as thi,s — an army concerned with the question of nationality, race, color. 
and sex, only in so far as such information enables a more effective service of 
heart, mind, and hand — or shall it be in the old accepted wav ? 

1 am confident that as true daughters of the Army }ou will never be satisfied 
to exjjress yourselves in other than effective action, motivated bv a high sense of 



[ 118] 

k aan 

duty. The varied ex])erience that has hrought you into such intimate contact 
with the suffering and needs will insure your seeking a field through which you 
are convinced you are making a definite contribution to the reshaping of human 
lives. Your association with the great thinkers of the world, your knowledge 
of the ever increasing contril)utions of science and art to social betterment, will 
bring the trained power of imagination to your task and will keep before vou 
the necessity of food, not less for your mind than for your body. It will make 
you turn continually for further light and inspiration to those great treasure 
houses of human thought and accomplishment — the universities, upon the lil)rar\ 
shelves of which, I repeat, will be found today sufficient knowledge to transform 
the world. The ways and means of bringing this about will be written in all 
tongues, for the Immortals speak not to nations, but to mankind — their message 
is not for today alone, Imt for the remote future. To have read "Les Miserables" 
in one's youth was to be grateful to be living in another country and in another 
time; to read it again today is to know that it is for you tomorrow. Wrote 
Victor Hugo to the Italian pulilisher of this great human document: 

"You are right, sir, when you tell me that 'Les Aliserables' is written for all 
nations. I do not know whether it will be read by all, Init I wrote it for all. It 
is addressed to England as well as to S])ain, to Italy as well as to France, to 
Germany as well as to Ireland, to Republics which have slaves as well as to Empires 
which have serfs. Social problems overstep frontiers. * * * In every place where 
man is ignorant and despairing, in every place where woman is .sold for bread, 
wherever child suffers for lack of the book which .should instruct him and 
of the hearth which should warm him. the book 'Les Miserables' knocks at 
the door and says: 'Open to me; I come to you.' At the hour of civilization 
which we are now passing, and which is still so sombre, the miserable's name 
is Man ; he is agonizing in all climes, and he is groaning in all languages. * * * 
Where is your army of schoolmasters, the only army which civilization ac- 
knowledges? Where are your free and compulsory schools? Does every one 
know how to read in the land of Dante and Michael Angelo ? Have you made 
public schools of your barracks? Have, you not. like ourselves, an ojnilent 
war budget and a paltry budget oi education? Let us subject your social order 
to examination, let us take it where it stands and as it stands, let us view its 
flagrant offenses — show me the woman and the child. It is by the amount of 
protection with which these two feeble creatures are surrounded that the degree 
of civilization is to be measured. There are Italians, and they are numerous, 
who say; 'This book. "Les Mi.serables," is a French book. It does not concern 
us. Let the French read it as a history; we read it as a romance. Alas! 
I repeat, whether we be Italians or Frenchmen, misery concerns us all. Ever 
since history has been written, ever since philo.sophy has meditated, misery has 
been the garment of the human race ; the moment has at length arrived for 
tearing off that rag and for replacing, upon the naked liml)s of the Man-people, 
the sinister fragment of the past with the grand purple robe of the dawn." 


r Hi)] 


^ fton. 

Courage, dear colleaf,'ues, something has indeed happened in several countries 
at least since Victor Hugo penned this letter in 1862, barely sixty years ago, for 
feeble woman has been permitted to take her place by the side of man and is 
increasingly sharing in the responsibility and shaping of the state. Increasingly 
she is to be found today in the universities, in the occupational field, in the courts 
of law, and in the political arena. Let us pray that in so sharing the world- 
responsibilities of man she will bring to bear upon these great problems the 
kind of mind that takes from the past only that which will strengthen the 
present and thereby create a world safe and beautiful to which to welcome the 
generations that are to come. This kind of mind which is the greatest gift of the 
All-Wise is well called the creative mind. It is the young mind, the mind that 
radiates the golden glory of the west, the mind that I am confident you will 
bring to your great task; and if you do, I predict that a world change not less 
great can and will be brought about. That it is this mind that you will bring 
to the great work that lies before you is evidenced, I dare to hope, by the vision 
that led vou to answer the call of your country through this service and that 
caused you to pursue this to a successful end. Hold high through life 
the little lamp you have so nobly earned. It will burn brightly through the 
knowledge which has been poured so abundantly into it by those who have 
directed your instruction and experience. "As one lamp lights another nor grows 
less," so shall you light a million lamps upon a thousand hills whose penetrating 
rays shall guide and guard the stumbling, halting steps of our civilization on its 
long ])ilgrimage toward the ideal. 

' --^'-*i'.i4««d:jr^^: 


i », 



1 120] 

Clasisi of 1921 
Walttt Eeeb (General ^osipital 


Claigg of 1921 
Hetterman (General ?|o£ipital 

^an jFrancisco, California 


^ R.Q.a 

tE^fje Seattle Conbention 

It was such a busy week, the one in Seattle, it is hard to pick out for a brief 
report the things which are of especial interest to us as an Alumnae Association. 
The business for which a delegate was sent is perhaps the thing of most importance. 

By a resolution passed at a meeting of the executive board, the A. S. of 
N. A. A. was given special provisional membership in the A. N. A. until such 
time as some other scheme for admitting us could lie evolved. 

The provisions of this membership are outlined in the note from Mrs. Deans, 
secretary of the A. N. A., appended to this report. 

Wt should try to appreciate just what this action on the part of the A. N. A. 
means. For several years a special committee on revision has been working on 
a scheme by which admission to the A. N. A. would be made tniiform throughout 
the country. The plan now in use provides that all nurses who wish to become 
members must first of all join their own Alumnae Association. These in turn 
are units in the District Association, which make up the large group, the State 
Association. Members of the State Associations then automatically become mem- 
bers of the National Organization. Entrance through this prescribed channel 
was not possible for all members of our association, as some States have refused 
to register graduates of our school — for instance, the District of Columbia. 

With the assistance of our friends, notably our own Miss Goodrich, Miss 
Mary Roberts, and Mrs. Deans, we were able to put this before the executive 
board in such a way that they took favorable action in our behalf. It is up to 
every individual graduate of the A. S. of N. A. A. to help the executive board 
work out the provisions made by the A. N. A. 

Ne.xt in interest to most of us is the question of "Who was there?" It 
really was a joyous thrill to find four other graduates of our school attending 
the convention. Ruth Peters, Louise Bereiter, Beulah Crawford, and Eleanor 
Lowell Bailey all were there. The first three of these girls had come half way 
across the country, at their own expense, to be present in Seattle. The fourth is 
one of our married alumnae living there. All of them, I am sure, felt well repaid 
for the time and money spent on such a decidedly worth-while meeting. For 
the rest of the attendance, just look up your "Who's Who in the Nursing World," 
add a generous sprinkling of delegates from every State, most of the larger 
hosjMtals and public health organizations, and a large numlier of nurses who came, 
not as delegates, but for the stimulation and helji such a convention offers to all 
of our profession. 

Committee meetings, joint sessions, round tables, and the like occupied most 
of the day from 8 a. m. until 11 p. m. Lunch and dinner hours were utilized 
generally as opportunities for friends to get together socially. Of course, all 


I 121 ] 


of the Army girls ])re.seiil wanted an op])()riiuiity ul seeing Aliss Goodrich. 'J'his 
was also a very urgent desire of the four \'assar Training Camp girls at the 
convention. She, as usual, was such a husy and ])opular lady it was hard to 
fkid a time when she't engaged. In her generous manner, however, she 
was able to s(|ueeze out one dinner hour for a combined .Army School-^'assar 

Miss Mary Roberts, whom all the (-'am]i Sherman girls will rememl)er as 
our first chief, and Miss Wood, of Letterman General IIos])ital. were also our 
guests that evening. It was a real reminiscent remiion, continued until late in 
the evening, while we enjoyed a ride around the city in cars provided by the 
entertainment committee of the convention. 

Everyone will have an 0])]K)rtunity of reading all of the imjiortant S])eeches 
of the convention in the early fall numbers of the "American Journal of Nursing" 
and the "Public Health Nurse." No nurse can afford to miss studying the 
addresses of Dr. Lucas and Dr. Beard. The spirit of the convention is some- 
thing no printed account can give. To one attending .such a meeting for the time it was most marked, an enthusiastic urge forward toward better and 
higher ideals for our profession as a whole, not brought about from the outside 
nor by a few reformers, but by a consistent, studied effort on the part of all nurses 
joined together to find the best, and work for it. It must have made every nurse 
present feel that it was her jirivilege and re.sjionsibilitv to share in the work for 
this end. 

What can we as an ass(.)ciation do to help? \\'e can helj), first, bv presenting 
to the A. N. A. a list of 100 jier cent of our graduates who have fulfilled all the 
requirements of membershij) in the National Organization, What if you have 
married and do not ex])ect to ])ractice your profession ? You can comply with 
the regulation to be a Registered Nurse and help ui)hold the standard for nurses 

We should make an immediate and generous contribution to the Nurses' 
Relief Fund. Most of us are in excellent physical health. One dollar from 
each graduate of our school would make a tidy sum to help those members of 
our profession who have carried the burden so long thev are no longer able to 
help themselves. 

The Delano Memorial Fund has received contributions from most of the 
alumnae associations of the country. This memorial to Miss Delano and all of 
the nurses who died in the service of the country is certainly one which should 
receive the generous su])port of every true daughter of the Arm\-. 

\\'ith nurses all over the country alive to their responsibilities and the oppor- 
tunity of ser\ing, we cannot afford to lag behind. Let us enter into all activities 
endorsed by the National ( )rganization so whole-heartedly and promptly that it 
will be ])roud to count the members of our association among its membership. 

(Signed) Marg.vret Tr.\cy. 


I 122 J 

^ ae>n. 



Jfirst annual Eeunion of tije Class of 1921 

The first annual reunion of the Alumnae Association of the Army School 
of Nursing was held at the Walter Reed Hospital from June 8 to June 10, 1922. 
The Commanding C)fficer_. Colonel James D. Glennan, and the Chief Nurse, Miss 
Raid, gave wholehearted cooperation to make the plans a success. Miss Elizaheth 
Pumphrey, '21, was in charge of arrangements, assisted by able committees. 

The order of events was arranged .so that the mornings remained free for 
the visiting nurses. The formal opening took place on Thursdav at 2 p. m. The 
presiding officer. Miss Tracy, president of the Association, introduced Miss Reid, 
who .spoke a few words of greeting, leaving the formal address of welcome to 
Miss Taylor. Business proceeded with the adoption of the constitution and 
by-laws; it was voted that the Alumnae Journal be published annually; reports 
of committees were read and accepted. The meeting adjourned at 4 o'clock. 

A picnic at Rock Creek Park given for the student, with the alumnae in 
blue uniforms, was followed by a dance tendered the visiting alumnae by the 
Knights of Columbus at the Post Hut. Thus ended the first day of the reunion. 

On Friday at ^ o'clock, at the K. of C. Hut, the Association was called 
to order to hear speeches by General Ireland and Miss Clara Noyes, president 
of the National' As.sociation and director of the American Red Cross 
Nursing Service. That evening in the Formal Gardens there was a most en- 
joyable garden party, with music furnished l)y the Army Music School Band. 

The first speaker of the meeting on the following afternoon was Alajor 
Julia C. Stimson, Superintendent of the Army Nurse Corps ; the second. Miss 
Annie Goodrich, first Dean of the Army School of Nursing. Following this 
fifteen members of the class of 1925, A. S. N., were honored by having their 
first caps pinned on by Miss Goodrich. Balloting for officers for 1922-1923 
resulted in the election of Miss l^^arbara Price president; Miss Sidney Hood, 
vice-president; Miss Ruth Hubbard, Secretary; and Miss Annie M. Callander, 

After a banquet at the Service Club, a farewell dance was enjoyed. It was 
the unanimous opinion that the first reunion had been a brilliant success. 


[ 123 ] 

I- A6.a 

i:tr)in Citp Alumnae Club 

The A. S. N. graduates in the Twin Cities averaged about twelve in number 
during the past year. Mabel Gray and Rose Hegne have left the group, and we 
are expecting Mary Hana to be with us this summer. We have met at intervals 
during the winter, but our most successful "get-together" was our week-end party 
last August. 

It was a real A. S. N. party, and made us just a bit homesick for our old 
"Bluebird" days. On a Saturday afternoon most of us arrived at Jeanette Merrill 
Park on the shores of Lake Minnetonka. There were Mary Baylor, Alice Ostrum, 
Jennie Sheveland, Mabel Grundmeyer, Elizabeth Moody, Emma Einerson, Emily 
Anderson, Mava Edwards Eaton, Rose Hegne and Viola Knoll. This park is a 
Girls' Camp run by the W. C, A. and is one of the many lovely spots along the 
shores of the lake. It seemed like old times when we ate together at the long tables 
in the dining hall and "bunked" together on the big porch that overlooks the lake. 
As I think back on those two days, there must have been many "Bluebirds' " ears 
that were burning, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, because with a pack of "Come- 
Backs" among us, we all greedily gossiped over everyone we had known in the 
Army. In between times we played tennis, swam and boated to our hearts' con- 
tent. Then, in the moonlight, we wandered down to the beach and sang all the old 
songs from "Oh, How I hate to get up in the morning" to our Bluebird Taps. 
There is something about those old songs sung in the moonlight that made us 
sweetly, but a little sadly, reminiscent of the old friends who are scattered and 
the old days that will never return. Before we came back to the city we decided 
to meet once a month, but we have not been able to do this during the winter. We 
are planning another week-end party at the lake this summer, and also want to 
definitely organize a Minnesota branch of the Alumnae. 

(Signed) Viola Knoll. 


[ 124] 

I* Aon 

Wa^^mton Winit of tfje ^. ^, J9, Alumnae 

On December 3, 1922, the twenty members of the A. S. N. Alumnae Asso- 
ciation on duty at \Valter Reed met. It was decided to organize a Local Chapter 
with the hope of including all our colleagues in this vicinity. 

This seemingly delayed date in organizing can be explained by the fact that 
the daily contact of these twenty alumnae was such that no organization for 
closer social binding was necessary. The fact of the need of service by the group 
made a fitting reason for the step taken at this time. This need was the furtherance 
of the "Spirit of 1918" among the present student body at Walter Reed, as well 
as keeping it alive among the Alumnae members in a social way. 

The first thing that came to our notice as a group was the felt need of our 
support to the senior class in helping to make their "Annual" possible. This project 
being launched to a successful completion, we turned our efforts into a lighter 

Our first informal gathering was held in the K. C. Hut, and on the night of 
April 14. We dined twenty-two strong at "The Repul)lic." Our guest of honor 
was Dorothea M. Hughes, who has again come to our aid in getting out our 
Journal. At this meeting it was decided to tender an Alumnae banquet to the 
class of 1923, and our social committee informed us we shall "picnic" in true 
Army School style, bi-monthly during the picnic season. 

It is a pleasure to work with our younger sisters, the undergraduates. We 
will make an earnest effort to help each other live up to the high ideals set for us 
by our founder, Miss Annie W. Goodrich, and our present leader and Dean, Major 
Julia C. Stimson, Superintendent, Army Nurse Corps. 

(Signed) Mary W. Tobin, Chairman. 


[ 12,5 ] 


Alumnae Panquet at ?|enrj> Street 

On the evening of Februarj- .S, 1923, the old Army spirit was revived at an 
Alumnae banquet held at the new Henry Street House at 99 Park Avenue, New 
York City. The banquet was made a complete success by having as our guests 
our beloved Miss Goodrich, Miss Elizabeth Reid, Chief Nurse. Walter Reed 
Hospital, and Miss Dean, of the American Nurses' Association. A surprisingly 
large representation of the Army School Alumnae were present, numbering about 
eighty, and it was most evident that every member, in spite of the new fields which 
she has entered since graduation, still retains the .same loyalty and devotion to her 
Alma Mater. 

After a sumptuous dinner, we gathered in the asseml)ly room, where Barbara 
Price introduced the speakers of the evening with her usual charm. Miss Dean 
spoke to us of the difficulties attending the entrance of the "Army School" into the 
American Nurses' Association and explained some of the details of the workings 
of that organization. Natalie Dulles, who had recently returned from Serbia, gave 
us a most interesting account of her work and experiences over there. Mary W. 
Tobin read a letter from Major Stim.son, who regretted her inability to attend 
the banquet on account of having to leave for France on official business. Miss 
Goodrich, as usual, gave us renewed inspiration by her intimate discussion of her 
hopes and ideals realized in the success and advancement of the Army School of 

Everyone present came away with a deeper feeling of joy and thankfulness 
to ))e members of the Alumnae of the Army School. We are greatly indebted to 
the following committee, Nell Carrington. chairman ; Lucy Neary, Etheleen Scul- 
thorpe, Ruth Hubbard, and Anetta Lonergan. who planned and prepared such a 
worthwhile and pleasant evening. 



'Signed) Julie Russell, 

Nell Carrington. 

I 126 ] 

I" aen 

^omctfjing Jfrom ?|enrp Street 

Just a letter with a message — "We want you to send something from Henry 
Street for the Annual," and "We depend on you" is bringing forth this effort to 
produce "something" as was requested. 

"\\'e depend on you." That little sentence has so much of psychology back 
of it. How much effort has been put forth, and what immeasurable results ha,ve 
come from using just that statement at the correct time. 

When the call came for volunteers for service during the war, our boys 
resjjonded with a feeling that our country depended on them. When we as 
students answered a similar call, we felt that back of that call was distinctly written 
"we depend on you" to help supply a felt need. And that same thought is con- 
sciously bringing us to respond to needs and carry on our work with more earnest- 
ness, conscientiousness and a happier spirit every day. It does not matter in what 
field we work, educational, social, medical or any phase of medical, or any other 
field, we must realize we are depended on to do our share to make for the best for 
all. The nursing care we may give is just a fractional part of the whole, and yet 
we realize of what importance it is, for through just that point of contact we may 
have an opportunity to be of more than immediate service to the individual or 
individuals concerned. 

The questions foremost in our minds after the nursing care has been given 
and the ]iatient is about to be dismissed from our care are: "Have we helped this 
individual to become a better member of society because she knows better how to 
care for herself?" "Have we left something by way of helping her to better care 
for other members of the family?" "Has she caught just a small glimpse of her 
place in .society that in the end she may fit herself and help fit others in the future?" 

Dr. W'inslow, of Columliia, says ; "While devotion and .skill and tender minis- 
trations do count, the visiting nurse must have a special background of knowledge 
and understanding of society's problems." 

So with a leader like Miss Goodrich supplying the inspiration and vision, the 
Henry Street nurse goes out daily to make full use of the opportunities afforded 
her to .serve the patient, the community, and in the end society. For the visiting 
nurse has a remarkable opportunity, and fully conscious of the fact that she is 
depended on to make the best use of this opportunity, she re.s])onds with the 
there is in her. 

(Signed) Gertrude O. W.\he, '21. 


[ 127 ] 

^ pi.e>.a 

S 5©ap ©ream 

(With apologies to Kipling.) 

When the World War's last patient has recovered 

And the wards are scrubbed and dried, 
When the oldest '21 blue uniform has faded, 

And the youngest cockroach has died, 
We shall dream — our entire five hundred — 

Dream on for an hour or two, 
Till Walter Reed and Letterman Ho-spitals 

Shall pass in happ3' review. 

Then the legion of Yanks shall be happy ; 

They shall not need Golden Gate's balmy air ; 
They shall forget about Dakin's, and dressings, and ether, 

With a drainage tube here and there ; 
They shall have real things to do, then — 

And only sometimes recall 
The place where the Garden was called "Formal," 

But never was "formal" at all. 

Then only memory shall be with us. 

And only memory shall claim 
The jovs and trials of a pioneer nurse. 

The "Bluebird," or A. S. N., by name. 
And each shall wear the white on duty. 

But each, in her separate sphere. 
Shall cherish the faded blue imiform. 

For the memory of three years most dear. 

Ett..\ a. Gilliom. '21. 


t 128] 


pluebirb ©aj>si ^re (B\itv ! 

"After Taps"" -ill the (juiet hush of the starlit, nioonflooded heaiily of the 
ui^'ht, when only the sentry's measured tread is heard faithfully makinj;" his 
rounds — in this hour of deep reflection, jroignant recollections of hluehird days 
flood the portals of memory's gates. Hapj>y days, filled with work and singing! 
l)lue for loyalty to the service — true hlue hirds we have tried to be! 

"After Tajjs" — liluehird daws are over! ( )h. the words have such a mournful 
sound. P)Ut "'ra]>s" brings to our questioning souls a reassurance of faith in the 
future. Its (|uiet echoes bring comfort to our aching hearts that grieve at the 
thought of departure. ( )h. those soft lingering notes — how we love them, although 
the\ sa\ — 

"liluehird da\s are over!" 


S» .> & 



[ 129 ] 

|. ft6.n). 




- 1923 

[ 180 1 



^rmp ^cf)ool of iSursiins 

CLASS OF 1921 

Margaret A. Adair 512 Second St.. Alhanibra, t'alif., care of Mr. P. M. RDbiiTioii 

VAsie Alber HOO Gardner St.. Hollywoud. Caliu 

Kdna C. Alhritlnii 15(i2 Riverside Ave., JacU.sdiiville. Fla. 

Hettie Allen Tueunieari, N. Me\. 

Vera J. Allciid.r 4!i37 Cleveland Ave., San Diegu, L aiit. 

Catherine R. Andersun Walter Reed Hosjiital. \\'a.shingt()n, D. C. 

lunily Anderson N. P. B. A. Ho.spita!. St. Paul. Minn. 

Dorothy R. Anderson Texas State Board of Health, Austin, Tex. 

Cwen. H. Andrew U. S. Marine Hospital No, 14. New Orleans, La, 

Netta .Andrews 4254 North ilazel Ave,, Chicago, 111. 

Mrs. Effie Apjileby Stuart (>M, Newark Ave., Klizalieth, N. j. 

Mrs. Helen Applesate Otis 1727 Bryn Mawr Road. Cleveland. Ohio 

l.ora C. Arbogast SO King Ave., C'ohnnbus, Ohio 

Martha K, Armstrong 807 James St., Wilkinsburg. J'.i. 

Mrs. Elizabeth .^rthllr \\ auani.iker 01 ]-".ast (ilover St., Orangeburg. S. C, 

Helen Alhearn Sixt\ -sixth St. and Ave. A, Rockefeller Hosiiital, New '"I'ork 

Esther F. Bacon Diocesan House, 00 Benefit St., Providence, R. !. 

Mrs. Berlola Bains de France 7,31 Vine St.. Beloit. \Vi.,. 

Laura leaker Findley, N. Dak. 

Esther Bandy Narwarden. Iowa 

Pearl Barklcy Merrimack Mills Hospital, Huntsvilie, Ala. 

lieatrice K. Barnes Haywood Memorial Hosjiital, Gardner. Mass. 

L:ieo Barnes Rosedale, Ind. 

Margaret F,. Barr 579 East Thirteenth Ave., Columbus. ( )bio 

I'.'hel M. Barlon. .M3 East L'naka Ave., lohnson Citv, Tenn. 

Mrs. Helen Bauer .Mason 400 North Spruce St., Little Rock, Ark. 

Mary Baylor 54,') .Ashland Ave., St. Paul, Minn. 

\'era P)ear(l (are of State B<jard of Health, Austin. Tex. 

Mrs. Marie B;;cker Kidd New Freedom, l^a. 

Christine Beebee Cold Brook. N. ^■. 

Mrs. Luella Bek-her Jordan lioulder. Colo. 

Mss Cleo Belford 1251 Neil Ave.. Columbus. Ohio 

Airs. Margaret Beller Kenmdy ,500 West Third St., Rollo, Mo. 

Marion Benson 150,i Nordi Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, Ind. 

Louise Bentley 800 Emery St., Aslniry Park, N. J. 

Mrs. Louise liereiter Beckley Box 5, Dejitie, lib 

Mary A. Berry Dnshore.' Pa. 

May Bessling 60,5 F.ast Main St., Mexia, Tex. 

Helen Betts Highwood, N. 1. 

l-:ila E. Bilby L". S. \ eterans' Hospital No. 76, Mavwood, 111. 

Lois Bishop 22/ I'.ast Seventv-second St., New \'ork Cite 

FJizabeth Black t;,-, MacDougal St., New ^'ork CitV 

Mrs. V liluel Bauni 2703 E St., Omaha, Nehr. 

liutli Poedefeld C are ol" b. B. Andrews, Box 1042, Casper, W\o. 

Mary b',. Bond 5.^4 b'.a.i ( )n,- Hundr.'d and Sixteenth St., New York Citv 

Helen \'. Booth (.race Hospital. Detroit, Mich. 

Anna [•,. Borge 515 North Bla r St., .Madi.son, Wis. M. Bourne Red i/ross Public Htaltb Nurse, Liberal. Kans 

Ethel G. P.oydston Caddo, Okla. 

Margaret Brewer L , S. Naval Hc-pital, (;reat Lakes 111 

Elizabeth M, Brooks ,5557 |.afa>ette St,. St. Louis. Mo. 

M rs. Holly Br.iwn Beck Sumter .S C 

Joyce Brown '.'.'.'.' .Nora Springs.' Iowa A. Brown _ . \u^„-^i,^l \) i 


sink, N. J. 

- 1923 

I 131 1 

I. aen. 


\A rr;rr I'r.iwn 1216 Wcst Third St.. DavL-iiport. Iowa 

M. Cracc l-rown Ncillsville. \\"i^. 

-^'"^, ^[""■■" Livcrmorc. talif. 

1 ear lirowii ,. ,., ,,- , „ ,, i,„i 

n,oebc Hri,hak.r -^""">- ^ ''<-'"■. ^,\f 'f ^'\: '"!' 

Sarah K. 1 unn P,,^,^^, j,, 

^s"' Jl'Han"Bur,lort ■ L.-inard ;:;:;;■;:;;::::::::::: :23^9 • Woodstock St., PMaddpltia, Pa. 

.Mildr.d Burn. 49K, A. l.acleic Ave., St. Lom.s Mo. 

...,-, Hcthel. \ t. 

husan HurndKe ;;,;• e. i. i v i 

Helen liurrough.s Hnrd 2(b Jaques St.. Kah vwx , \ 

X'iola Busev ^are ot Court, L rliaiia. 111. 

l-'dna Butler " ' 'f'- '^Vest Eightieth St.. New ^'ork Cit^v 

Mrs. Florence Butzhach IJaise Conduit Road K. W., \Vasli:ngton, D. C. 

1 illian Bverlv Anamosa. Iow:i 

x^'eriw,"-.::::::::::::::;;.:; -.^i a pmh st.. Marysyine. ca.,f. 

Martha 1- . Lalder 404 East Lake Ave Govans. 1 altmiore. Md. 

Manilla Cale Oawfor.l H.32 Kittenhouse St. .\ W W ash.ngton D. L. 

Irene Caldwell 'JK^ }^'"fJ'''-; ^7 l"''^ ,' f 

Annie M. Callender Bradford Hospital hradl.nd la. 

Katherine Campbell , 'J-' I'^l-ody St. (.ardner. Mas,. 

l.issie Campl.L-Il Zurich HHH Post St.. San Francisco, Ca . 

Marjorie Camphell <'<>^^ knuhark Ave._. Chicago. 1 1. 

Nell B. Carrington ->-'l East I-'orty-sccond St.. New ^ ork L> y 

Agnes Case .lOlO Plogart Ave., netnnt, Mich. 

Mrs. Georgene Del-ong . . . '. Mankato. Kans. 

Anna Ca.sev ■ -. ■..■■:,• Malta Mo. 

Ethel M. Cathev 4(16 Worthington .St.. (. harlotte. N. ^. 

Kmilv Czernev.' ^v ■ (^r^gory. S. 1). 

Blanche Chance : '""''l ^ "«"i' ^- ,V 

Mrs Edna Chessness Smith 15«4 I'ulton St.. San I-ranc:sco. (aht. 

Mrs Pearl Childress Tustlebe. ..M.=i West One Hmidred and Twenty-second St.. New ^ ork Lit\ 

Maide T. Chil.son ;••,•••■.• • ■ ^^'"^'•■|"". ^.- ''■ 

Helena Clearwater 4H St.^ Kmgston. N. ^ . 

Mar"-iret Cleary 4(M Hibernia Bank Huddmg. New Orleans, l.a. 

ixirothv Cleveland l""" .Kenning. Columbus ( .... 

Harriett Clogston St. Elizabeth s Hospital, W asliingtoii, D C . 

Esther Cluhh Revnolds Gracemont Okla. 

Ruth Coe .■ ■ .;. eumherland. W i-,. 

Mrs. Florencc^ Cohn Nugent, old Nugent St.. Denver. C olo. 

Cornelia .■■■;■ J "« lervis, N \ . 

Agnes Colgan 114 l' asl Sixty-e.glub St.. New ^ ork C ,tv 

Mrs. Iva Comlev Norris .■;„.■■ ^'^^'l'"'"*- l"'!' 

Ida M Confer.'. Walter Reed Hospital. W ashmgton. I). ( . 

Marv Conn -^ '-1"' l''^^'^'.'. \\'ebster Grove, Mo. 

Tulia Connor.' .'.'.' 416 Glendolyn. Spartanburg S ( '. 

Ftta Cooke 14-^5 South Sixth St.. Louisville, Ky. 

(irace K. Gordon.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. .'.'.'.'.'.' Box 6. Hendersonville. N. C. 

Isabella Costine 1-^ Ashland St.. Nortli Adams, Mass. 

Mrs. Andora Cox Davies Stoiiey (ilen Grange. Nevada City, Car. 

Myrtle Craven '?■'-"' Stoney Island Ave.. Chicago. 111. 

Beulah Craw icinl .'.'.' 41,^ ICast Ronald St.. Iowa City. Iowa 

Margaret Cree -27 East Seventy-second St., New "^ ork C .ty 

Cornelia Cress Red Cross Hut. I'ort Sam Houston, Tex. 

Mrs. Monell T.lghman .-Xpartment .^O.S, Clifton Terrace, Wasliington. D. C. 

Helen Cross l''^4 Lucile Ave.. Los An.geles, Calil. 

K. Louise Ctimmngs 401 Church St.. R-chmond Hill, N". V. 

Mrs. A. Cunningliam Kempton Malone. N. ^. 

Hess Cunningham lO'l West Church St.. Mar.dialltown. Ijiwa 

Mrs. Nadine'Currie Tliorpe Hoxie. Kan-. 

Mrs. Margaret Cutler Stone i^'dd Thirteenth St, N. I'.., W ashmgton. I), t 

Christy A. Dalrvmplc Waller Reed Hospital, \\ ash.ngton, D. I, . 

I'.lizabeth Dalrymple ?'' Patterson St.. New Brunswick. N. J 

Mabel Dalton .Ancon Hospital, Ancon. Canal Zoii.- 

lune Damelson Ouiney, Calif. 

"Helen N. Davies Ballard \ ale. Mass. 



I 132 

^ p>.Q.a 


Marjoric Davies Ballard Vale, Mass. 

Lc-lia Davis -176 \\ ildcr St., Lowell, Mass. 

Nellie Davison 1499 Sutter St., Hotel Normandie, San Francisco, Calif. 

Mrs. Virginia Dean Sterling Apartment 502, Chateau Thiery Apts., Washington. D. C. 

Mrs. Dorrit Degner Sledge 2229 Steiner St., San Francisco, Calif. 

Mrs. F. DeGrange Oldham 27 Somerset St., Worcester. Mass. 

Margaret DeMarce 1140 Nineteenth St., Des Moines, Iowa 

Mrs. Fthel Denison Fagle 345 Michigan Ave., Benton Harhor, Mich. 

Fudora Dickeson Brownsville, Tex. 

Mrs. Blanche Dickinson Rahns 1760K> Juncway Terrace. Chicago, 111. 

Vlrs. Miriam Dickinson Young 210 Market St.. Pocomoke. Md. 

May Dixon Cadet Hospital, ^^■ Point, N. V. 

Maiide Doherty 5032 St. Lawrence Ave.. Chicago, III. 

X'iolef Dow. 407 Nelson St., Klamath Falls, Ore. 

lessie B. Driskell Bevier. Mo. 

Fdna Drulliner Alma, Nehr. 

P'lorcncc M. Drurv National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Milwaukee. Wis. 

Hazel M. Dry. . . ." 1104 Illinois St., Urhana, 111. 

Natalie Dulles 67 South St., Auburn. N. Y. 

Fdith M. Duncan Box 365, Donna, Tex. 

Marjoric (i. Dunham 2041 Fifth Ave., New \ork City 

Gilherta Durland Kahler Hall, Rochester, Minn. 

Flsie Duthie 443 Fuller Ave. S. E.. Grand Rajiids. Mich. 

Fdna Easley 3087 Markbroit Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 

Katherine Eaton 139 Korwin St., Circlcvillc, Ohio 

Mrs. Mava luhvards Eaton 725 Albion Ave., Fairmont, Minn. 

Synncve I'3ikum Schofield Barracks, Honolulu. H. I. 

Emma C. Fliner.son Bird Island, Minn. 

Ruth G. Ellshury Hume, III. 

Ellen C. Eiiperson Eighth and Antepole Sts.. Scott City. Kans. 

Eleanor Erwin 2125 Ashland Building, St. Joseph, Mo. 

Cecelia Fyolfson Carrington, N. D. 

Helen M. Eycrs Le Mars, Iowa 

Catherine Fagan 10 North Main St., Carthage. N. Y. 

Elinore Fahl Russell 1405 Bellefontaine St. No. 11. Indianapolis. Ind. 

Mrs. Lelia Fair Rankin Herculaneum, Mo. 

Mrs. Margaret Farley McMillan 410 Righter St., Helena. Ark. 

Jewel Farrar U. S. Veterans' Hospital No. 76. May wood, 111. 

Gretchen A. Ficgenschuh 121 South Clav St., Gastonia, N. C. 

Helen Fife 525 Fifth St. N. W.. Canton, Ohio 

Anne A. Finch Edwardsville, III. 

A. Ruth Fisher Ancon Hospital, Ancon. Canal Zone 

Harriet R. Fifthian 30 St. Giles St., Bridgeton, N. J. 

Mrs. Rosalie Florence Henderson 2506 K Street, W'ashington, D. C. 

Esther L. Fox 521 Prospect Ave., Hot Springs Reservation, Ark. 

Mrs. Dulcie Frater Ross Paintsville, Kv, 

Neta E. Frederick 412 North Taylor Ave., Oak Park, 111. 

Hilda F"reding Naval Hospital, League Island, Philadelphia. Pa. 

Hazel French Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. 

Mildred E. Frey Sixty-sixth St, and Avenue A, Rockefeller, New York City 

Mrs. Edith Frohmader Kurz 131 East White Oak Ave., Monrovia, Calif. 

Margaret Fuller 744 North Elmwood Ave., Oak Park, 111. 

Wilda B. Fulton Apartment 14. Melick Court, Lincoln, Nebr. 

Nelle K. Funderburg New Carlisle, Ohio 

Pauline Furminger Camp Eustis, Va. 

Olivia K. Galagher Rutland Court, Seventeenth St. and Riggs Place, Washington, D. C. 

Ethel J. Gallinant 518 West Forty-seventh St.. Children's Lunch Room, New York City 

Mrs. Agnes Gardner Murray 10 Grant St.. Natick. Mass. 

Edith Gatchell 234 East Fort\-eighth St., New York Cilv 

Sara E. Gaylord Box 212, R. 2, B. V. Station, Miami, Fla. 

Mrs. Pearl Gerber Tucker 4421 Delmar Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. 

Elizabeth S. Gerhard Cavanaugh Court, Seventeenth and Church, Washington. D. C. 

Florence G. Gerhart Fort Eustis. Va. 

Mayna R. Getchcll 809 Parkwood Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 

Marv W. Getty Grantville. Md. 


[ :33 1 

^ aon 

Etta Gilliom Waltt-r Reed Hosjiital, WashingtDn. D. (". 

Bctilah Gould Potsdam Normal School, Potsdam. N. Y, 

MalK;l A. Grav Letterman GfiiL-ral Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. 

Anna R. Gredcv^ 471 Washington St., Appleton, Wis. 

Lucie E. Greenfield j^*) Broadway, Long Branch. N. J. 

[•>a Gross 1224 Kinsmore Ave., Fort Wayne, Ind. 

M. Imelda Groves '^62 Merrimack St.. Lowell. Mas--. 

Mabel M. Grundemever U. S. Veterans' Hospital No. 68, Minneapolis. Minn, 

Mildred Guinther. WJ Parkwood Drive. Cleveland. Ohio 

Geneva Gundcrs(jn K'k Point, S. D. 

Gertrude Hakel 3719 Louisiana St.. San Diego, Calif. 

F.ditli D. Hal! U. S. Marine Hospital No. 21. Staten Island, N. "^■. 

Sarah A. Hall 72^ Townsend Place, Niagara Falls. N. "^^ 

Mrs. Dorothv Hammer Stanfiekl 1241 Bardstown Road. Louisville. Ky. 

Mrs. Anna Hammond Holter 1807 West Thirty-eighth Place. Los Angeles, Calif. 

Marv Hana Oconto, Wis. 

Elizabeth Hansborough Station Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Tex. 

Frances A. Harding County Hospital. Mt. Pleasant. Iowa 

Emily i'. Harris 128 East Eighty-second St.. New York City 

Mrs.' Alice Harrison Brewer 326 Chambers St.. Xfilwaukee. Wis. 

Jessie Hartley 549 Riverside Drive. New York City 

Anna Harvey 1 150 Capitol Ave.. San Francisco. Calif. 

I^iuise Hast' Aberdeen Health dffice. Aberdeen. S. D. 

Laura Hastings 700 Van Trees St., Washington. Ind. 

Merle Hathaway 1197 East Grant St., Portland, Ore. 

Edith M. Haydon St. F:iizabeth's Hospital. Washington. D. (..". 

Mrs. Jane Heard Hallman 670 Hawes Ave.. Norristown. Pa, 

Kate Heathman Kirksville, Mo. 

Rose Hegne N'ew F^ffington. S. Dak. 

Vina Heinley 409 Park Ave.. Williamsport. Pa. 

Olivia Hemphill 702 West Main St.. Chanute. Kans. 

Virginia Henderson Bellevue, Va. 

Edna Henjes Arlington Heights. 111. 

Florence Henry 21 Stanfiekl St., Rochester, N. \. 

Mrs. Marie Heutcrs Bcntlev Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, Calif. 

Ruby Hickok 19 East Forty-ninth St.. New York City 

Eva D. Hicks h'ort MacPherson, Ga. 

E. X'irginia Hill 15"x L%. Henderson. Ky. 

Katherine Hill Jewish Hospital. York and Talior Roads. Philadelphia. Pa. 

Gladys Hitt 1250 Ohio Ave., Kansas City, Kans. 

Elizabeth M. Hogle Mount \'ernon, Iowa 

Alice M. Holden Rloomiiigdale Hospital. \\ hite Plains, N. ^ , 

Frances R. Holidav Troy. Kans. 

Mrs, Sidney Hood Haight 1102 Clay Ave., Pelham Manor. N. ^ . 

Amy C. Hoover 341 West Eightv-fifth St.. New York City. N. \. 

Olga Hovre Austin. Tex. 

Ruth W. Hubbard 11,38 Bergen St., Brooklyn. N. ^ . 

Mrs. Gladys Huggett Bean Stevens Point. W i.s. 

Adelaide Hughes 42 Cornelia St.. Brooklyn. N . ^ . 

Dorothea M. Hughes 144 Randolph Ave., Milton. Mass. 

.^etiia E. Hunt Children's Hospital. Iowa City. Iowa 

Edith B. Hurley 4,il7 \'entnor Ave.. Atlantic City. N. J. 

Hazel Hutcheson Dearonness Hospital. Mandan. S. Dak. 

Anna E. Hynds '-'20 Walnut St.. Knoxville. Tenn. 

Mary Hyre. Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D. C. 

Mrs,' Mane A. Ingram Manly. Iowa Irwin Cadet Hospital. \\ est Point. N . i . 

Leoni Jackson 170 Charles St.. Boston. Mass. 

Lillian M. laeob.son Little Sauk. Minn. 

Martha Jafifee 7S East Quincy St.. North Adams. >>Iass. 

Anna lames 822 West Twenty-first St.. Kearney. Nebr. 

Edith Johnson Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Gustie A. Johnson Episcopal Ho.spital. Front St. and Lehigh, Philadelphia. Pa. 

Mayme Johnston Fitzsimmons Hospital. Denver, Colo. 

Margaret Johnston 24 Central Ave., Staten Island, N. Y. 


I 134 ] 

!• ft6.a 

Ima L. June Fitzsimmons Hospital. Denver, Colo. 

Loretta Kaler Kantoul, 111. 

Mrs. Etta Karapschaefer Ke.stcr 1599 Brown St.. Box 106. Akron, Ohio 

Florence E. Kehm U. S. Vctcran.s' Ho.sjiital No. 52. Idaho 

Mrs. Martha Kiern Brayles Greenville, Tenn. 

Genevieve Kellev National Home Disabled X'olunteer Soldiers, Milwaukee, Wis. 

Esther R. Kemp 1.M6 President St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. 

Eleanor Kennedy \ City Hospital. Mrginia. Minn. 

Helen A. Kennedy Hartford Hospital, Hartford, Conn. 

Mrs. Edyth Kerr Weaver Sturgis, M ich, 

Mary Kester 775 Wa.shington , Brooklyn. N. Y. 

Blanche Kingslcy \xnv< Nurse Corps. Fort Benning, Ga. 

Anna L. Kinney Care Court House. Fargo. N. Dak. 

Mrs. Lois Kirkpatrick Taylor 2()45 \'ine St.. Denver, Colo. 

Marv E. Kitch National Home Disabled X'olunteer Soldiers. Milwaukee, Wis. 

Anna Kline Box 244 ( I'lease forward ) , LaPorte City. Iowa 

Helen Knapp Santa Fe, N. Mcx. 

Dorothv Knight Leonardtovvn. Md. 

Viola M. Knoll 1212 "S'ale Place. Minneapolis, Minn. 

Katherine Kreizenbeck Chadron, Nebr. 

Mabel Kuse Warsaw, III. 

Mrs. Olive Lackev Hammond l^ Washington St., Palmyra, N. Y. 

Mrs. Ck'O Laird Grigg 202 East Front St.. Colfax, Iowa 

Irene Landers Oak ]51ufls, Mas.s. 

Martha P. Langlcv t^U Poplar St.. Erie. Pa. 

Mrs, Esther LaQua Bailey l«2(t K St. NW., Washington. D. C. 

Amelia Lanxon 1.^20 Tenth St. North, Fargo, N. Dak. 

.Viae E. LaRouchc No. 8 West One hundred and eighth St., New York City 

Clara M. Larson Sparta. Wis, 

J Blanche Lawson 101 West One hundred and ninth St., New York City 

Vera Lawton Fitzsimmons Hospital, Denver, Colo. 

Ethel M. LaChard P<ck Memorial Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Edmonia P. Leach 227 I'last Seventy-second St., New York City 

Bessie Leggett Ill North Thirteenth St., San Calif. 

lulia LcHardv Apt. 414, 1725 Seventeenth St. NW., Wa.shington, D. C. 

Alma S. Lcland Rosedale. Ind. 

Mabel Leslie 420 (iriswald St.. Glcndale. Calif. 

Bernice M. Letts 526 West Washington Ave.. Madi.son, Wis. 

Lucy Lewandowska 60.^ Lsham St., New York City 

Mrs'. Florence Bid well Fort Moultrie, Charle-ston, S. C. 

Maude Littleton New Port, Ark. 

Annetta C. Lonergan Fifth Avenue Ho.sijital. l-'ifth Ave. and 106th St., New York City 

Corrie Long Big Stone Gap. Vo. 

^ . . , , . ( Stanford Universitv Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. 

Fredcncka Loomis ^ ^^^^^ ad<lress. 2211 California St.. San Franisco, Calif. 

Edna Loree .324 North Main St.. Celina, Ohio 

Anice Loveall 5S West Morrison .St.. Frankfort. Ind. 

Mrs. Eleanor Lowell Bailey 6.H8 Seventeenth Ave. N. E.. Seattle. Wash. 

Helen Lukcns Moores, Delaware Co.. Pa. 

Mary Lvnch 509 Sixth Ave., Helena, Mont. 

Adefe AL Lyons 2.V) Ravine Ave.. Rochester. N. Y. 

Hazel MacKay Highland Park Hospital. Highland Park, Mich. 

Georgia MacKensie 917 North Mes(|uite St.. San .A.ntonio. Tex. 

Helen MacNaughton Rockefeller Hospital, New ""I'ork City 

Agues .Madden U. S. Veterans' Hospital No. ,31. Kingsbridge Road. Bronx. N. Y. 

Ella Malm Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Elizabeth A. March Army Nurse Corps. Fort lienning, Ga. 

Susan E. March Jeffer.son. Ohio 

Rubv E. Marshall Rockefeller Hospital. New York City 

Charlotte E. Mason 218 Market St.. Mannington. W. Va. 

M. Kathryn Matthews Laramie County Memorial Hospital, Cheyenne, Wyo. 

Edith A. Mattoon Walter Reed Ho.spital, Washington, D. C. 

Julia McBride 6.35 l-:ast Twenty-third St.. Brooklyn. N. Y. 

Elizabeth E. McCurdy St. Paul, Minn. 

Katherine McCurdv ( 192,3 ) Fort Wayne. Ind. 



[ 135 ] 


Mrs. Viok't McDowell AnckTson 2024 Marion Ave, Little Rock, Ark. 

Mrs. Marguerite Monroe Denning Box 25. Portland. Tenn, 

Kitty McKelvey City Hosiiital, East Liverpool, Ohio 

Alida McLeniore Montgomery. Ala. 

Amy McNall 22 Clarendon St., Maiden, Mass. McNaught C'ity Hospital, Holyoke, Mass. 

Mrs. Sarah Meredith Martin Wyckoff, N. J. 

Nellie Miller Baltimore, Ohio 

Ruth L Miner Lakeville, Conn. 

Marguerite Molitor 23,S'J Moimd Ave.. North Norwood. Cincinnati, Ohio 

Bertha Montgomery Glen Moore, Pa. 

Klizahcth Moody 2H1X Fremont Ave. North, Minneapolis. Minn. 

Ada Moore Station Hospital. Fort Bragg, N. C. 

Lucille Moore 859 West Thirty-sixth St.. Los Angeles. Calif. 

Bernita Moran San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. 

Mary Moran Letterman General Hospital. San Francisco. Calif. 

Annie R. Morrison Andalusia. Ala. 

Florence Morrow 96 South Tenth St., San, Calif. 

Julia L Mullen Station Hospital. Camp Meade. Md. 

Mrs. F. Munford Sherrick IK.^S Twenty-fifth St., Moline, 111. 

Erin Munn 1010 Elm St.. Birmingham, Ala. 

Elizabeth A. Murphy Station Hospital, Fort MacPher.son, Ga. 

Honor Murphy 1295 Willow Ave.. Louisville, Ky. 

Ruth E. M urray West Jefferson, Ohio 

Grace Myers Louisville, Ohio 

Eleanor P. Naylor 744 East Burnsidc St., Portland. Oreg. 

Elizabeth A. Neary 629 Lexington Ave., New York City 

Lucy M. Neary 629 Lexington Ave.. New York City 

Martha P. Neely 71 Lincoln Ave., Gettv.sburg, Pa. 

Mrs. Katherine Neill Sidel 1364 Clara Ave., St. 'Louis. Mo. 

Anna K. Nelson Caney X'alley Hospital, Wharton, Tex. 

Mrs. Christine Nelson Hogge Arrow Rock. Mo. 

Caroline R. Newman Fitzsinniions Hospital. Denver. Colo. 

Mrs. Frances Nevi.son Johnson Ravina. 111. 

Frances M. Nichols Harpers Ferry, W. Va. 

Mildred L. Nickum Sterling, Kans. 

Mrs. Naoni Noland Lewis Greenville, Mich. 

Winifred B. Norman Kcllshore Hotel, 744 Irving Park Building, Chicago, 111. 

Marguerite Norway 809 Parkwood Drive, Cleveland, Ohio 

Harriett D. Noyes 1.% West Seventy-fifth St., New York City 

Alice L. O'Brien Fort Riley. Kans. 

Rose E. Offut Station Hospital, Fort Banks, Mass. 

Ruby Oldham n4 North Fifth St., Mavfield. Kv. 

Olga Olson Elyria Memorial Hospital. El'vria. Ohio 

Ruth M. Olson 5116 North Bennet St., Tacoma, Wash. 

Mrs. Alice Ostrum Spaeth Evansville, Minn. 

Mary O'Toole Iowa State Universitv Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa 

Mrs. Elinor Parker Wells .3559 Jackson St., San Francisco, Calif. 

Zella Pattce Pocahontas, Iowa 

Irma D. Paul Westervillc, Ohio 

Edyth Payne 1054 East Hickory St., Kankakee, Mich. 

Carohne Peart Fitzsimmons Flospital. Denver, Colo. 

Elinor J. Peart Fitzsimmons Hospital. Denver. Colo. 

Ethel N. Perkins 176 Perkins St.. Oakland. Calif. 

Mrs. Inia Perry Keddy 807 L St. NW.. Washington D C 

l"^^ ^- F'T' Salisbun-. Md: 

Norma A. Peters University Hospital, Iowa City, Iowa 

Ruth A. Peters n„„i„j; t 

Uunlap, Iowa 





[ 136 ] 

!• Aon 

Marie C. J^ettTson Litchfield, Minn. 

Ruth Porter 731 East Fiftieth St., Chicago, 111. 

Pearl Pope Grafton, N. Dak. 

Grace E. Pratt New Paltz State Normal School, Now Paltz, N. Y. 

Barbara M. Price 82 Shepard St., Rochester, N. Y. 

Marie Primeau Armour, S. Dak. 

Marguerite Prindiville 375 Foriy-.second St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Dorothy Pulling Emergency Hospital, Milwaukee, Wis. 

Elizabeth Pumphrey San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco, Calif. 

Mrs, Helen Purdy Dehon 2204 Lee St., Columbia, S, C. 

Inez Pyle 1723 Seventeenth St., Apt. 14, Washington. D. C. 

Fannie Quarles U. S. Army Hospital. Fort Bliss, Tex. 

Mrs. Helen Quirk Veeder 640 Eddy St., San Francisco, Calif, 

Mrs, Phylhs Randall Trask 420 Humphrey St., New Haven. Comi. 

Bossie B. Randle. > ^'^^ ^- I-'^^-ds, Ala. 

( Home, 1405 North Twelfth St., Birmingham, Ala 

Helen Rauch 120 South St., Harrisburg, Pa. 

^I've Reid 1817 South Seventh St., Springfield, 111. 

Elsie W. Reilly 309 West First St., Oil City, Pa. 

Mrs. Freda Requarth Bowen 206 North Winter St., Adrian Mich 

Mrs. Freda Rice Boyd 1303 East Sixteenth St., Chicago III 

m'/\f^J''',--i Augusta. Wis. 

Mabel E. Richards 240 Shonnard Ave., Syracuse N Y 

Myrtle Roberts '.Wilton, Wis: 

Edna Ritenour (1923 ) Fitzsimmons (Jeneral Hospital, Denver Colo 

Frances E. Robertson Nurses' Quarters, Fort Bavard N Mex 

Mary Robertson ; Rowland. N. C. 

Anna J. Robmette Athens, W, X'a. 

Jessica Rockwood 232 Edgarton St., Rochester N Y 

Elsie Rogers Lo,,^, granch, N. I. 

V era L. Rudkm 

V alerie Ruel Stanford University Hospital, San Francisco, Calif 

Juhe Russell 47 Grove Hill. New Britain, Conn 

Beatrice Salisbury B^j„^^ j^i;„„ 

Louise Sallandcr San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco, Calif 

Maurmc Sanborn 2716 Irving Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn 

Eva C. Sawyer I9 ^grtb Beacon St., Allston, Mass. 

Mary C. Sheer 615 Tenth Ave. North, Fargo, N Dak 

Katherinc Z. Schell 5921 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 

Ottihc Schlapp 304 East Twentieth St., New York City 

Mabel Schlafke ,^„,,.„_ j^.^'^ 

Mrs. Wmifred Schruers Levy 508 Wales Ave., Bronx. N Y 

Harriet Schwanz 757 Suter St.. Apt. 501, San Francisco, Calif. 

Maury Schwarz HI North Main St., Tonkawa, Okla. 

Georgia Scott U.S. Marine Hospital No. 21, Statcn Island, N Y, 

Jennie Scott 3O5 :^ias^,„ st.. Polo, 111. 

Ethcdeen Sculthorpe Toms River. N. f. 

L. Velma Seanor 227 East Seventy-second St., New York City 

Tress.e Seybold 4417 Alpha Ave,, Cleveland, Ohio 

Blanche Sharer 1519 South California Ave., Chicago, 111. 

Mrs. S. Louise Sharp Habliston 4 Montreal Apts., Baltimore Md 

Lydia Sheall 1809 Patterson Ave., Chicago, 111 

Jennie Shefveland 828 Sixth St. South, Minneapolis, Minn 

Leah Sheppard 4IO Exeter Ave., West Pittston, Pa. 

Mrs. Mary Siggers Calvert Lompoc, Calif 

Mrs, May Simpson Gray 1248 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y 

Nell Sims 1400 West Macon St., Decatur 111 

Florence Sloan lli,^ Yellow Spring. Springfield. Ohio 

Ada E. Smith National Home for IJi.sablcd \'olunteer Soldiers, .Milwaukee, Wis. 


- 1923 - 


[ 137 ] 

^^ pi.Qn. 

Anna E. Smith San Francisco Hospital, San Francisco. Calif. 

Cclia A. Smith Dolly Madison. Apt. 33, Indianapolis, Ind. 

Mrs. Freeda Smith Abel 1680 Broadway, Boulder, Colo. 

Lillian M. Smith Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Marv F. Smith \'assar ColIcRe, Poushkcepsie. N. Y. 

Haniiah B. Smylic Lcttcrman (ieneral Hospital. San Francisco, Calif. 

Elizabeth P. Snodgrass Meadow View. Pa. 

Mrs. Zara Solomon Bixby Chattanooga, Tenn. 

Elizabeth Stallman Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Mrs. Edna Starkcy Rhodes Watcrtord. W is. 

Frances M. Sternberg Fitzsimmons Hospital. Denver, Colo. 

Elizabeth Sterrett Hot Springs, Va. 

Eileen Stewart 19 Fast I-"orty-ninth St.. New ^ ork City 

Mrs. Celestial Strine Cnim «36 Park Ave., Omaha, Nchr. 

Mabel Strom Walter Reed Hospital. Washington. D. C. 

Carolyn Strong St. Ceorge's Manor, Setaukct. N. Y. 

Agnes Stubbs Fitzsimmons Hospital, Denver. Colo. 

Mary A. Stiickenbiirg 7 Roanoke Apartment. Cincinnati. Ohio 

Anir'ctta Sullivan Cadet Hosjiital. West Point, N. Y. 

Mrs. Hazel Suthers Carty ''80 Fortieth St., Brooklyn. N. Y. 

Phoebe Swcnson 1717 North Fairfield Ave.. Chicago. 111. 

Margaret Telfer College Hospital. Ames, Iowa 

Marion Thatcher 7i)S Droven St., Huntington. Ind. 

Mary A. Thatcher 2130 South Chester Road. Swarthmore. Pa. 

Mary J. Thayer Fitzsimmons Hospital, Denver, Colo. 

Lillian G. Thompson Walter Reed Ho.spital. Washington, D. C. 

Muriel Thompson Rox 502. Station A. Champaign, 111. 

Mrs. Flora Thomas Moffit Beltsville, Md. 

Florence Thorpe I- < '■ "■ !'■ Building. Fugene, Oreg. 

Florence M. Tidd 4141 Clarendon Ave.. Chicago. 111. 

Marion Thornburg Lehigh University Park. South Bethlehem. Pa. 

Mary Tobin Walter Reed Hospital. Washington, D. C. 

Mrs. Alice Towne Herniach 2612 Federal Boulevard. Denver. Colo. 

Margaret Tracy i^- Howell Ave.. (Cincinnati. Ohio 

Carrie Tucker 6148 Robin.son Road. Cincinnati, Ohio 

Olive Twitchell l"* n^uii'l'e St., Roxbury, Mass. 

Margaret E. Turner.'. K- F- D. No. 8, Quincy, 111. 

Almina Tyson ■"^' Clairmont Ave., Mansfield. Ohio 

Camilla Van Pelt 5 West Sixty-fifth St., New York City 

Esther Van Scovk Kansas, 111. 

Frances Van \'oast 1401 Union St., Schenectady, N. \ . 

Esther Victory County Hygiene Nurse, Hertford, N. C. 

Grace Villemonte Sea \'iew Hosi)ital. Staten Island. N. Y. 

Marguerite Vizner Walter Reed Hospital. \\ ashmgton. D. C. 

Mrs. Belle W^agner 629 Lexington Ave.. New \-ork City 

Gertrude Wahl -^9 Charles St., New York City 

Mary A. E. Wall 123 Lexington Ave ( Please forward). New ^ ork City 

Althea Wastun Children's Hospital. Iowa City, Iowa 

Mabel Wallace........... 42,s<J Maryland Ave.. St. Louis. Mo. 

Elsie Weaver Hendcr.son Calhoun. Ga. 

Marion E. Weld Eastern Maine General Hospital. Bangor. Me. 

Katherine 1. Wellington San Francisc Ho.spital. San Francisco. Calif. 

Mrs. Marv" Welsh Fain ;"'l'"™"'i; ^i!' 

Mrs Dorothv Wemple Magnider 2S Livingston Court. West New Brighton. K. \. 

Mrs Elizabeth Wemple Pouch 407 Henderson Ave.. W New Brighton. N. \. 

Mrs. Ann Wetmore Hart 728 Racine St.. Milwaukee, W H. 

Marv R. Wheeler ■^I>7 South Maple St., Marshfield. Wis. 

Lillian C. White 1704 Jimeway Terrace W est. Chicago. 111. 



[ 13R 1 

t, A.6.a 

Sarah E. \\"hitc -'^- -Manhattan Ave, New York City 

Editli M. White {WZi) 1.'55 Twenty-fourth St., Des Moines, Iowa. 

Ethel Whitener Siek Quarter,s, Marine Barracks, Qtiantico, Va. 

Myrtle Whitlock Irvinj;, 111. 

Ruth Whitmore 5-^61 Waterman St., St. Loui.s, Mo. 

Veronica Wiemals 135 Twenty-eighth St., I^.s Angeles, Calif. 

Hattie B. Willcoxen 407 North River St., Seguin, Tex. 

Harriet N. Willett Sugargrove. Pa. 

Mrs. Eugenia Williston Earle HatiUo, Porto Rico 

Julia Wilson 3 Ashton St,, Worcester. Mass. 

.Mrs. Leonora B. Wing Perm. Lafayette Road. Hampton. X. H. 

Mrs. Ethel Wiser Northington South Hill, Va. 

Dorothv Woodworth 203 East Eighty-first St., New York City 

Helen Woodworth 213 Orange Avenue, Santa Ana, Calif. 

Alice ^L Wyler Skiff Memorial Hospital, Newton, Iowa 

Mrs Covetta Yoniiiaiis Hundertmark 3166 Lincoln Ave, Chicago, 111. 

Lelia Vjunglove 19 East Forty-ninth St., Ne\v_ York City 

Mrs Mary Y'oran Pete 5508 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111, Zetzsche ?15 F.ast Second St., Dixon, 111. 



[ 139 ] 



^rmp ^cftool of iSursiing 
l^alter Eeeb (General Jlogpital 

CLASS OF 1923 

Ida Bjorjciiuist Irun River, Mich. 

Edna Daulton Melvma, Wis. 

Ruth E. Freshour Kingston. Ohio 

Anna Gudclskv Overlca. Bahimorc, Md. 

Khzahi-th E. Jouliert Enumclaw, Wash, 

Margaret V. MacBrydc 5611 Thirtv-seventh St. N. W., Chevy Chase, D. C. 

Gertrude A. Marshe! Proffitt, Va. 

Katlierin McCurdy 24.i.t South \\ cbstcr St., Fort W ayne, Ind. 

Tuanita McElrov,' 219 Apslcy St., Germantown, Pa. 

Margaret H. Meredith Hopewell, Va. 

Marguerite Miller I3UI Grand Avenue, Connersvillc, Ind. 

Villa R. Mohler South 518 Howard St., Spokane. Wash. 

Martlia M. Patton R20 Centennial .'\ve., Sewickley. Pa, 

Edna S. Ritenour Fairfax, Va, 

Bculali \\ei(hnan Stratton, Nebr. 

CLASS OF 1924 

Imogene H. Abl>ey 410 Bryant St. NW., Wasliington, D. C. 

less Adams .' Purceliville, Va. 

Nettie E. Alley Phelps, Ky. 

Agnes S. Bidwell Madi.son Ave., Jersey City, N, J, 

Helen P, Bildcrbacli 835 Fifth St„ Fort Madison, Iowa 

Mrs, Pollv Burkhardt Paragould, Ark. 

Norma A. Cady 5 Dartmouth St., Taunton, Mass. 

Arlvn H. Carlson Stephenson, Mich. 

E. ione de France 539 John St,, Kalamazoo. Mich, 

Helen K, Dorian 1071 Lakewoud Ave Detroit, Mich. 

Violet D. E^ddy 1 1 Church St., Cortland, N. Y. 

Hattie Feather'. Cherokee, N. C. 

LaVerne H. Fitzgerald ''01 Fourth Avenue North, Great Falls. Mont, 

Dorothv Fulton Tarpon Springs, Fla. 

Annie M. Gregg Marion, S. C 

Loraine B. Hanse 1742 St, Paul St., Rochester, N. \. 

Martha A. Hauch .\-^"^J:''^'": w"' 

Marv E. Hicks I^!,"rt,^">=''v \^- 

Carolvn M. Jones ^\ o'cott. N, \ 

Marion T. Kirkman 210 West McClurc St,, Peona, 111. 

Amiamaria Koch ^-5 Sussex Ave.. Bloomsbury, N. J, 

Edna L. Lindquist 1530 Fitch Ave., Marquette, Mich. 

Emma S. Linn W akcfield, Mich. 

Beatrice McBride 115 Poplar St., W ashington, Ind. 

Helen I Miller 514 Newton Avenue NW ., Canton, Ohio 

Marv E Moore 1-30 Thirtv-fif th St., Newport News, Va. 

Ethel F. O'Connor'. 22 Union St., Manchester, N H. 

Anna F. O'Donnell 168 Pearl St., Ho yoke, Mas.s. 

Eleanor L. Palmer Silver Sprmg, Md. 

Grace Virginia Perry Ck^r Spring, Md. 

Frances A. Quinn Waterford. Wis. 


r 140 ■ 

I- Pi.€>n. 

Lucille K. Rhoades New Vienna. Ohio 

Lillian W Rohange Newport R L 

Margaret E. Sundby : •;<■,••.•■■ c '^ \ ' .p"'*^""'^'' ^^y"' 

Lillian A. Tournaud 11.-- Oak St., South Manchester. Conn 

lulu K Wolf -"" South 1-ront St.. Milton. Pa. 

lUizel Cur.nne 'Vouuy ,■.■.■,■.■.■.'.■.■.■.■.■.■.■ .■.'.■ -^025 Odrasset St., Boston. Mass. 

CLASS OF 1925 

Emma Adkins : • ■ • •,■ ■•■;■■ ■ • -y'f""^' ^a. 

Sadie R. Adkuis ll« St SahshuryMd. 

Prudence Ander.son C.larkhcld. Mum 

Mar a Berens Rumelange. Luxembourg 

I aura Black . '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. D^witt. Mich. 

Susan Books ^an Antonio. 1 ex. 

Helen T. Carey "Ji F'irst St. N\V., W ashington. D, C. 

Uorothv M. Conde 1"- University Place. Schenectady, N. \. 

Bessie 'Da\- 1 106 South Eighth St.. Laramie, \\'y.i. 

Dorothv M. Frost Poughkeepsic. N. Y. 

Katliarine Cockrell Hall Naval Observatory. W ashmgtou. D C. 

Mrs. Marie Kite Purcellville, Va. 

Mary Ellen Howe Uanville, I'a. 

Anni Cornelia Howell ^ '™"=i' |f''- 

Margaret lordan Rappahannock Academy. V a. 

Mallei Kennedy '-^'^ ■'<-'" '^^'<-'- •'^^ult Stc. Mane, Ontario 

i.iechen Kuehn 210 North Seminole Circle. Fort Wayne, Ind. 

Phyllis Lauriat Sullivan's Island, S. C. 

Marion L. Li-e 76 Grove St.. South Barrington, Mass. 

ICIise LeMens 642 Ward Place. Portsmouth, V'a. 

!{uth M. McGlothiin kavenswood. W. \'a. 

Eileanor Warren Merrill ll)«3 Washington St.. North Ahmgton, Mass. 

Mary F Mitchell -"^H Jefferson St. KV\., Washington, D. L. 

Leib Mor,'an ■ .Vienna Ga. 

Martlia Nowinski 275 Bridge St., Appleton, \Vis. 

Portia Pearce 2032 Glynn Court. Detroit, Mich. 

Gertrude P Pendleton 1710 Rhode Lsland Aw., Washington, D. C. 

Esther Ransom Annandale, Minn. 

I'lla R. Reed Lisbon, Ohio 

leannette Everett Robinson 004!:. South W ebster ."st., Decatur, III. 

Marv A. Steelier Montverde Fla. 

Esther A. Stephens 21.? Planners A]it., Leaven.vorth, Kans. 

1'rlsc 11a (T Vmctrtit • ■ ■ K'o. W'^- 

Helen M Walk 2.S7 St.. Columbia, Pa. 

Gertrude Wilson I.yndhurst, Va. 

M -rm.l Wonser I rantnn. W i.. 


Ruth S. lUjyd ?Li \\est First St.. L)ayton. Ohio 

Anna V. Corder 609 G St. SW.. Washington, D. C. 

Marion L. Harms Scio, N. Y. 

Helen \'. hilinson -- Huntington Ave.. Worcester. Mass. 

1 renc A. Lan.gevin Hope St.. Springdale. Conn. 

Catherine N. Peiiper hVanklin, Tenn. 

Kditli Robin 360.3 Tenth St. N'W.. Wa^hmgton. D. C. 

Helen Roliange Newiiort, K. 1. 

Lois H. Sears NeillsviUe, W is. 

Lillian A. Stetcher Montverde. Ma. 

Kaehel G. Wilson Lyndluirst, Va. 



^ A6n 

^rmp Retool of Jtursiins 

iletterman (General ^osipital 

^an Jfrandsico, California 

CLASS OF 1924 

C;ipiti)Ia AiKkTsdii 4421 Fiftet-ntli St. X. \\'., WashinK'ton, D. (_'. 

Aiiniu r.iink.s 2-'> l-inares Ave, San Antonio. Tex. 

\iviiMinr CuhcT- I'ri-.-iidio of Monterey, Calil". 

Olivia Hun,Mn^;er 1441 Seventieth Ave.. Oakland, Calif. 

•Ihankful M. I'iekeriiiK • PreM-ott, Wa.^h. 

Katherine Randall Wolf Point, Mont. 

l-'.dna Sunnuer \'all)arai^<l, Ind 

I aVinia \'arnnni 21,S5 l,inie, i.oni; lieach, Calif. 

Xiar.eiierila Zaidivar San Salvador. Kl Salvador, C. .A. 

l>:illa Whileford .SO? Bush St., San Franci.'^co, Calif. 

CLASS OF 1925 

Thehna ISranl 1 l.>fi Del Monte Ave.. Monterey. I'alif. 

W'ihna Howell .>.i.i Kins; Albert P.oidevard, Santa Harliara. Calif. 

draee Knowlton Lake Mills. Wis. 

l-.dna Livingston South Taeonia, Wash. 

Dorothy Livingstou South Tacoma, Wash. 

lieatrice Crosbyton, Texas 

Loretta .Meliride iiisH/ Washin.uton ISonlevard, St. Louis, Mo. 

Alline Tlionipson l^la. Ca. 

CLASS OF 1926 

.'Kgnes Davi., b()2 West Sixth St.. To|)eka. Kans. 

\iolct Mareo l!ox 9,^8. Tonoi>ali. Nev. 

Helen Tod MoiuU ''(i.s ( learv St.. San Francisco, Calif. 

Frieda Stromber}.; 1714 .Manieda Ave., .Mameihi. Calif. 

Frances I'ieider Camp Lewi s. Wash. 


I 142 I 




- 1923 - 

[ 143 1 

'^ asn. 



I 144 1 




Yfith the approval of '^ the .5epr«- 
tary of War the within named civ^ 
ilian employee pf the Medioal De- 
partment is discharged frois the 
service effective October !-> 192^. 

Mo travel involved. ' T: , » 

Leave grantal%8'^discharg« ' 
30 Days - exclusive of Sundays 
and legal holidays- Aug. 27 to 
Oct". 1, 1924, 

Increase of salary from flSO 
to $300 due to retfiassification 
of civilian employees effective 
July 1, 1924. 

Miss lo&e da Fzanoe, Student 

Nurse, Medical Department, U.S.Arn5r 

joined this hospital Oct. 5, 1921 

ft>om her home Kalamazoo, Michigan 

Oot^Hinr 18 iqr:4.for. assignment to duty, per Isttar 
October IB, -ly^*. ^^^ ^^^ g^^ 29...152X. 

:; Walter I»*. u GW=r^-.-'Eospitsfl- 

I.>«fii. PaJf^ ^^'IesJusIp „_,.,. jjajj,.gl_^_ 
IT; Jerome Clarke Ha J. .|p. 

}^ zz 

■ ^ .i;Takornn,yfirl2j D. A " ? 

S ^ *« - -?< 

.. W -^ ■ ■ ^ ■ ■ ■:■ "y 

Last Pairt'tolnclw^ff; Oot .5_-:^ 1/2 1.,10 
gY. Jerome' Glark, Capt. 3) 

'. ' r .. '- '■' "'■ - t 

rVacQinated against itoall; pox i 

Oct^6, 23; aai 'oO, 1921. guccessful 

Ijrphbid .vaccine aoministered 
dct.6. Id,, and 23, 1921.. -^ "l ^ 

: , . *WaU^ Beed-Gsn. 'Hospifcal . 

Prom sick in hospital "to present 
for duty Feb. 16, 1922. Diagnosis: 
Tonsillitis, acute, ulearative, 
right. LOD. . .. ' 

Last Paid to include. „?fA*_??/-^? 19 

^^J Jferom* Claafc^ Ma^. FD 

Prom present for duty to sick in 
hospital Marcli 16, 1922. 

Pinal pay voucher to and In- ■ , r ,- " ;__ ■ / , 

oludins; October 1, 1924 certified, Laetf aid. to-molucle:_.:«*0»f, 49^54.. 

i gijf, Jarame Clark, Cfi^t. Fl) r 

By order of The Surgeon General; ^ ' . 'f _ 

Increase in compensation granted 
J9 : effective Feb. 6, 19 22,. per letter 

i W 3G0 datad^ March 20, 1922, 

■ t . ■ 

■p From sick in ho spits}, to present 
- -i >for duty March 22, 1922: Diagnosirs 

Mtomciude" r ^o- 31/21 j^c^^ Tonsillitis, chronic, follicular, 
.w,««.^i;*""«or ,.n -4 unilateral, right.'.Tonsillecton^r. 

C. C. Whitoomb, 
Lieut.Colonel, Medical Corps* 

. J-arome Cla tfc , KaJ . FD 

'^r-^TTi present fbr duty tofslefc in 
-h-so-ital Feb. 6/2 2. 

unilateral right. LOD. 




>iepen:&ad a^ a rof^aitirrly fwrol 1 ed ^ ^'^^ ^ai^ t» iDCludeMari2b.;5l/SL2 

mambaT*''!-!f tHfi" .',1-rmr '^.n'hortT nrf TJung-.' 3Y; JerpniQ Clark, Ma,j . ifS^ 

CLA^Cti^-u^^'Mu^ f^^ 

menber^of th-e .i;rrr5' School, of .JTur g- 
ir^; , -. -n9r letp^rr-yT'- -J^O.. dated " Peb. 

«i' ft. 


x&ive Officer. 


''**7'-Lft8t Paid toinolwJe ^I*.*_??/-^-? — 
\by- Jerome Clark, Maj. PD 


da France, lone 



TakOma Pahk, O. c. 

L^t Paid to includa'^.^L?-L???-„.18 
BY; Jerome Clark, Ma.1 . FD 

Last, Paid to includa 18 

gy. Jercme Claik, MaJ. F^ 

?rom present for duty to leave 
of absence with pay for 16 days, 
and without pay for 14 days, from 
July 1"? to Aug. 15, 1922 incl., per 
pair. 4, 30 171 these Hq. dated 
July 14, 1922. 

Prom leave of absence as grante 
above, to present for duty, 

^ProE present for duty to Indef- 
inite leave of absence without 
pay, Aug.16, 1822, granted for 
the purpose of attending a course f 
of instruction at the ^aladelphia | 
General %spital, Phila.*, I^., i 

per letter WDSGO dated Aue. 11 ^ 

1922. ' i 

ifaMto.lnclude.iLuly_3_l J^2 

'jKl^eo. *i, ^''ewell, i4aj, FD 

lUat Paid to include ..Aug. __15_^ ^^^^^g 
■^J Geo. ^. Hewell, Maj, FD 

^- .- . R.T.MOREIS 

iit^i^lnr. Executive 'Officer 

■-«**' U:*--':'^ 


-J- UsllMi^.M\m}-^ 

•1 im^mmmimwm:-- 

''.VHlter Seed G-ener' 1 ^"-osp . 
^■'ashirif'ton, D. C. 

Fi-om indefinite le've of "bsersce 
PS grnnted per Previous indorse- 
ment, to Dresent for d'Jttv April • 

'"'''''' • APRS 0^923 

LA8t Pairt t,o include 

BY; Geo, K. Newell, F.O. 

Granted leave of absence with 
pay for two (2) dPys, from June 
-2 to S, 1923 incl., per par. 5, 
'.SO 131 these Hq, aated Meiy 31 
1923. ... ' ' 


Anny Medical Center 
iSfelter Reed General Hospital 
Wakhlnpton, D. C. 

La«t fwJd to fciiudi 




®^" Seo.M.Uewell, P.O. 

t*it Pfcid to kHaaete July .31/25... H 
BT: Geo. M, Hewell, F.O. 

BT| Geo. M. Newel}, F.O. 

ft. id by voucher tu oover period 
Sept.l-23/2S by Geo. M. Newell, F.O 

Gr«>nted indefinite leave of absent 
•sfithout pay, Sept .24, 1923, for the; 
purpose of attending the ooiirse of 
instruction in the Henry Street 
Settlement, "eiw Yoric City, per ,, 
letter, WDSGO dated Sept. 17/23. 


Lifition ae noted per previous 
indorsement, completed Feb ,3, 1924. 

Granted indefinite lepve without 
pay, Feb .4, 1924, for the p-irpose 
of attending- the course of ' in- 
struotion St trie St. Elizabeths 
Hospital, Wesh. D. C, per letter 
TifDSGO dated Jan. 17, 1924. 

From indefinite leave as granted 
above, to present for duty April 1, 
1924. .. -,.* 

'. y*t Paid to iacluife ....APR. .^..O.l^a''^ 
i;Yi G-eo. M. woY/ell, F.O. 

^ MAY "^ 1 1QH 
Last Paid to include. ■""/^' '^ ^ ' 

'BYs 1st Lt. S.F.Sea, PD ' 

l-r-i f^iirttcioclude JJJ.N .3,0J924 

BY; J-^'t J-"^' :J.F.xcea, ?J 

JUL 31 1924/ 

Lrftet Paid to include 

. i 

InorsaPe dUs" to r8ciasp{i?ication I 

Act of '"r^rch 4, 1923, $300 pgr i 

armun, sfractiYo July 1, 1324, \ 

Last paid as noted obcjve. 5 

Loaves of absence g;-anted at this | 

post: I 

16 aaj'B -iTithpay, Jvdy 17^ug.l/22 | 

14 days -:rithout paj, Aug;.2-ir>/22 | 

2 da^/B isrith pay, June 2-5/23 | 

deFrance, lone. 

acf-s- ,.^w». : --:g^rm>! 

kr-iy Heiiical Center 
Walter rReed Qensr'al Eo^ital 

Lel't this liospital ^ytist 26, 
•-19 24 J to proc©e€' to h®T hoas' for 
tlpol-arge frorf: tine iV?-3r STihool of 
Irarsisig, per 2M Tnd., letter, 
W&Ks dated Juljr 30, 1924*'-" 

Course of instruction ccs^jlstBi 
^iu-ust 26, 19::4:. - •_ . y- 

■• C .• £1-. yfelson 

licecutivs Cfficsr. 


,A® Pj:9,aC-Q.j|.,-^« lono. 


^--■^^ WAR DEPARUreriT 

Office of the Surgeon General 
' '■ ~ Washington 

October 6^ 1921. 

AUTH. NO. J»«=. ' ■ "■■ "' • 



is hereby appointed Student Murse in the Medical Departnent of *he Army, 
at ,U5 a mon^h except as hereinbelow otker-p' provided, and will enter 
upon her duties after having taken the oath of of f: oe prescribed by 
section 1757 of the Revised Statutes of the United States. 
.:..'f -i - ■ 

She V7ill be furnished lodgings at the hospital where serving and 
tKe coinmanding officer i^ill receive one ration a day in her behalf and 
provide her with proper meals. 

Her apparel soiled while on public duty will be laundered as a part 
of the hospital laundry. %?% ' 

She will receive transportation, and .?4 a day in lieu of actual 
traveling expenses when traveling under orders between sta tions of duty . 

She will be provided w5 th suitable Icdgings and subsistence at the 
cost of the ISiited States whila detained under orders at a port of em- 
barkation awaiting transportation, 

M.W.Ireland,„ „ „ 
Surgeon General, U.S. Army, 

Edwin P. Tvolfe,' .?>--" 
INSIRUCTIOMS Colonel, Medical Corps, U.S. A. 

All pay allowed under paragraph one of this appointment will be charged 
to the appropriation "Medical and Hospital fiepf.rtnent, " vouchered on Form 334 
or 335 and noted on the back of this appointment. 

Vouchers for per diem in lieu of traveling expenses are paid bv the 
Quartermaster Corps. 

This appointment is for a probationary period of not to exceed six 
months. Retention in the service after the prc-bationary period will be equiva- 
lent to final appointment, and no additional oath will be required. 

Oath of office executed: 

October 5, 1921.